16.11.1947 Mary as 'Rosa Mystica' appeared to the nurse Pierina Gilli in the street and later in the church of the Convents of the Sisters of Mercy at Montichiari, Italy.
26.12.1947 Mary appeared to the girls Therese Le Cam, Annik and Monique Goasguen from Pleskop, near Vannes, France, as the Immaculate Conception.
19.5.1948 Mary appeared first to four children, then to many inhabitants in a cave at Marta, near Viterbo, Italy.
12.9.1948 Mary often appeared to the novice Teresita at Iipa, Philippines. She wore a white dress, crown of roses, with hands first folded, then outspread.
11.11.1948 Men of Aspang, Austria, saw a cloud stop above the Konigsberg, become lighter and split open. From it floated Mary in a blue mantle, with a gold crown, and holding the rosary.
7.12.1948 Louis Merrier, father of a family and a Communist, and eleven other men, saw a silent Madonna at Liart in the Ardennes, France.
18.12.1948 A brief vision of Mary was had by Mme Lucie Man-teau, 23, of St. Jean-aux-Bois, France.
1.5.1949 During the Civil War, Christians at Zo-se, Shanghai, saw Our Lady of Sorrows above the church while Mass was being celebrated.
12.5.1949 Senta Ross saw Mary in a long white dress, gold crown and whitish-yellow rosary, at Fehrbach, near Pirma-sens, Germany.
July 1949 A statue of Mary in the cathedral at Lublin, Poland, wept bloody tears for two whole days.
9.10.1949 First four, then seven, little girls and later up to 300 adults in Heroldsbach-Thurn, Bavaria, had many visions of Mary, mostly as queen with ample blue mantle and gold crown.
14.3.1950 Pina Mallia, 12, saw Mary in a white robe with sparkling diadem at Casalicchio, Italy.
7.5.1950 At Casalicchio and Acquaviva, Italy, thousands claimed to have seen a cloud parting and in it a bright star and a shining sun, which revolved and radiated every conceivable colour.
11.9.1950 Mary appeared to the schoolgirl Mary Ellen, 15, on a cloud at Denver, U.S.A. Wrapped in a veil, she wept and crossed her arms over her breast. 30.10.1950 According to an express communication from Cardinal Tedeschini, Pope Pius XII several times saw a rotating sun, like the solar miracle of Fatima, in the Vatican Gardens.
Autumn, 1951 The 'Virgin of the Poor' appeared to Luigia Nova, 39, at Arluno, near Milan, Italy.
19.8.1951 Mary and the infant Jesus appeared to three workers in a chalk works at Dugny, France.
She wore a white robe and a blue mantle.
1.7.1952 At Rodalben, Germany, in the presence of some 60 people, Anneliese Wafzig, 26, received a drawing in blood of heart, chalice and host on a white linen cloth during a vision.
10.7.1952 Rosette Colmet, 7, saw Mary at Gerpinnes, Belgium. She wore a white dress decorated with red and blue hearts.
Early 1953 O. Lavoisier, 10, and later 50 adults, saw Mary in a cave at Hydrequent, near Calais, France. Blue robe, white veil.
August 1953 Galileo Sacrestani, a 49-year-old cook, had several visions of the Madonna on Monte Senario, near Bivigliano, Italy.
19.7.1954 Two evangelical housemaids frequently saw Mary a halo of flashing rays at Pingsdorf, Germany.
Autumn 1954 At Eisenberg, Germany, Anna Lex, 6, saw Mary floating in a gleaming sphere.
1.7.1958 The forester Matousch Laschut, 42, affirms that from 1st July to August 1958, he saw Jesus seven times at Tur-zovka, Czechoslovakia. Our Saviour was always in an equilateral triangle full of roses. Turzovka became a place of pilgrimage.
18.6.1961 At Carabandal, Spain, four little girls had visions of the Archangel Michael and the Virgin over a period of weeks. Solar miracle.
29.9.1961 Mrs. Rosa Quattrini of San Damiano, Italy, had visions of the 'Queen of the Universe' and various figures in the Holy Family.
2.4.1968 In the Cairo suburb of Zeitun, on several consecutive evenings, an apparition consisting of a very bright light appeared above the domes of the Coptic Church. Believers identified it as the Blessed Virgin.
12.4.1974 An 'otherworldly' face appeared on a chalice cloth to all the congregation in the church of Castalnaud-en-Guers, France.
Chapter One Visions, Do they exist?
[1] FRANZ Tengg, Ich ben die geheimnisvolle Rose, Vienna, 1973.
[2] Marienerscheinungen in Montichiari und Fontanelle (Immaculata). Lucerne, 1967.
[3] E. SPEELMANN, Belgium Marianum, Paris, 1859.
[4] MARIA HAESELE, Eucharistische Wunder aus aller Welt, Zurich, 1968.
[5] J. ACKERMANN, Der fromme Wallfarhter noch drei Aehren, Colmar, 1856.
[6] KONRAD ALGERMASSEN (and others), Lexikon der Marienkunde, Regensburg, 1957.
[7] Die heilige Schrift des alien und des neuen Testaments, Zwingli Bible, Zurich, 1961.
[8] EMIL KAUTZSCH, Die Apokrypehn und Pseudepigraphen des alten Testaments (2 vols.), Hildesheim, 1962.
[9] GUSTAV MENSCHING, Die Sohne Gottes aus den heiligen Schriften der Menschheit, Wiesbaden, undated.
[10] H. J. CAMPBELL, The Pleasure Zones, London, 1973.
[11] SANCHEZ-VENTURA Y PASCUAL, Carabandal, Paris, undated.
[12] Ibid.
[13] Ibid., Die Ereignisse in Carabandal, Zurich, undated.
[14] H. U. VON BALTHASAR, Wahrheit, Einsiedeln, 1947.
[15] CHRISTEL ALTGOTT, Heroldsbach, eine mutterliche Mah-nung Marias, Rheydt-Odenkirchen,
[16] PAUL SCHNEIDER, Heroldsbach - ein geistiges Bollwerk gegen den Bolschewismus, Frensdorf, 1954.
[17] CHRISTEL ALTGOTT, Heroldsbach, eine mutterliche Mah-nung Marias, Rheydt-Odenkirchen,
[18] CATHERINE OF SIENA, Politische Briefe, Einsiedeln, 1944.
[19] JUSTINUS KERNER, The Seeress of Prevorst, London, 1845.
[20] HOFFMANN/GRATTAN, Geschichte der Menschheit, Hamburg, 1961.
[21] Das Buck Mormon, Kirche Jesu Christi der Heiligen der letzten Tage, 1966.
[22] Der Stern, No. 22, Hamburg, 1968.
[23] JEAN GABRIEL, Presence de la tres Sainte Vierge a San Damiano, Paris, 1968.
Marienbotschaften aus San Damiano (Immaculata), Lu-cerne, 1967. JEAN GABRIEL, San Damiano, Ruf an die Welt, Bulle (Fribourg), undated.
[24] WALTER NIGG, Die Heiligen kommen weder, Freiburg, 1971.
Chapter Two - Who Really Speaks Through The Bible?
[I] JOACHIM KAHL, The Misery of Christianity, Harmondsworth, 1971.
[2] JOHANNES LEHMANN, The Jesus Report, Souvenir Press, London, 1972.
[3] FRIEDERICH DELITZSCH, Die grosse Tauschung, Stuttgart/Berlin, 1921.
[4] ROBERT KEHL, Die Religion des modernen Menschen, No. 6a, Stiftung fur universelle Religion, Zurich,