“Grandchildren,” J.R. said with a sheepish grin. “I have the distinct feeling that my son has met the woman he’s going to love as much as I loved his mother.”

Embarrassed, Holly looked away. With all her heart she hoped she was that woman.

“Jake would be furious with me if he knew I’d said anything. It’s too soon-I realize that. He probably isn’t aware of how strongly he feels, but I know. I’ve seen my son with other women. He’s in love with you, the same way I was in love with Helene.”

Holly was about to make some excuse about dinner and return to the kitchen when the doorbell chimed again. Everyone looked at her as if she knew who it would be.

“I…I wonder who that is,” she murmured, walking to the door.

“It could be Mrs. Miracle,” Gabe said hopefully.

Only it wasn’t.

Holly opened the apartment door to find her brother standing there in his army fatigues, wearing a smile of pure happiness. In his arms he held a large wrapped box.

“Mickey!” she screamed. He put down the box and hugged her fiercely.

“Dad!” Gabe flew off the floor as though jet-propelled and launched himself into his father’s arms.

Eyes closed, Mickey held the boy for a long, long time.

Merry Christmas, Holly thought, tears slipping down her face. Just as Emily Miracle had predicted, this was destined to be the best Christmas of Gabe’s life.

Baby Arugula Salad with Goat Cheese, Pecans and Pomegranate Seeds

(from Debbie Macomber’s Cedar Cove Cookbook )

This salad is a lively blend of sharp arugula, tangy goat cheese, mellow pecans and tart pomegranates. If you can’t find arugula, substitute any delicate salad green.

1 small shallot, minced

3 tablespoons balsamic vinegar

1 teaspoon Dijon mustard

Salt and pepper, to taste

? cup extra-virgin olive oil

10 to 12 cups baby arugula (about 10 ounces)

1 cup pomegranate seeds (from one pomegranate)

? cup toasted pecans, chopped

1 cup crumbled goat cheese

1. In a measuring cup, whisk shallot, vinegar, mustard, salt and pepper until combined. Slowly pour oil in a stream until blended.

2. In a large serving bowl, combine arugula, pomegranate seeds and pecans. Add dressing; toss to coat. Top salad with cheese; toss once.

TIP: Extra-virgin olive oil, which comes from the first cold pressing of the olives, has a stronger, purer flavor than virgin olive oil. Since it is more expensive, most cooks prefer to use it only for salad and other uncooked dishes. Virgin olive oil is better for sauteing.

Serves 8.


Searching for a new look? Have your faith lifted!

– Mrs. Miracle

Mickey stepped into the apartment, still holding Gabe, and extended his hand to Jake. “You must be Jake Finley.”

“And you must be Holly’s brother, Mickey.”

“I am.”

“What’s in there?” Gabe asked, looking over his father’s shoulder at the large box resting on the other side of the open door.

“That’s a little something Santa asked me to deliver,” Mickey told his son. Gabe squirmed out of his arms and raced back into the hallway. He stared at Holly and his grin seemed to take up his whole face. “I think I know what it is,” he declared before pushing the box inside. “Aunt Holly told me Santa sometimes makes deliveries late.”

No one needed to encourage him to unwrap the gift this time. He tore into the wrapping paper, which flew in all directions. As soon as he saw the picture of Intellytron on the outside of the box, Gabe gave a shout of exhilaration.

“It’s my robot! It’s my robot!”

“Wherever did you find one?” J.R. asked Mickey. The older man stepped forward and extended his hand. “J. R. Finley,” he said.

“He bought it at Finley’s,” Jake answered in a confused tone.

“Our department store?” J.R. sounded incredulous. “When?”

“My guess is that it was late on Christmas Eve.” Again, Jake supplied the answer.

“And how do you know all this?” Holly had a few questions of her own.

“Because that’s the gift wrap Mrs. Miracle used.”

“But…who sold it to him?” J.R. appeared completely befuddled by this latest development.

“Mrs. Miracle,” Jake and Holly murmured simultaneously.

“He’s right,” Mickey said as he sat on the couch next to his son, who remained on the floor. “I remember her name badge. Mrs. Miracle. We talked for a few minutes.”

Thankfully, Gabe was too involved with his robot to listen.

“I had a chance to go into the city yesterday,” Mickey told them.

“Wait.” Holly held up her hand. “You’ve got some splainin’ to do, Lieutenant Larson. Why are you in New York in the first place?”

Mickey laughed. “Don’t tell me you don’t want me here?”

“No, no, of course I do! But you might’ve said something.”

“I couldn’t.”

“Security reasons?” Holly asked.

“No, just that I wasn’t sure I’d get the leave I was hoping for. I’ve been sent back for specialized training-I’ll be at Fort Dix for the next six weeks. I didn’t want to say anything to Gabe yet, in case it fell through. I could tell from his emails that he was starting to adjust to life here with you. It would’ve been cruel to raise his hopes, only to have Uncle Sam dash them. Turns out I was on duty until nine this morning…so here I am. I thought I’d bring Gabe his Christmas surprise.”

“You might’ve mentioned it to me,” Holly said with more than a little consternation.

“True, but I had to take your poor track record with keeping secrets into consideration.”

“I can keep a secret,” she insisted.

“Oh, yeah? What about the time you told Candi Johnson I had a crush on her?”

“I was twelve years old!”

Jake chuckled and she sent him a stern look. If Mickey had asked her not to say anything about

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