pronounced dead at the scene. No note was found, but a Bruce Springsteen song, ' Thunder Road,' was playing on the car stereo when police arrived.
Although Wynkowski had always acknowledged his time at the Montrose School for juvenile offenders, he had characterized his crimes as 'one notch up from Andy Hardy-a little vandalism, a little larceny.' Sealed juvenile records had made it impossible to contradict this account before now.
But a former Baltimore man now living in Georgia told the
A source familiar with the state's juvenile justice system yesterday confirmed that Wynkowski was sent to Montrose on a manslaughter charge, although the circumstances were slightly different. Nathaniel Paige, a shopkeeper on Gold Street, was pistol-whipped during a hold-up there in the summer of 1969, but the official cause of death was a heart attack. Under Maryland law, Wink, who had been involved in several minor crimes before this, was charged with manslaughter.
Contacted yesterday for comment, Wynkowski said he wanted to speak to his lawyer and would have no statement until Sunday morning. He was found dead 12 hours later, and his lawyer, Michael Ellenham, said he had not been in contact with his client all day.
Tess skimmed through the rest of the story, but most of its length was devoted to the Georgia interview and a rehashing of what the paper had already reported. She tried to work out the timing in her mind. If police had been called at 10:30, Feeney couldn't have arrived at the scene before 11-just enough time to call in two paragraphs to the night rewrite, who had done a pretty good job blending the new information into the existing story. Under the circumstances, the
'What would you want to be listening to as you die?' asked Crow, for whom all news tended to be abstract, impersonal. 'I don't think I'd pick Springsteen. Yet it would be unseemly to die with Poe White Trash playing. Everyone would assume I did it because I was a failure at my music. The blues would be too obvious, opera too pretentious. Hey, maybe that Chet Baker album you're always playing. ‘It Could Happen to You.''
'Sounds good,' Tess muttered absently, rereading the story in case she had missed anything. No suicide note. Blood alcohol 0.1-too drunk to drive, but not drunk enough to die. Cause of death pending toxicology reports, due in two weeks, but that was a pro forma check for drugs that the blood test would have missed. Mrs. Wynkowski and the children were at her mother's place in New Jersey, where they had been spending the weekend.
Tess and Crow sat in silence, except for the occasional cracking sound from his mouthful of ice. So one of the city's longest winning streaks had come to an end in a chugging Mustang, with a soundtrack by Bruce Springsteen. Tess knew she should be thinking deep thoughts about the past and personal responsibility, about what it was like for a beloved figure to face the loss of the public adoration he enjoyed.
But all she could wonder was if she still had a contract with the
Chapter 11
When Tess switched on her computer at the
Like all newspaper editors, the
'This is Whitney Talbot.' Tess waited a second, unsure if she had reached a real person. Whitney was one of those people who sounded exactly like her voice mail.
'Well, is someone there?' Whitney snapped impatiently.
'Hey, it's Tess. I'm here. But I'm not sure for how long. I've just been summoned to Colleen Reganhart's second office, whatever that is.'
'Look, Reganhart might act as if she has the authority to dump you, but she doesn't. Only Lionel or Five-Four can terminate you. Don't let her bluff you.' Whitney actually sounded concerned, as if Tess were still an under- employed bookstore clerk who needed the
'Don't worry, I have a little advantage where that's concerned. But I'm not sure what I can do for the
'You were hired to look into the computer sabotage, remember? Wink's death doesn't change the fact that someone, most likely Rosita, compromised the paper's integrity. What would the paper look like if every reporter greased the skids for her pet project?'
'Look, I'd better find this meeting. Where can I find Reganhart?'
'On the fourth floor, behind the door marked ‘Ladies,' an irony that quickly becomes apparent in any prolonged discussion with Colleen Reganhart.'
The fourth-floor women's bathroom was a suite with a large anteroom separated from the facilities by the kind of double doors usually associated with saloons. Tess, pushing her way into the sitting area at 10:25, reflected that the size, placement, and fixtures of such restrooms could give future archaeologists much to ponder about the late twentieth-century workplace.
Upstairs, where men had dominated the news pages throughout the
At precisely 10:30, Colleen walked in, lighting a cigarette and taking a deep drag before the door swung shut behind her.
'It's against the law to smoke in Maryland offices,' Tess said helpfully.
'If you have a problem with cigarette smoke you can leave. In fact, you can leave even if you don't have a problem with cigarette smoke.'
Jack Sterling came through the swinging door and did a not-bad job of feigning surprise to see Tess there.
'Given that Miss Monaghan was to be the subject of our discussion here, don't you think she should stay?' he asked.
'No, I don't. I think she should go to her desk, clean it out, and get the fuck out of here. We don't need her. We never needed her. This weekend's story makes the first one look like a goddamn puff piece. Who cares any more how it got in the paper? It led to the second story, which is even better.'
'What if-and I'm just playing devil's advocate here-what if his widow still tries to sue?'
'Let her. You can't libel the dead.