We lay closely clasped together, till our mutual ecstatic trance slowly died away, then with a sign I bade Fanny disappear. As soon as she had vanished, Alice removed the bandage from Connie’s eyes. As they met mine, bashfully and shamefacedly, blushing deeply at thus finding herself naked in my arms, Connie timidly held up her mouth to me-instantly my lips were on hers and we exchanged long lingering kisses till we panted for breath. Gently I released her from my clasp and rose off her and with Alice’s help unfastened her, and Alice gently led her away to her alcove where she sedulously attended to her, while Fanny silently but delightedly did the same for me.

It was now four o’clock only-we had a good hour before us. There was now no possible doubt that Connie had surrendered herself to the pleasures of tribadism and lesbian love as far as Alice was concerned. So when the girls rejoined me (Connie with a tender look on her face) and we had refreshed ourselves and recovered our sexual appetites and powers, I said to Connie, ‘Now dear, you are entitled to take your revenge on Alice-will you…?’

She cast a look of love at Alice, who blushed sweetly, then turning to me she murmured. ‘Please, Jack!’ at the same time giving me a delicious kiss.

‘Come along, Alice!’ I said as we all rose and I led her to the couch-the veritable altar of Venus. ‘How will you have her, Connie?’ I asked, as Alice stood nervously awaiting the disposal of her sweet person.

Connie blushed, then with a glance at Alice she replied: ‘Tie her down, Jack, just as you did me!’

Blushingly Alice lay down, and soon Connie and I had her fastened down in the desired position.

‘Will you have her blindfolded, dear?’ I enquired.

Connie hesitated, looking oddly at Alice-then replied, ‘No Jack! I want to see her eyes!’ so significantly that Alice involuntarily quivered as she coloured hotly again.

‘May I do just whatever I like to Alice, Jack?’ asked Connie almost hesitatingly, with a fresh access of colour.

‘Anything in reason, dear!’ I replied with a smile. ‘You mustn’t bite her bubbies off or stitch up her cunt, for instance.’ Alice quivered while Connie laughed. ‘And you must leave her alive, for I am to follow you!’

‘Oh, Jack!’ exclaimed Alice at this intimation, blushing prettily.

Connie turned eagerly to me. ‘Are you going to… fuck her?’ she asked with sparkling eyes. I nodded, smiling at her eagerness. ‘And may I watch you?’ she demanded.

‘Why, certainly, dear-and perhaps help me! Now what are you going to do to Alice? See how impatiently she is waiting!’

Both girls laughed, Alice a trifle uneasily. Connie looked intently at her for a moment, then seating herself by Alice’s side, she began playing with Alice’s breasts, keeping her eyes steadily fixed on Alice’s. ‘Your bubbies are too big for my hands, darling!’ she said presently as she stooped to kiss her, ‘but they are lovely!’ And she squeezed them tenderly for a while-then she deserted them, shifted her position and began to feel Alice’s cunt, which she lovingly stroked and caressed.

‘Your cunny is fat, darling!’ she exclaimed presently with heightened colour as she held Alice’s cunt compressed between her finger and thumb and gently squeezed the soft springy flesh, while Alice squirmed involuntarily.

Suddenly Connie leant forward, took Alice’s face in her hands and whispered: ‘Darling, I’m going to… fuck you twice, eh?’ and lovingly kissed her, while Alice’s eyes sought mine shamefacedly.

Quickly Connie got on to Alice, took her into her arms, then keeping her head raised so as to look right into Alice’s eyes, she began to rub her cunt against Alice’s, gently and slowly at first with a circular grinding sort of movement; presently her action quickened, then became more and more irregular. Soon Connie was rubbing herself up and down Alice’s cunt, with quick agitated strokes of her bottom, all the while intently watching Alice’s eyes as if to gauge her friend’s sensations. Soon both girls began to plunge and heave riotously, Alice especially, as they both the felt crisis approaching-then came a veritable storm of confused heavings, thrustings and plungings.

‘Kiss… me… dar… ling!’ ejaculated Alice, now on the verge of spending. But Connie only shook her head with a loving smile, rammed her cunt against Alice’s fiercely, intent on Alice’s now humid eyes and apparently restraining her own discharge. A frantic heave from Alice-’Ah-h-h, darling,’ she gasped as her eyes half closed in ecstasy-then she spent with delicious quivering.

Immediately Connie glued her lips to Alice’s, agitated herself rapidly against Alice’s cunt, ‘Al-ice!’ she breathed in her delirious frenzy, a spasm thrilled through her, and Alice’s cunt received her love-juice as she spent ecstatically.

