If the veil of time were rent—?
We can try to rend it …
* * *
Wing Commander Arris heard the clear jangle of the radar net alarm as he was dreaming about a fish. Struggling out of his too-deep, too-soft bed, he stepped into a purple singlet, buckled on his Sam Browne belt with its holstered .45 automatic and tried to read the radar screen.
Whatever had set it off was either too small or too distant to register on the five-inch C.R.T.
He rang for his aide, and checked his appearance in a wall-mirror while waiting. His space tan was beginning to fade, he saw, and made a mental note to get it renewed at the parlor. He stepped into the corridor as Evan, his aide, trotted up—younger, browner, thinner, but the same officer type that made the Service what it was, Arris thought with satisfaction.
Evan gave him a bone-cracking salute, which he returned. They set off for the elevator that whisked them down to a large, chilly, dark underground room where faces were greenly lit by radar screens and the lights of plotting tables. Somebody yelled 'Attention!' and the tecks snapped. He gave them 'At ease' and took the brisk salute of the senior teck, who reported to him in flat, machine-gun delivery:
He studied the sixty-inch disk for several seconds before he spotted the intercepted particle. It was coming in fast from zenith, growing while he watched.
'Assuming it's now traveling at maximum, how long will it be before it's within striking range?' he asked the teck.
'Seven hours, sir.'
'The interceptors at Idlewild alerted?'
Arris turned on a phone that connected with Interception. The boy at Interception knew the face that appeared on its screen, and was already capped with a crash helmet.
'Go ahead and take him, Efrid,' said the wing commander.
'Yessir!' and a punctilious salute, the boy's pleasure plain at being known by name and a great deal more at being on the way to a fight that might be first-class.
Arris cut him off before the boy could detect a smile that was forming on his face. He turned from the pale lumar glow of the sixty-incher to enjoy it. Those kids—when every meteor was an invading dreadnaught, when every ragged scouting ship from the rebels was an armada!
He watched Efrid's squadron soar off the screen and then he retreated to a darker corner. This was his post until the meteor or scout or whatever it was got taken care of. Evan joined him, and they silently studied the smooth, disciplined functioning of the plot room, Arris with satisfaction and Evan doubtless with the same. The aide broke silence, asking:
'Do you suppose it's a Frontier ship, sir?' He caught the wing commander's look and hastily corrected himself: 'I mean rebel ship, sir, of course.'
'Then you should have said so. Is that what the junior officers generally call those scoundrels?'
Evan conscientiously cast his mind back over the last few junior messes and reported unhappily: 'I'm afraid we do, sir. We seem to have got into the habit.'
'I shall write a memorandum about it. How do you account for that very peculiar habit?'
'Well, sir, they do have something like a fleet, and they did take over the Regulus Cluster, didn't they?'
What had got into this incredible fellow, Arris wondered in amazement.
Why, the thing was self-evident! They had a few ships—accounts differed as to how many—and they had, doubtless by raw sedition, taken over some systems temporarily.
He turned from his aide, who sensibly became interested in a screen and left with a murmured excuse to study it very closely.
The brigands had certainly knocked together some ramshackle league or other, but— The wing commander wondered briefly if it could last, shut the horrid thought from his head, and set himself to composing mentally a stiff memorandum that would be posted in the junior officer's mess and put an end to this absurd talk.
His eyes wandered to the sixty-incher, where he saw the interceptor squadron climbing nicely toward the particle—which, he noticed, had become three particles. A low crooning distracted him. Was one of the tecks singing at work? It couldn't be!
It wasn't. An unsteady shape wandered up in the darkness, murmuring a song and exhaling alcohol. He recognized the Chief Archivist, Glen.
'This is service country, mister,' he told Glen.
'Hullo, Arris,' the round little civilian said, peering at him. 'I come down here regularly—regularly against regulations—to wear off my regular irregularities with the wine bottle. That's all right, isn't it?'
He was drunk and argumentative. Arris felt hemmed in. Glen couldn't be talked into leaving without loss of dignity to the wing commander, and he couldn't be chucked out because he was writing a biography of the chamberlain and could, for the time being, have any head in the palace for the asking. Arris sat down unhappily, and Glen plumped down beside him.
The little man asked him.
'Is that a fleet from the Frontier League?' He pointed to the big screen.
Arris didn't look at his face, but felt that Glen was grinning maliciously.
'I know of no organization called the Frontier League,' Arris said. 'If you are referring to the brigands who have recently been operating in Galactic East, you could at least call them by their proper names.'
Really, he thought—civilians!
'So sorry. But the brigands should have the Regulus Cluster by now, shouldn't they?' he asked, insinuatingly.
This was serious—a grave breach of security. Arris turned to the little man.
'Mister, I have no authority to command you,' he said measuredly.
'Furthermore, I understand you are enjoying a temporary eminence in the non-service world which would make it very difficult for me to—
ah—tangle with you. I shall therefore refer only to your altruism. How did you find out about the Regulus Cluster?'
'Eloquent!' murmured the little man, smiling happily. 'I got it from Rome.'
Arris searched his memory. 'You mean Squadron Commander Romo broke security? I can't believe it!'
'No, commander. I mean Rome—a place—a time—a civilization. I got it also from Babylon, Assyria, the Mogul Raj—every one of them. You don't understand me, of course.'
'I understand that you're trifling with Service security and that you're a fat little, malevolent, worthless drone and scribbler!'
'Oh, commander!' protested the archivist. 'I'm not so little!' He wandered away, chuckling.
Arris wished he had the shooting of him, and tried to explore the chain of secrecy for a weak link. He was tired and bored by this harping on the Fron—on the brigands.
His aide tentatively approached him. 'Interceptors in striking range, sir,' he murmured.
'Thank you,' said the wing commander, genuinely grateful to be back in the clean, etched-line world of the Service and out of that blurred, water-color, civilian land where long-dead Syrians apparently retailed classified matter to nasty little drunken warts who had no business with it. Arris confronted the sixty-incher. The particle that had become three particles was now—he counted—eighteen particles. Big ones.
Getting bigger.
He did not allow himself emotion, but turned to the plot on the interceptor squadron.
'Set up Lunar relay,' he ordered.
Half the plot room crew bustled silently and efficiently about the delicate job of applied relativistic physics that was 'lunar relay.' He knew that the palace power plant could take it for a few minutes, and he wanted to see. If he could not believe radar pips, he might believe a video screen.
On the great, green circle, the eighteen—now twenty-four—particles neared the thirty-six smaller particles that