'Thank you.'
Anna checked her watch. She opened her wardrobe and took out a fresh shirt and jacket. There was no way she would take a shower: she was loath to leave Justine by herself for a second. Instead, she left the bathroom door ajar as she washed her face and hands: she could see Justine in her washbasin mirror, sitting with the glass of water cupped in her hands.
Anna began to button up her shirt. Justine drained the glass of water and looked around the bedroom.
'You're as untidy as I am.'
The clothes Anna had taken off the previous evening were still on the floor.
'Well, they run me ragged at work.' She unzipped her skirt and tossed it onto the bed, picking up another.
Justine stood up. Anna watched her warily, but she just placed the empty glass onto the dressing table.
'Can I have a coffee?'
'Sure, I'll make us both one.'
Anna was unsure what was going on; she was no longer scared of Justine but, at the same time, she didn't trust her.
Justine followed her into the kitchen; the sink was full of dirty crockery. 'Don't like washing up either? Nor do I.'
Anna put the kettle on and fetched two mugs and some instant coffee which she spooned out, then opened a tin of biscuits. Justine seemed to have calmed down but when she sat on one of the kitchen stools, her foot twitched.
'You want sugar?'
'Yes please, three; thank you.'
Anna placed the coffee down and sat on the stool next to Justine.
'I got Emily out of this place my father had put her in; it took a lot of persuasion, he didn't think she should be released. I was the only one that visited her. She was desperate: it was hideous, with all these crazies.'
'How long ago?'
'Oh, eight months, maybe more; I can't remember. You may not think it, but Em's really bright. She'd got a place at college so I fixed up that flat for her to stay in. He was furious, but then he sort of relented because Em was really okay; it wasn't as if we were asking him for any money, God forbid!' She sipped her coffee, and then delved into the biscuits. 'He never went to see her; he hardly ever sees me now, but you still always feel he knows whatever move we make. He's promised to get me my own stables, you know, set up a riding school of my own. He says he will, but not until I've had more experience. I do some shows, dressage, stuff like that; I'm pretty good.'
Anna listened as Justine went on about the competitions and how much work they made her do at the stables.
'Did your father come to your flat there?'
'Nope, well maybe I've had the odd visit, but not recently.'
There was a long pause and then Justine whispered, 'I hate him.'
Anna watched as she ate another biscuit. Her foot was tapping so hard, her stool shook.
'How do you get along with your brother?' Anna said tentatively.
'Edward really is a wet prick.'
Anna laughed softly and Justine gave her a smile.
'He's scared of him; scared of doing anything that'll lose the inheritance, for one, but he knows that Daddy would kick him out just like that if he didn't do whatever he wants.' She clicked her fingers.
'Do you do what he wants?'
'No; well, not now.'
'You used to?'
Anna picked up her mug and took it to the sink. 'I don't know if I should tell you this, Justine, but I've seen some very explicit photographs.'
'Oh yeah?'
'Yes, of a very sexual nature.'
'You should see the videos!' She gave a harsh, brittle laugh.
'Are you serious?'
'About what?'
'That your father videoed these…'
Anna rinsed her mug, trying to act casual.
'They went on most weekends.'
'And you took part in them?'
'And your brother?'
'Yes, yes, and his girlfriends and the tarts, and when Mother was at home, she would like swinging from the chandeliers as well. They'd watch porno films, eat and drink themselves into a stupor and then take anything they could get hold of to get them sexed up. I tell you, whoever invented Viagra should be put in the stocks.'
Anna returned to sit next to Justine, whose leg was now twitching as if she couldn't control it. Her anger was palpable.
'I couldn't wait to go away to school: anything to get out, anything to stop him, but it was hopeless. I couldn't do anything. I knew it was happening but I had no one to turn to, no one to help me, so I just went to school and refused to think about it.'
'Didn't your mother ever stop him molesting you?'
'Me? Oh, he went off me very fast. I was too big. It wasn't me he was after.'
She squeezed her eyes shut tight.
'Emily?' Anna said softly, and Justine nodded.
'I thought he would leave her alone if I did whatever he wanted, but he used to take her out of her bedroom.'
'How old was she?'
'Seven or eight.'
'Your mother knew?'
Justine shrugged. 'She was as bad as Edward; if she knew, she did nothing. She was only interested in how much she could get out of him, and she got a fortune.'
Anna's phone rang.
'Shouldn't you get that?' Justine said.
'No, it'll only be my boss asking me where I am. Let's have another coffee.'
Justine drained her mug and held it out.
'Yes please.'
Having got no answer from Anna's mobile, Langton called her flat. The answermachine clicked on. He called the hospital and they said that Anna had left some time earlier. He was told that Emily Wickenham had been taken from the hospital by her brother.
Langton was worried; why wasn't Travis answering? He went into the Incident Room and asked if anyone had heard from her. No one had.
Lewis was eager to get the overall plan of action from Langton, as the pressure was on for everything to be coordinated for the raid at Wickenham's estate. It had been easy to get copies of the plans of the Hall, the barn and outhouses, plus the thatched cottage, as the conversion of the barn had had to be surveyed and planning permission granted. Looking over the plans, Langton knew he really had one big job on his hands. He and Lewis set to work on the organisation of who would do what, where and when.
'We get any joy on the tape match to Wickenham?'
'Not as yet,' Lewis said. There was also still no contact from forensics regarding the blood splattering at