I slipped my hands to the waistband and ripped vigorously as Julia Denton screamed and shrieked and then bowed her head. Then I sent Molly for pair of shears and then very carefully cut the legs towards the crotch, warning the weeping brunette not to budge unless she wished a rather nasty nick of the sharp blades.

They dropped to the floor and Julia Denton stood there clad only in her gray lisle stockings with elastic garters, garters covered with pretty flounces of cloth, her shoes, and her blushes. It was a magnificent pose, because it gaped the soft lips of her quim under the dark brown curls and at the same time it let me see the wonderful play of muscles along the inner thigh, and put into relief the jouncy cheeks of her voluptuous pink-and- white-skinned behind.

I took the birch again and now I flung my bathrobe off and stood before her in all my manhood. She uttered a horrified “Ohhh!” and backed away again, as much as her bonds would allow, but her eyes fixed on my emblem with an unwavering and almost incredulous gaze.

“Now then, Miss Denton, you will ask me to fuck you,” I commanded. Lifting out the rod, I tapped her pussy with it, using the very tips of the slender withes, and Julia Denton squealed and wriggled frantically and her blushes went down to her throat as well as to her dainty ears.

“Ohh, no, you shan’t do that to me, you wicked cruel beast-oh Molly, save me, go for help at once, he is going to ruin me, the brute!” Julia Denton cried.

“If you take one step toward that door which is, moreover, locked against your hand, Molly,” I said dryly, “your drawers shall come down and you shall feel this birch until it is shredded to broken fragments. Kneel down and watch how brazenness and boldness and a wagging tongue are dealt with by a man of character and principle.”

Molly Bashe at once knelt down and clasped her hands, leaning forward, her magnificent creamy titties rising and falling, her face flushed, her eyes glittering. I could see that the black thatch around her pussy was moist also, and I was reasonably sure that the naughty little minx was experiencing an emanation from her private parts, attributable to the salacious emotions she was undergoing. I was certain that she was somewhat envious that she had not been chosen to be first with me. But I had no intentions of neglecting her, ah no, for I was much too grateful to her for having brought me this jewel of virginity which was Miss Julia Denton.

But since the lovely naked brunette could not bring herself to utter such shameful words and thus formally in the presence of her friend ask for the sacrifice of her maidenhead, I went behind her to observe the magnificent contours of her shapely bottom. The idea I had had of putting her leg out in front of her had been an admirable one, because it gaped the shadowy groove between those jouncy globes of hers and it made the buttocks flex uncontrollably. I amused myself by giving light little flicks over both cheeks of her bottom, but the frenzied condition of my prick told me that I could not go on much longer with this prolongation. I had to grind my teeth and close my eyes for a moment, indeed, so roused was I by Julia Denton’s lasciviously posed nakedness lest I sacrifice all my vital juices before they could be deposited in the sweet receptacle which this delectable morsel of femininity was reserving for them.

“In another moment or two, Miss Denton, I shall really let you feel this birch and up between your legs. When it stings you sweeping upwards from behind like this, you are certain to feel a very painful sensation in that place that I have been permitted by you to touch as well as in that other little hole which nature provided you for the excretion of certain unwelcome substances. I am going to count to three and if you have not yet then begged me to fuck you, you shall feel the rod until you do!”

With this announcement I counted aloud, but I had only gotten as far as the beginning of the word “two” when Julia Denton shrieked, “Oh, no, don’t switch me between my legs, Mr. Jack, oh fuck me instead, oh please fuck me, don’t whip me, please!”

The moment had at last come and it was high time!

Chapter 11

The swishy, thin birch rod lay on the floor within immediate reach if needed, but my hope was that Miss Julia Denton, having gone so far as to invite me in the most salacious terms imaginable to take that which her fiance had not yet enjoyed, was thoroughly sincere, for at this point, dear reader, I was too impatient to seek more prolongation of the charming little game I had been playing all this while.

“Very well, Miss Denton,” I hoarsely replied, “I am going to grant your request to show you that I can be lenient upon occasion when a well-bred young lady tactfully selects a propitiatory tone in which to convey her meaning to me. But let me understand you clearly, so there can be no cause for recrimination later on. You have just asked me-nay, begged me! — to fuck you. Are you quite aware of what that term implies, my very charming and provocative Miss Denton?”

She had turned her face to one side. It was flaming now, streaked with tears, and her eyes were closed. But her hands seemed to twist about in prayer, as if invoking whatever patron saint she felt it imperative upon herself to call on in this dire moment when she was on the brink of kissing her maidenhead goodbye forever. Moreover, her magnificent titties were rising and-falling with a turbulence that indicated that she was at the very end of her resistance. Her outthrust leg shuddered and jerked, the daintily shod feet turning and twisting with a message all its own of heartrending eloquence. Naked in her stockings, garters and shoes, she was absolutely bewitching.

“I believe I asked you a question,” I pursued, my voice thickening with my impatient lust. “What? After such a valiant display of courageous acceptance of your fate, you now renounce your good deeds and remain mutinously silent? Molly, I fear you will have to hand me the birch again. I will have to give Miss Denton a few extra flicks well up between her straddled legs.”

“Ohh, for God’s sake, sir, I cannot stand any more! Oh, will you have no humanity and take pity on a shamed and helpless girl and d-do what you must?” burst from the shuddering young houri.

“Why, to be sure I will, yet I would not have you ignorant of my intentions, seeing that you have so often during the course of this afternoon inveighed against me for my scurrilous motives,” I ironically retorted. “Come, Miss Denton, before I accept your delightfully gracious invitation, which I assure you I had not expected at our very first meeting, I wish you to explain to me what I am to do to you, so there can be no possible doubt between us.”

“Ohh, you horrid, cruel, heartless man,” she gasped in a low, chocking voice as she stared directly at me, her face crimson with her outraged modesty. “It was you who taught me to say such words, and now that I say them, you mock me and torture me all over again. Do your worst, you beast, but have done with it, for God’s sake! And I hope-indeed, sir, it is my only consolation in this terrible hour-that having done your worst, you will at least spare my poor friend Molly from your odious and indecent cravings!” Did I not say already that Miss Julia Denton was the most eloquent of female orators I had had the privilege of entertaining in my Snuggery? If not, then let me inscribe it here and now for all time, for she filled me with a boundless admiration in the way her high-flown and overly dramatized verbiage sought to conceal her truest, most vital feelings.

“I am afraid that answer will not do, Miss Denton,” was my reply to her. “You will either specifically instruct me in my conduct towards you now, or you will feel the birch between your legs until you are inclined to do so.”

And this at last decided the blushing, wriggling, naked brownette. Closing her eyes very tightly, taking a long, shuddering breath, she at last quavered, “You-you are to-to have me, sir. Oh, please do it and have it done with, for God’s dear sake!”

“Well, that is a little better, but not yet the answer I was seeking. Do you see what I have between my legs for you, Miss Denton?” Here I pointed to my swollen, agonized weapon, the lips of which puckered uncontrollably to tell me that whereas my brain might be delighted by this cat-and-mouse interchange, it very definitely was not of the same opinion but sought instant action.

She did not answer, but instead bowed her head, and a long shudder rippled through her body. The discolorations which the envelope cutter had left on those panting titties of hers was an exciting contrast to the pink-and-white smoothness of her naked skin. And she was decidedly sweating now under the duress of her long ordeal.

“I will try to make you answer, then,” I said softly, and I reached out both thumbs and forefingers and pinched her nipples, twisting them this way and that.

Вы читаете A man with a maid,vol.IV
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