4. Wolf 1966, 1970; Degler 1991:
5. Daly and Wilson 1983:
::: 365 :::
6. Shepher 1983:
7. Thornhill 1989b:
8. Thorpe 1954, 1961:
9. Marler and Tamura 1964:
10. Slater 1983:
11: Seid 1989:
12. Washington
15. Elder 1969; Buss 1992:
16. Ellis 1992:
17. Fisher 1930:
18. D: Singh, interview.
19. Low, Alexander, and Noonan 1987; Leakey and Lewin 1992; D: Singh, interview:
20. Ellis 1905:
21. The same idea—that fair hair is a sexually selected trait—has been put forward by Jonathan Kingdon recently; see Kingdon 1993: 22. Kingdon 1993:
23. This is a further reason that I am not convinced by Helen Fisher's (1992) theory that human pair bonds lasted about four years on average: 24. R: Thornhill, interview:
25. Galton 1883:
26. See 'No Better Than Average' by M: Ridley,
28. Buss 1992; Gould and Gould 1989:
29. Berscheid and Walster 1974; Gillis and Avis 1980; Ellis 1992; Shellberg 1992:
30. Sadalla, Kenrick, and Vershure 1987; Ellis 1992: 31. Daly and Wilson 1983:
32. Daly and Wilson 1983:
33. Ellis 1992: The other facts in this paragraph are from Trivers 1985; Ford and Beach 1951; Pratto, Sidanius, and Stallworth 1992; and Buss 1989: 34. Bell 1976:
35. Symons 1992; R: Alexander, interview:
36. Fallon and Rozin 1985:
37. Ellis 1905:
38. Low 1979:
39. Bell 1976:
40. Darwin 1871:
41. B: Ellis, interview:
::: 366 :::
3. Tooby and Cosmides 1992:
4. Bloom 1992; Pinker and Bloom 1992:
5. Gould 1981:
6. Fox 1991:
7. Durkheim 1895:
8. Brown 1991:
9. Mead 1928:
10. Wilson 1975:
I I: Gould 1978:
12: Gould 1987:
I 3: Pinker and Bloom 1992: