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H.Morphy. Yingapungapu — ground sculpture as bark painting. — Form in Indigenous Art. Ed. by P.J.Ucko. Canberra, 1977, pp.205–209.
H.Morphy. Ancestral Connections, p.194.
L.A.Allen. Time Before Morning, p.71.
Dreamings, p.77, fig. 121.
I.M.Crawford. The Art of the Wandjina. L., 1968; I.M.Crawford. The relationship of Bradshaw and Wandjina art in north-west Kimberley. — Form in Indigenous Art. Ed. by P.J.Ucko. Canberra, 1977, pp.357–369; E.Godden, J.Malnic. Rock Paintings of Aboriginal Australia, Pl. 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 15; A. und K.Lommel. Die Kunst des alten Australien. Munchen, 1989, S. 50–57.
L.Adam. Primitive Art. Harmondsworth, 1949, p.176.
R.Otto. The Idea of the Holy.
D.Lewis and D.Rose. The Shape of the Dreaming. Canberra, 1988, Pl. 4.
W.Caruana. Aboriginal Art, p.160, fig. 136, 137; A.Lommel. L'arte dei primitivi dell' Australia e dei Mari del Sud, p.151, fig. 30.11.
E.Godden, J.Malnic. Rock Paintings of Aboriginal Australia, Pl. 28.
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История русского искусства, т. III, с.151.
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