Shaking his head, he muttered, “It’s fine. I’ll catch one tomorrow if I have to.”

Jake didn’t want to pressure his father, but he’d promised Holly he’d invite J.R. to dinner at her apartment. Although he’d already tried once, he’d ask again. If he was going to disappoint her on one front, then the least he could do was surprise her on another.

“Since you’re apparently staying over…” he began.


“Have Christmas dinner with Holly and Gabe and me tomorrow afternoon. Will you do that, Dad?”

His father took a long moment to consider the invitation. Then, as if the words were difficult to say, he slowly whispered, “I believe I will. Something tells me your mother would want me to.”


God isn’t politically correct.

He’s just correct.

– Mrs. Miracle

Holly set the phone down and forced herself to keep the smile on her face. Gabe’s robot was missing. Because Gabe was in earshot, she couldn’t ask Jake the questions that clamored in her mind. He’d said something about Mrs. Miracle, but Holly had been too disheartened to remember what followed.

Adding to her distress, Jake had said there was something he needed to do with his father, which meant he’d have to renege on dinner that night. In addition to the bad news about the missing robot, Jake had passed on some good news, too. Evidently his father had changed his plans and would be joining them on Christmas Day, after all, which delighted Holly and greatly encouraged her. She recognized that this was no small concession on J.R.’s part.

“Isn’t Jake coming for dinner?” Gabe asked, looking up from his handheld video game. He lay on the sofa as he expertly manipulated the keys.

“I… No. Unfortunately, Jake has something else he has to do,” Holly explained, doing her best to maintain an even voice. “Something really important,” she emphasized.

Gabe frowned and sat up. “What’s more important than Christmas Eve?”

Again Holly made an effort to pretend nothing was wrong. “We’ll have to ask when we see him tomorrow,” she said airily.

Her nephew slouched back onto the sofa. His downcast look prompted Holly to sit beside him. She felt as depressed as Gabe did, but was trying hard not to show it. In the larger scheme of life, these disappointments were minor. Nevertheless, she’d hoped to give Gabe a very special gift this year. And she’d hoped-so had Gabe-to spend Christmas Eve with Jake.

“Did Jake promise to come tomorrow?”

“He’ll be here.”

“But he said he’d come for dinner tonight, too-and he didn’t.”

“We’ll have a wonderful time this evening, just the two of us.” She slipped her arm around his small frame and squeezed gently.

Gabe didn’t seem too sure of that. “Can I email my dad?”

“Of course.” Holly would come up with ways to keep them both occupied until it was time to walk to church for the Christmas Eve service. They could watch a Christmas movie; Gabe might enjoy The Bishop’s Wife, Holly’s favorite, or A Christmas Carol with Alastair Sim as the ultimate Scrooge. Still cheering herself up, she headed into her kitchen to start frying the chicken, which had been marinating in buttermilk since six that morning. They’d have turkey tomorrow, but tonight she’d make the meal she associated with her mother…with comfort.

Gabe leaped up from the sofa and hurried into the kitchen. “Can we invite Mrs. Miracle for dinner?” he asked excitedly.

“Oh, Gabe, I wish we’d thought of that sooner.”

“I like Mrs. Miracle.”

“I like her, too.” The older woman had never mentioned whether she had family in the area, which made Holly wonder if she was spending this evening by herself.

Gabe returned to writing his email. “Dad’s surprise didn’t come, did it?” he said in a pensive voice.

Holly suddenly realized it hadn’t. This complicated everything. Not only wouldn’t she be able to give her nephew the only toy he’d requested for Christmas, but the gift his father had mailed hadn’t arrived, either.

“He might be mad at me for going into the city by myself,” Gabe murmured.

“Oh, sweetie, I’m positive that’s not it.”

Before she could finish her reassurances, the doorbell chimed. Hoping, despite everything, that it was Jake, Holly answered the door, still wearing her apron. To her astonishment, Emily Miracle was standing in the hall.

“I hope you don’t mind me dropping in unexpectedly like this.”

“Mrs. Miracle! Mrs. Miracle!” Gabe rushed to the door. “We were just talking about you.” He grabbed her free hand and tugged her into the apartment. “Can you stay for dinner? Aunt Holly’s making fried chicken and there’s corn and mashed potatoes and cake, too. You can stay, can’t you? Jake said he was coming and now he can’t.”

“Oh, dear,” Emily said, laughing softly. “I suppose I could. I came by to bring you my Christmas salad. It’s a family favorite and I wanted to share it with you.”

“That’s so nice of you, Emily,” Holly said, adding a place setting to the table. Her mood instantly lightened.

“Jake said he’d come,” Gabe pouted.

“He’s doing something important,” Holly reminded her nephew.

“I’m sure he is,” Emily said, giving Holly a covered ceramic bowl and removing her coat. “It isn’t like Jake to cancel at the last moment without a good reason. He’s a very responsible young man-in his personal life and in business, too. He’ll do his father proud.” She held out her hands for the bowl.

“You mean does his father proud,” Holly corrected, passing it back. She had every confidence that Jake would one day step up to the helm at Finley’s, but that was sometime in the future. Jake seemed to think it might take as long as five years, and he said that suited him fine.

“Yes, that’s what I mean. I’ve enjoyed working with him this Christmas season.” Emily made her way into the kitchen and put her salad in the refrigerator.

“Can you come to church with us?” Gabe asked, following her. “It’s Christmas Eve, and there’s a special program and singing, too.”

“I’d like that very much, but unfortunately I already have other plans.”

“We’re grateful you could have dinner with us,” Holly said. She waited until Gabe had left the room before she asked Emily about the robot.

“Do you have any idea what happened to the you-know-what Jake put aside?” She spoke guardedly because the apartment was small and she wanted to ensure that Gabe didn’t hear anything that would upset him.

Mrs. Miracle was about to answer when he dashed into the kitchen again.

Grasping the situation, she immediately distracted him. “Do you want to help me fill the water glasses?” she asked.

“Okay,” Gabe agreed.

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