Redwald, King, 219
Regin, 43–4
Rerir, King, 112
Rind, 185, 186
Ring of Thor, 76–7, 78
Ring, Sigurd, of Sweden, 49–50, 136, 150
Rivers, 36, 119, 193, 200
Rock-carvings, 60, 80
Romove, 87
Roskva, 32
Ruad, 130
Runes, 13, 14, 18, 57, 106; Odin and, 141, 144
Runic poem, 104
Saxnot, 60
Saxo Grammaticus, 46, 69; mentions: Balder, 183–9; fighting gods, 170; Freyr, 96, 122; Fridleif, 112; Frodi, 103, 135; Geirrod, 153, 182; Hadding, 143, 152; Hagbard, 151; Harald Wartooth, 49; Thor’s hammer, 81–2, 86
Saxons, 11, 60, 129, 196, 206
Scani, 105
Sceaf, 105, 107
Scyld, 104, 107, 110, 113, 135–6
Scyldings, 105
Sea, Anglo-Saxon words for, 114, 129
Seaxneat, 60
Seeresses, 61, 117–21, 146, 185, 219
Semnones, 59
Serpent, 27, 184, 207; poison dropping from, 37, 179, 184, 207; and the eagle, 193–4.
Shamanism, 141–2, 144–5, 191–2, 195; in sagas, 118–19; in Siberia, 19; Lappish, 82; Odin as shaman, 147, 148–9
Shape-changing, 67–8, 140, 145, 178; bird shape, 117, 119, 141
Ship: as symbol, 132–7; burning of, 52, 80, 136, 187; in grave, 17, 95, 133–7, 148; of Balder, 36; of Freyr, 29, 42, 100, 132; of Ull, 105–6
Sif, 30, 41, 42, 84
Sigmund the Volsung, 49, 143
Sigrid the Proud, 151
Sigrun, 157
Sigurd the Volsung, 43–4, 49, 150, 162, 218
Sigvat the poet, 156
Sigyn, 30, 207
Skadi, 30, 39, 106–7, 153
Skaldic poetry, 23, 46; Bragi in, 164; Eysteinn Valdason, 89; Gamil
Skarpaler, stone from, 205, 208
Skeggi, 76
Skialf, 116
Skiold, 45
Skirnir, 30, 92, 165
Skrymir, 33, 34
Sky God, 20–1, 87, 89, 90, 91, 93, 106, 196, 221
Slavs, 86
Sleipnir, 26, 41, 49, 141, 142, 145; birth of, 31, 178; ridden by Hermod, 36, 193
Snorri Sturluson, 24, 39, 45, 46, 203, 216–17, and
Spear of Odin, 42, 49, 51–3, 67
Spring: of Mimir, 26, 38, 166; of Urd, 26; sacred, 87, 171, 184, 191
Squirrel, 27, 194
Staff of Thor, 42
Stapenhill, cemetery at, 160
Starkad, 52, 69
Stars, 37, 38, 40, 41
Stenqvista, 82
Strabo, 54, 204
Styrbiorn the Strong, 53
Sun, 28, 37, 38, 183, 203
Sun-wheel, 83, 132
Surt, 37, 38, 202, 206, 208
Suttee, 150–2, 157
Sutton Hoo, 17, 133, 136, 159
Suttung, 40
Svein of Denmark, 69, 151
Sviagriss, 99
Swastika, 83, 158
Sweden: boar helmets in, 99; cremation in, 158; elves in, 156; folklore in, 18; Gefion and, 45, 113; lucky tree in, 88; place-names in, 87, 115, 116; ship-burial in, 133; suttee in, 151; Thor’s hammers in, 81; worship of Freyr in, 92–4, 96, 100, 107, 154; worship of Odin in, 25, 56, 70, 148, 154
Swedes, 12, 51; early kings of, 97, 109, 126, 169; gods fighting for, 170
Sword: boars on, 98; forbidden in temple, 101; given by Odin, 49; heirloom, 102; Mimming, 168, 184; Mistletoe, 187; sacrificed, 56, 71; Saxnot and, 60; taken from mound, 157; with swastika, 83
Tacitus, 15; mentions: Aestii, 99; Alcis, 169–70; battle god, 55, 56, 58; Chatti, 55, 56, 66; Harri, 67; Hercules, 82; Hermundari, 55, 56, 200; Mannus, 199; Nerthus, 94–5, 96, 102, 110–11, 113; Semnones, 59; Suebi, 100; Tuisto, 199; Veleda, 121
Temple, 75–9, 80, 84, 88
Thangbrand, 85