Alice blushed deliciously, instantly comprehending the significance of the invitation. ‘Tomorrow!’ she murmured, hiding her face on my shoulder.

‘Thanks, sweetheart-then tomorrow! Now get to bed and have a good night’s rest; good-night, my darling!’-and after a few more passionate kisses, I left her and rejoined my taxi.

Next morning, after ordering a lunch cunningly calculated to excite and stimulate Alice’s lascivious instincts, I made the usual tour of inspection round my flat; and from sheer force of habit, I began to test the mechanism concealed in the Snuggery furniture, then suddenly remembered that its assistance was now no longer needed; it had done its duty faithfully; with its help I had stripped, tortured and violated Alice-and today she was coming of her own free will to be fucked!

The reflection that I would now have to dismantle all this exquisite machinery caused me quite a pang-then I found myself wondering whether it would not be as well to let it remain as it was on the off-chance of its being found useful on some later occasion.

In my circle of acquaintances, there were many pretty and attractive girls, married and unmarried, and, if I could only lure some of them into the Snuggery, the torturing and ravishing of them would afford me the most delicious of entertainments, although the spice of revenge that pervaded my outraging of Alice would be absent.

But how was I to effect the luring? They were not likely to come to lunch alone with me, and if accompanied by anyone, it would simply mean that I should again experience the irritating disappointments that I suffered when Marion used to accompany Alice and, by her presence, prevent the accomplishment of my desires. Besides this, many of the girls I lusted after were hardly more than casual acquaintances whom I could not venture to invite to my flat, except in the company of some mutual friend.

Suddenly, like a flash of lightning, came an inspiration-why not try and induce Alice herself to act as decoy and assistant? If I could only instil into her a taste for sadism and sadique pleasures and a penchant for her own sex, and let her see how easily she could satisfy such lascivious fancies by cooperating with me, the possibilities were boundless!

A luncheon invitation to her and our selected victim would in nine cases out of ten be accepted by the latter; after lunch the adjournment to the Snuggery would follow as a matter of course at her suggestion-and then her assistance in stripping the girl would be invaluable, after which we could conjointly put the girl through a course of sexual torture, painless but distressingly effective, and quench in each other the fires of lust which would spring up as we gloated over our victim’s shame and mental agony! Yes! here was the solution of the difficulty; somehow or other, I must induce Alice to give me her cooperation!


I will not take up my reader’s time by detailing the incidents of Alice’s visit. She was exceedingly nervous and so timid that I saw it was absolutely necessary for me to treat her with the greatest tenderness and delicacy and in no way to offend her susceptibility. She yielded herself to me with pretty bashfulness, blushing divinely when I drew off her last garment and exposed her naked body to my eager eyes; and her transports of delirious pleasure during her first fucking were such as I shall never forget! I had her four delicious times-and when she left, I felt certain that it only wanted a little diplomacy to secure her cooperation!

She naturally was more at her ease on her next visit, and I ventured to teach her the art of sucking! When her sweet lips for the first time received my eager prick between them and her warm tongue made its first essays in the subtle art of titillation, I experienced the most heavenly bliss-such as I had never tasted before at the mouth of any woman; and when, after prolonging my exquisite rapture till I could no longer restrain myself, I spent in her mouth in a delirium of pleasure, her pretty confusion was something to be remembered!

I thought I might safely venture to convert her when she paid her third visit, and to this end, I selected from my collection of indecent photographs sundry which told their tale better than could be expressed in words. Among these was a series known as the ‘Crucifixion’, in which a lovely girl (evidently a nun from her despoiled garments scattered on the floor) was depicted bound to a cross naked, while sometimes the Lady Abbess (in her robes) alone, and sometimes in conjunction with one of the sisters, indulged in wanton fancies and caprices on the poor girl’s breasts and cunt as she hung helpless! One photograph showed the girl fastened naked to a Maltese cross; the Lady Abbess had inserted her finger into the nun’s cunt while a sister tickled the Nun’s clitoris! In another photograph, a monk was introduced who, kneeling before the nun (still fastened on a Maltese cross), sucked her cunt while his uplifted hands in the attitude of prayer attacked her helpless breasts! Another series, entitled ‘La Barriиre’, depicted various phases in the ravishment of a girl by two ruffians in a solitary part of the Bois de Boulogne. The rest were mostly scenes of tribadism and of lesbian love, and interspersed with them were a few representing flagellation by a girl on a girl, both being stark naked!

