by, 44–5, 117; slaying of Balder by, 35–7, 184–5, 188; stealing of apples and, 39, 165
Lytir, 94–5
Maelseachlainn, 75
Magni, 30, 41
Magnus Nilsson, 81
Man, Isle of, 12, 174, 208
Manannan, 174
Mannus, 199
Marriage: divination about, 119; hammer used in, 80; ideal of, 10; of deities, 93, 97, 107, 114; Vanir and, 102, 123
Mars, 21, 54, 55, 56, 57, 196
Mars Thingsus, 57–8, 62
Martin, St, 96
Mead, 28, 40, 157
Mercury, 55, 56, 140–1
Merseburg Charms, 63, 141, 183
Midgard, 27, 32
Mimingus, 168, 184
Mimir, 26, 45, 166–8, 194; head of, 38, 146
Mist-calf, 41, 79
Mistletoe, 35, 184, 187
Mjollnir, 29, 32, 80, 82.
Modgud, 36
Mongols, 145
Monsters: binding of, 31; Loki’s offspring, 31–2, 178, 188; loosing of, 37, 38, 202, 203, 205–6, 209–10; on cross, 221
Moon, 28, 37
Morrigu, 65
Mother Goddess, 21, 110–14.
Mothers, 112–13, 120, 121, 123, 125, 137, 166
Mucius Scaevola, 60
Muspell, 27, 37, 206
Naglfar, 37
Naharvali, 169
Naming, 88, 101, 104, 111, 155
Necklace, 95, 113, 115, 116, 176, 179
Negau, helmet from, 57
Nehalennia, 137, 166
Nerthus, 94–6, 100, 102–3, 106, 110–11, 113
Niflheim, 32
Njord, 29, 30, 132–7, 124, 170; marriage with Skadi, 30, 40, 106–7 oaths to, 77; place-names after, 106; sent as hostage, 45, 124
Norna-Gest, 120
Norns, 26, 61, 112, 195
Nors, 133
Norway: Icelandic settlers from, 77, 84, 158; kings of, 15, 109; lucky trees in, 88; place-names, 87, 106, 115; ship-burial in, 133; worship of Freyr, 97, 100; of Thor, 89
Nuts, 165
Nydam, 55
Oak tree, 79, 86, 87, 191
Oaths, 76–7, 102
Oberflacht, 161
Od, 30, 115, 154
Odin, 25, 27, 28, 48–52, 57, 140–57, 219; adventures of, 39, 40, 41, 43; ancestor of Swedish kings, 56; Balder and, 35–6, 109, 162, 185, 186, 188; berserks of 66–72; brothers of, 201; cremation and, 158; death of, 38, 205; folklore of, 19; Freyja and, 115; Hoenir and, 168; horse of, 41; Loki and, 181; lost eye of, 26; shape-changing of, 117; spear of, 42, 102; spells of, 63; in Uppsala, 191; in Valhalla, 61, 75, 164; wife of, 30, 111, 112; wisdom of, 31, 32, 45, 166, 167, 213, 216
Olaf the Holy, 12, 155, 157
Olaf Tryggvason, 12; destroying Freyr, 97, 102, 122; destroying Thor, 73, 74, 76, 85; Gunnar Helming and, 93
Old Prussians, 79, 87
Olrik, Axel, 179, 203, 207
Olsen, Magnus, 92
Orkneys, 12, 13
Orosius, 54–5
Oseberg ship, 95, 134, 135
Osiris, 21, 108, 109
Ottar the Simple, 98, 99
Otter, 43
Otto, Bishop, 87
Parcae, 112, 120, 125
Paul the Deacon, 58, 111
Perkuno, 87
Pipping, 173–4
Place-names, 18, 87, 101, 115, 116, 132, 148
Plutarch, 99
Poetry, gift of, 40–1, 157
Procopius, 51, 54, 67
Ragnar Lothbrok, 149, 150
Ragnarok, 37–8, 202–10, 213–14; Loki at, 181–2, 188; sea at, 138; serpent at, 138–9; wolf at, 59
Ragnvald Rettilbeini, 121
Ran, 129
Raud, 85
Ravens, 29, 65, 146–7
Ravenswood, Battle of, 51
Rebirth, 110, 155, 157–8, 162