Clean Sysgen Cleans out intermediate files created during previous builds before running the Sysgen tool. Use this option if you added or removed files or catalog items after a previous Sysgen session to reduce the risk of build errors.
Build And Sysgen Compiles the entire contents of the Public and Private folders, and then links the files by using the settings in your OS design. This process takes several hours and is only necessary if you modified the contents of the Public folder. Unless you modi­fy the Windows Embedded CE code base (not recommended), you should not use this option.
Rebuild And Sysgen Cleans out intermediate files created during previous builds in the Public and Private folders, and then runs the Build and Sysgen steps. You should not use this option.
Build Current BSP And Subprojects Builds the files in the directory for the current BSP and any subprojects in the OS design, and then runs the Sysgen tool. Note that this option will build other BSPs than the ones used in the current OS design, so make sure your BSPs are compatible with each other or remove unused BSPs.
Rebuild Current BSP And Subprojects Cleans out intermediate files created during previous builds, and then runs the Build Current BSP And Subprojects steps.
Build All Subprojects Compiles and links all subprojects, skipping any files that are up-to-date.
Rebuild All Subprojects Cleans, compiles, and links all subprojects.
Build All SDKs Builds all SDKs in the project and creates corresponding Microsoft Installer (MSI) packages. Because there is generally no reason to create debug versions of MSI packages, use this option only for a Release build configuration.
Copy Files To Release Directory Copies the files generated for the BSP and other components during the Compile and Sysgen phases to the release directory in order to include these file in the run-time image.
Make Run-Time Image Takes all the files in the release directory to create the run-time image. Following this step, you can download the run-time image to a target device.
Open Release Directory In Build Window Opens a Command Prompt window, changes into the release directory, and sets all necessary environment variables to run batch files and build tools manually. Use this to perform build steps at the command prompt. The standard Command Prompt window does not initialize the development environment to run the build tools successfully.
Global Build Settings Copy Files To Release Directory After Build Enables or disables automatic advancement to the Release Copy phase for all commands.
Make Run-Time Image After Build Enables or disables automatic advancing to the Make Run-time Image phase after any build operation.
Targeted Build Settings Make Run-Time Image After Build Enables or disables the Make Run-time Image phase.
Batch Build Enables you to perform multiple builds sequentially.
Configuration Manager Enables you to add or remove build configurations.

The Advanced Build Commands submenu provides access to several Platform Builder-specific build commands that you might find useful on a regular basis. For example, you need to run the Sysgen or Clean Sysgen command when you add or remove catalog components to or from the OS design to create the binary versions for the run-time image. Exceptions to this rule are components that do not modify SYSGEN variables, such as components in the ThirdParty folder. It is not necessary to run Sysgen or Clean Sysgen when you select or deselect these items. Following the Sysgen phase, Platform Builder continues the build process similar to running the Build Current BSP And Subprojects command.

You can select the Build Current BSP And Subprojects or the Rebuild Current BSP And Subprojects commands in Visual Studio if you want to compile and link the source code in the Platform directory and any subprojects in the OS design and put the code into the target directory under Platform<BSP Name>Target and Platform<BSP Name>Lib. This is necessary, for instance, if you modify the source code in the Platform directory. Depending on the Copy Files To Release

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