I was puzzled how best to lead up to the subject, when Alice herself gave me the desired opening. We had just finished our first fuck and were resting on the broad couch, lying in each other’s arms, her gentle hand caressing my prick with a view to its restoration to life. She had been rather more silent than usual, for she generally was full of questions which she used to ask with pretty hesitation and delicious naпvety-and I was cudgelling my brains to invent a suitable opening.

Suddenly Alice turned to me and said softly: ‘Jack, I’d awfully like to know one thing!-when you had me tied up tight on that dreadful afternoon and… did all sorts of awful things to me, did it give you any pleasure besides the satisfaction of revenging yourself on me?’

‘Will you hate me if I confess, dear, that the sight of your agony, shame and distress as you struggled naked gave me intense pleasure!’ I replied as I drew her more closely against me. ‘I knew I wasn’t hurting you or causing you bodily pain; and the knowledge that your delicious wrigglings and writhings, as you struggled naked to get loose, were instigated by your shame at being naked and your distress at finding your sexual passions and instincts aroused in spite of yourself and irritated till you could no longer control them, and so felt yourself being forced to do what was so horribly repugnant to you, viz. to spend, and not only to spend, but to spend with me watching you! all this gave me the most extraordinary pleasure all the time I was torturing you! When I stopped to let you have a little rest or else to put you into another position, I felt the pleasure arising from vengeance gratified, but when I began again to torture you, especially when I was tickling your cunt with a feather, when you were fastened down on your back with legs tied widely apart, I must confess that the pleasure was the pleasure of cruelty! My God! darling, how you did wriggle then!’

‘I thought I would have died!’ Alice whispered, as she snuggled up against me (apparently not displeased by my confession), yielding herself sweetly to the pressure of my encircling arm. ‘I wasn’t in pain at all but oh! my sensations! My whole self seemed to be concentrated just… where you were tickling me! and I was nearly mad at being forced to endure such indignity; and on the top of it all came that awful tickling, tickling, tickling!’

She shuddered at the recollection; I pressed her still more tightly against me and kissed her tenderly but held my tongue-for I knew not what to say.

Presently Alice spoke again. ‘And so it really gave you pleasure to torture me, Jack?’ she asked almost cheerfully, adding before I could reply: ‘I was very angry with my maid this morning, and it would have delighted me to have spanked her severely. Now, would such delight arise from satisfied revenge or from being cruel?’

‘Undoubtedly from being cruel,’ I replied, ‘the infliction of the punishment is what would have given you the pleasure, and behind it would come the feeling that you were revenging yourself. Here’s another instance-you women delight in saying nasty cutting things to each other in the politest of ways. Why? Not from revenge, but from the satisfaction afforded by the shot going home. If you had given your maid a box on the ears this morning you would have satisfied your revenge without any pleasure whatever; but if I had been there and held your maid down while you spanked her bottom, your pleasure would have arisen from the infliction of the punishment. Do you follow me, dear?’

‘Yes, I see it now,’ Alice replied, then added archly: ‘I wish you had been there, Jack! it would have done her a lot of good!’

‘I sometimes wonder you keep her on,’ I said musingly. ‘She’s a pert little minx and at times must be very aggravating. Let me see-what’s her name?’


‘Yes of course-a case of “pretty Fanny’s way”, for she certainly is a pretty girl and a well-made one. My dear, if you want to do bottom slapping, you won’t easily find a better subject, only I think she will be more than you can manage single-handed, and it may come to her slapping your bottom, my love!’

Alice laughed. ‘Fanny is a most perfect maid, a real treasure, or I would not keep her on-for as you say she is

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