his horns, fondling and teasing him to such a degree that he nearly spilled his seed right then.
His climax swarmed him, intent on sucking him into the never-ending abyss of pleasure. But he wasn’t ready. Not yet. He wanted Isla screaming with him, her body pulsing from her own orgasm.
He grabbed her wrists and jerked her hands away from his horns and the paralyzing pleasure her caress gave him. At the same time he turned them both and pinned her on the bed, her arms held over her head in his firm grip.
Careful not to cut her with his claws, he hovered over her. “How did you know touching my horns would do this to me?”
“I didn’t. I’ve never seen horns such as yours, and I wanted to feel them.”
She ground her hips against him then. Hayden’s eyes closed and he moaned, thrusting against her as his desire only tamped down a moment ago, rushed to the surface. He wanted her right then, to lift her chemise and enter her with one push, deep and hard.
The need was so strong that Hayden shook with it. He had hurt her last time, he wouldn’t do it again.
“You must stop,” he ground out when she rubbed against him again. “I want you too desperately.”
Isla lifted her head and placed her lips on his. Hayden jerked back, not wanting to harm her with his fangs.
“Cease, Hayden,” she murmured. “You cannot hurt me.”
But he knew he could. With just a thought he pushed his god back, waiting until the red faded from his skin before he spoke. “You doona know how you goad me,” he said just before he kissed her.
Her chemise was thin and showed him the outline of her dark nipples, but it wasn’t enough. He grabbed the neck of the delicate material and yanked it in half with barely a thought. Once she was bared to him, he feasted on her breasts.
They were small, but firm and delectable. Her nipples responded quickly to his mouth and tongue, becoming rigid nubs that drove her to trembling the more he licked and suckled them.
Her moans filled the tower and made him burn hotter, harder, made him hunger even more. Her skin tasted like snow, pure and delicious. How had he ever thought to stay away from her, to deny himself such a bounty?
Isla held onto Hayden’s shoulders, her nails digging into his skin. He knew just where to touch, just how to touch to please her. She longed to caress his horns again, to see his nostrils flare and his body shiver.
It was heady, his reaction to her. She wanted more of it, more of him.
She gasped when his hand slipped between her legs and cupped her sex. She could feel the slick wetness of herself on his fingers as he parted her woman’s lips and teased her flesh.
His fingers were gentle but insistent as they fondled her, stroking the already bright flames of her desire higher, hotter.
Isla sucked in a breath when his finger rubbed over her clitoris, once, with the lightest of touches. Twice more he teased her, winding her into a fever pitch of need.
And want.
Her hips lifted from the bed, a cry on her lips, as he slid his finger inside her. Isla’s body rejoiced at the contact, the feel of him within her.
He kissed her then, every ounce of his hunger, his craving in the way he laid claim to her. His finger began to move in and out of her in time with his tongue, caressing expertly.
His touch was easy and hard, delicate and rough. He gave no quarter as he fondled her, demanding that she take everything he offered and gave as much in return.
Isla was incapable of doing anything else. The pleasure was too intense, his touch too tender, but her body cried out for more, sought more the higher her desire built.
It coiled within her, building and building, winding her tighter and tighter.
Just as she thought she couldn’t take any more, he joined a second finger with the first.
“Hayden,” she murmured, her body moving on its own against his hand seeking the fulfillment that was just out of reach.
When he wouldn’t let up on his exquisite torture, Isla reached between them and under his kilt to wrap her hand around his rigid cock. It was larger than she had thought, thick and hard as steel. Yet, the tip of him was soft as cream.
She moved her hand up and down his length and heard him hiss in a breath, felt his muscles stiffen. With her desire rising as quickly as the tide, she tried to hold it back the climax that was upon her.
But Hayden would have none of it.
He moved away from her long enough to jerk off his kilt with stiff movement, and then he loomed over her once more. “I can feel your magic every time you touch me. It makes me burn.”
Isla had never known a Druid’s magic to penetrate another as Hayden said hers did. Was that what seemed to connect them, what seemed to pull them together despite everything?
She soon forgot all about her magic and what it did to Hayden as he nudged her apart with his knee and positioned his erection at her opening.
His gaze locked on hers. He slid inside her slowly, steadily until he was sheathed fully, filling her perfectly. A soft, barely discernable sigh escaped him.
Isla lost herself in the black depths of Hayden’s eyes. For just a moment, that half a heartbeat, she had seen inside him. It left her reeling, seeking more.
He shifted his hips, the friction jerking Isla out of her thoughts, her body reminding her of the pleasure that awaited her. She lifted her legs and wrapped them around his waist, bringing him even deeper.
He began to move with long, slow thrusts. Each glide of his cock inside her brought her closer and closer to her climax.
His tempo increased until he was driving into her hard and deep and fast. Hayden held her gaze, his black eyes smoldering with passion while his body filled her again and again.
“Come with me,” he urged.
Isla was so close. She could feel the orgasm building, taking her higher and higher. And then she was flying. She screamed his name as her body jerked with the force of her climax.
Hayden continued to thrust, his hips pounding against hers until he let out a shout and buried his head in her neck as his own orgasm claimed him.
For long moments neither moved, their ragged, torn breaths the only sound in the tower. It took a long while before Isla’s heart slowed. Even then, having Hayden atop her was delightful, incredible. She loved the feel of him, his thick muscles and wonderful heat.
He kept most of his weight on his forearms that rested on either side of her head. She let her legs fall open as Hayden raised his head.
Instead of leaving as she assumed he would, he pulled out of her and moved them so that their heads rested on the pillow. She turned toward him, just to soak up his warmth, and was surprised when he wrapped an arm around her.
Tears burned Isla’s eyes. No man had ever held her so tenderly. For the rest of her life, however long that might be, she knew she would never again get into a bed without thinking of Hayden holding her.
She used her fingernail and lightly drew circles on his chest. She must have hit a ticklish spot on his side because he sucked in a breath sharply.
His hand closed over hers and he looked down at her with a smile. “No tickling.”
Isla grinned. “But I love the feel of you. You’re all hard muscle and smooth skin.”
He snorted in response but released her hand. “And you’re all womanly curves and silky softness.”
She could hear the beat of his heart beneath her, feel his chest rise and fall with each breath. It lulled her, giving her a sense of tranquility that she hadn’t had since before Deirdre kidnapped her. It didn’t even bother her that his hands skimmed over her scarred back.
“Do you like it here?”
She was surprised at his question. “I fear it’s all a dream. That I’ll wake back at Cairn Toul once again. The people here, their openness, their sincerity is difficult for me to accept sometimes.”
“But you have.”
She nodded against his chest. “I’m trying. I had given up hope. On the Druids, on Warriors, on life in general.”