Justine Wickenham's.

'You get someone to take my bloodstained shirt over to the lab? It'll have Emily's DNA for elimination.'

A frazzled Lewis said Bridget had taken it personally as soon as he had brought it in, then he went back to concentrating on dividing the estate into sections for the search.

Justine spooned in heaped teaspoons of sugar and stirred her coffee. 'So I was always guilty, you know, about leaving Em, she was such a sweet little soul. I think our old housekeeper tried to protect her, but with Dad, no one was safe.'

'When did she become pregnant by him?' Anna asked and Justine didn't appear to question how she knew; she just bowed her head.

'Oh God, it was terrible. She was so young, she didn't understand. Her belly was distended and she thought it was something she'd eaten, that's how innocent she was.'

'How old was she?'

'Thirteen. When he found out he was hysterical, like it was her fault; it was terrible.'

'Did he perform the abortion?'

She nodded, tears trickling down her face. 'And worse, as if by doing it, he would never have that problem again.'

'I don't understand.'

'He operated on her, he did a hysterectomy: she can't ever have kids. He did that to her. That's what started her being sick and crazy; then he sent her away for electric shock treatment.'

Anna was sickened and reached out to take Justine's hand, but she wouldn't allow her to hold it.

'I'd like to kill him. I used to plan how I'd do it, but he used to get round me, you know, saying that poor Emily was really mentally sick, like he had nothing to do with it when it was all his fault.'

'When the child abuse investigation happened, who instigated it?'

'Well, me, not that he knew it. I persuaded Em to go to the police station and tell them, but it was a farce. He was the local bigwig doctor, he could pay anyone off; in this case, I don't think he needed to bribe anyone because he'd already had her institutionalised. He said it was all in her mind and that she had this sick, overactive imagination. He made her life hell after that. It was part of the reason Mum left him; she'd had enough, not that she did anything for us. She had a weapon now and could squeeze him for a lot of money; it's all about money with her. It was awful her going away, because we lost Danielle, her maid. She was like the old housekeeper; at least they tried between them to help Em, but she just got sicker and…'

Justine took out a handkerchief and blew her nose. 'She started self-mutilating: her arms, her thighs; a couple of times she really dug the knife in deep. Anyway, she was in and out of these awful places until I persuaded Dad that she was okay and I would be responsible for her. He said if I did take care of her, he'd buy me the stables. You see how he works? Promises, dangled promises, because he doesn't care about anything or anyone but himself

'Do you know why I first began asking you questions?'

'Yes, yes of course. I don't know anything about those two girls, and to be honest I don't care a shit about them.'

'They died brutal deaths.'

'Yeah, me and Em have had a pretty shitty life, so what are they to me? I never met them, didn't know them, and nor did she.'

'When he operated on your sister, did he have a room or a place he used?'

'You mean his surgery? Well, that's what he calls it. It's full of his drugs and sicko stuff. It's part of the old cellars; well, it was: I've not been there for a long time. You can understand why.'

'Not been to the cellars?'

'No, the fucking house. I can't stand to look at his face. I hate him so much, I hate him!'

The ferocious anger was building. Anna was feeling exhausted from the strain of listening to what she was saying while keeping her calm.

'If he is guilty, though, he would be out of the way for a long time.'

'Ha, you must be joking. I bet he won't get caught. If he did anything, he can always cover it. You don't know him: he will get away with murder. He can get away with anything.'

'Would you be prepared to make a statement about what happened to your sister?'

'It wouldn't do any good. Even if you did a physical examination of Em, you'd never prove that he was involved. That's why I came here to see you: I wanted you to know.'

'Know what?'

'That they were coming for her; that they were going to take her back to that stinking mental hospital. Anything she says will be treated as her delusions. They'll say you cannot believe a word she says. We've been over all that fucking shit before: they'll drug her to keep her quiet, and whatever you try and prove, they'll just put it down to her having too vivid an imagination!'

'But you know it isn't.'

'Yeah I know, my brother knows. His wife topped herself because she was so sickened by him; Dad was even fucking her! And now, by you asking poor Em all about it, she's tried to top herself again. I told you to leave her alone, I told you!'

Anna knew she had to get out of the flat and fast. The rage was coming back.

'Listen, why don't we get back to the hospital and see if we can stop them taking Emily? It's still only…' She looked at her watch: it was already twelve o'clock. 'I know the doctors didn't want to release Emily. Shall we get over there? I know we can help her.'

Justine clenched and unclenched her hands. 'Edward said Dad had arranged it.'

'Well, we won't know unless we go back there, will we?'

Justine chewed at her lip, and then nodded. 'Okay, okay.'

Inwardly, Anna sighed with relief. She went and got her jacket as Justine hovered at the front door. 'I'll follow you, my car's parked outside.'

Anna felt her legs shaking as she started up the car. She backed out of the garage and into the road. As she adjusted her rearview mirror, she saw Justine was directly behind her. Anna had no intention of returning to the hospital: she was going to head directly to the station. She called the Incident Room. Lewis answered.

'Where the hell have you been? We've been trying to contact you.'

'I will explain, but not now.'

'The boss was going apeshit, we called the hospital and…'

'Is Emily Wickenham still there?'

'No, her family took her out a couple of hours ago.'

'Shit! Can you get a squad car to tail me? I'm on the Edgware Road, and I need some help. There's a dark blue Metro car directly behind me, reg 445 JW: it's Justine Wickenham and I want to lose her.'

It was all round the Incident Room, but all they knew was that DI Travis had asked for backup and a squad car had intercepted her as she reached Marble Arch.

When she came into the Incident Room, Lewis said that she had better go and see Langton directly. Anna put down her briefcase, took off her jacket and with a deep breath went into his office.

'Where in Christ's name have you been?'

Anna felt dizzy; she couldn't speak. She pulled out the chair in front of his desk and sat down.

'Anna, what the hell is going on?'

She stared at the floor. 'I am not sure where to begin.'

'Try the beginning.'

Anna licked her lips; she was churning over the entire interaction with Justine. She knew if she was to explain how at risk she had felt when Justine followed her, to then invite her into the flat would look totally unprofessional. She didn't want another lecture.

'Well I got the opportunity to have a talk to Justine Wickenham, so that is what I have been doing.'

'At the hospital?'

'No, at my flat.'

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