For some moments the girls lay silent, only half conscious, motionless save for the involuntary thrills that shot through them. Then Connie raised her head and with the smile of the victor surveyed Alice, whose eyes now began to open languidly. She blushed deliciously as she met Connie’s glances and raised her mouth as if inviting a kiss. Instantly Connie complied with passionate delight. ‘Was it nice, darling?’ I heard her whisper. ‘Oh, Connie, just heavenly!’ murmured Alice tenderly and with loving kisses. ‘Are you ready again, darling?’ whispered Connie eagerly. ‘Yes! yes!’ replied Alice softly, beginning to agitate herself under Connie.

‘Our mouths together this time, darling, eh!’ whispered Connie excitedly, ‘don’t stop kissing me, darling!’ she added tenderly as she responded to Alice’s significant movements under her and set to work to rub her cunt against Alice’s. Soon both girls were hard at work with their cunts squeezed against each other, slit to slit, clitoris against clitoris, Connie’s bottom and hips swaying and oscillating voluptuously while Alice jerked herself up madly. With mouths glued to each other they plunged, curvetted, wriggled, squirmed, till the blissful ecstasy overtook them both simultaneously, when madly they bedewed each other with their love-juice to the accompaniment of the most exquisite quiverings and thrillings, utterly absorbed in rapture!

With a deep drawn sigh of intense satisfaction, Connie presently rose slowly off Alice, and tenderly contemplated her as she lay still fastened by her widely extended limbs to the four corners of the couch, her closed eyes and her involuntary tremors indicating that she was still tasting bliss. Then Connie turned to me and whispered rapturously: ‘Oh, Jack, she is sweet!’ I kissed her lovingly and resting her on my knees, I sponged and dried her, then begged her to perform the same kind office for Alice, whose cunt was positively glistening with her own and Connie’s spendings. As soon as Alice felt the sponge at work, she dreamily opened her eyes, and on recognising me she made as if to rise; but when she found herself checked by her fastenings and realised that she was now to be fucked by me, she smiled somewhat uneasily as our eyes met-for often as she had tasted love’s ecstasy in my arms, she had invariably been free, now she was tied down in such a way as to be absolutely helpless, and in this equivocal position, she had to accommodate herself to me and to satisfy my lustful passions and desires. But I smiled encouragingly back to her, seated myself by her side, and tenderly embracing her defenceless body I whispered: ‘Darling, may I have you like this?’

Her eyes beamed gratefully on me, full of love; she was now perfectly happy because I had left it to her to say whether or not she would be fucked while tied down in the most shamelessly abandoned attitude that any girl could be placed in. So with Love’s own light in her shining eyes and with pretty blushes on her cheeks, Alice whispered back tenderly: ‘Yes, darling, yes!’

Promptly I got on her, took her in my arms, and gently drove my prick home up her cunt. ‘Do you like it like this, darling?’ I murmured softly, ‘shall I go on?’ She nodded sweetly, our lips met, and I began to fuck her.

Tied down as she was, she was simply delicious! I had had first Fanny and then Connie in precisely the same attitude, but voluptuous as was the act of fucking them so, the pleasure fell short of what I was now tasting! To a certain extent both Fanny and Connie were unwilling recipients of my erotic favours-Fanny was really ravished and Connie practically so, and their movements under me were the outcome of fright, shame, and even pain; but Alice was yielding herself sweetly to my caprices and was doing her best to accommodate her captive body to my movements. Perhaps this was the reason, perhaps her little plump rounded figure suited the attitude better than the taller and more slender forms of Fanny and Connie, but whatever may have been the reason, the result was undeniable, and Alice fucked as a helpless captive was simply delicious! Her double spend under Connie made her usual quick response to Love’s imperious demands arrive more slowly than was customary with her; and as this was my fourth course that afternoon, our fucking was protracted to a delicious extent, and I adopted every method and variation known to me to intensify our exquisite pleasure.

Commencing slowly, I fucked Alice with long strokes, drawing my prick nearly out of her cunt and then shoving it well home again, a procedure which always delighted her and which she welcomed with appreciative and warm kisses. Then I agitated myself more rapidly on her, shoving, pressing, thrusting, ramming, now fast, now slow, holding her so tightly clasped that her breasts were flattened against my chest-while she, panting and gasping, plunged, wriggled and heaved herself wildly under me, in her loyal endeavours to cooperate with me to bring about Love’s ecstasy. Presently she thrilled exquisitely under me! Fired by her delicious transports, I redoubled my efforts, as did she also-I began to feel my seminal resources respond to my demand on them; soon we both were overtaken

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