implacably cruel as with narrowed eyes and compressed lips she posed herself as executioner behind the culprit, and once again placing her left palm at about the neck of the victim, she launched a ferocious openhanded smack on the right buttock and then, moving quickly to the left, equalized matters with as hard and crisp a spank on the other bottomcheek.

“Ohh dear!” Wilhelmina anxiously gasped out, squirming and twisting and yanking on her bonds.

“Not so hard and fast at first, or you will numb not only the surface you are attacking, but your charming hand as well, my dear,” I advised.

“You are right, of course, Jack. It’s just that I can’t tolerate the airs this wicked little thieving minx gives herself. So you would steal my money out of my own purse and in my fiance’s own quarters, would you? There, take that-and that as well! I’m going to make you howl, my girl! Gracious, what a hard, solid bottom you have! It’s like a rock! I only wish I could give you the birch as you so richly deserve. There! Did you feel that one? And that one, too! There, and there!”

It was plain that Alice was working herself up into an erotic fury of sadistic joy, judging from the lovely flush that pervaded her face, the way her eyes sparkled now and her nostrils twitched and shrank. Her magnificent titties rose and fell with an emotion they had not till this moment had, as she drew back her right hand and brought it forward smartly and noisily across the thin-knicker-sheathed contours of Wilhelmina’s lovely, resilient bottom. The crisp sound of the spanks was music to my ears, as you may well imagine, and already my prick was stimulated by this symphonic music to which it was indoctrinated by none other than fair Alice herself, and in this very room.

I must confess that Wilhelmina bore her smacking well enough, and it was probably shame at knowing herself to be half-naked before a gentleman’s eyes, whilst being chastised by a young lady’s hand, that drew from her the flurried little sobs and groans and cries with which she announced almost each of those stinging smacks. But the force of Alice’s blows made her prance, if I may accurately employ that term, for she seemed to execute a kind of hopping skip from foot to foot, lunging herself forward and bending her back deliciously, only to be drawn back within the stern limits of the pulley’s range, ever pressing her back towards the avenging hand of lovely Alice. Shifting constantly from foot to foot, squirming her hips from side to side, she began at last to show that this seemingly innocuous and juvenile correction was having its effect, for at length she began to groan and then to sob: “Oww! Oh my! Oh dear! Oh, do send him away, he’s looking at me, I know he is!” and then, “Ouch! Oh, it hurts! Oh, please that’s enough, I told you I’d return the money-Ahhrr! Oh, do please stop-make an end of it!”

At last Alice did make an end of it, because she was out of breath and she was ruefully blowing on her hand and examining it, and I could see that it was red and inflamed. But I was anxious to know whether the flesh she had been smacking so enthusiastically was of the same coloration by now. Moreover, it was time for the birch to come into play.

So we let our victim sob and gasp and turn and twist at the end of her wrist-ropes, whilst I returned to the bucket of brine in which I always kept a thick and a long, slim birch soaking, just in the event that, like that never- to-be-forgotten afternoon last week, I was visited by Molly Bashe and her provocative and arrogant companion, Miss Julia Denton.

“Now it is your turn to sit and watch and compose yourself, dear Alice,” I told my fiancee. “Wilhelmina, are you ready for your birching? I warn you that it will be severe, because you have not been honest with us in the least.”

“Oh Lord,” our lovely prisoner tearfully gasped from beneath and muffling and blindfolding confines of the white starched man’s shirt drawn over her head, “I can only implore you, sir, in the name of decency, to retire and let your lady chastise me if you are so determined that I must be further punished.”

“I am so determined, but I shall not retire. You may address your plea to me directly, then, for I am the one who shall wield the chastising rod over your naked posterior, my girl,” was my reply.

“Oh, haven’t I been punished enough already, to be stripped and shamed like this in front of a man, and then smacked like a child-like a veritable child-by one of my own sex? Surely it is worth three pounds of vengeance to you by now, sir!” Our lovely captive pleaded her case eloquently well, I must admit. But my prick was now so hard and exorbitantly in need of surfeit that I could not find it in me to grant her leniency.

That was why I replied in the gravest tone I could summon. “Why, Wilhelmina, if a thief could get off scot- free with only a bottom-smacking for everything he or she took, we should all be impoverished by now! No, my girl, make up your mind to it, your knickers are coming down and it is on your naked bottom that you shall have the birch. I propose to give you fifteen strokes, five for each of the pound notes you filched from my fiancee’s purse.”

“Oh Jack, may I take her knickers down, may I?” Alice childishly begged, rising from the footstool and going to me and putting her arms about me and pressing that delectable body against mine.

“Why, if you wish, I think it is only proper, since Wilhelmina has already exclaimed against the impropriety of a man’s lowering that modest garment which hides her naughty bottom,” I retorted.

“Oh, thank you, Jack! And then I can see how well I have smacked her naked seat!” Alice exclaimed joyously. She approached the frantic captive and began to unbutton the tops of the knickers, then moved round to Wilhelmina’s right side and, gripping the waistband between thumbs and forefingers, dragged the tight-fitting garment down. A despairing shriek and a maddened lunge from side to side attested to Wilhelmina’s anguish, and by the gyrations of her lithe, slim hips, the young woman tried to prevent the descent of her final veil.

In vain. Dragged down to her knees, they rested as a kind of a festooning fetter, and I gestured to Alice to leave them where they were, for they would thus serve as a restraining bond should she try to kick about too much when the first kisses of the thin swishy birch should bite against her vividly inflamed and quivering naked bottom- cheeks.

“Oh, look, Jack, what a fine, saucy backside the little vixen has!” Alice exclaimed in glee as she pointed at those flaming ovals. She had really painted them a fiery shade, and the birch would impart its kisses all the more hotly thanks to my fiancee’s energetic and enthusiastic preparation.

But what fascinated me most of all, from my vantage point facing the squirming and now virtually naked captive, was that her pussy was shrouded by a thick-growth of dark brown curls, unusual in a girl so young, completely hiding the delicate lips of her slit. The mound of love was suave and not at all prominent, and as she realized what she must be showing to us both, Wilhelmina Ponsonby clenched her long, slender thighs together as tightly as she could. The nervous flexions of her agile muscles called attention not only to their agility but also the pale white skin of her luscious body, that of a young nymph.

Alice saw that my prick was in gigantic erection now, and the dear girl sought to solace me, since neither of us had at the moment any plans for involving our lovely thief in the diversions of Cythera; we thought only of chastising her so that the lesson would be long remembered, and of finally obtaining from her lips the truth about herself. Unbuttoning my trousers, Alice boldly introduced her hand into my underdrawers and drew out my cock. With thumb and forefinger she squeezed the meatus at the very groove which separated it from the gristly and dark-veined shaft, and I ground my teeth to hold back all my pent-up juices. How sweetly implanted in my Alice were all the sweet brazen precepts of the courtesan! On our wedding night, I should not be bedding a squeamish virgin who should turn from me and whimper and implore mercy, but rather a warm-blooded, passionate and voluptuous young houri who would keep pace with me and challenge all my ingenuity and strength, to the satisfaction of her own amorous needs.

She whispered very faintly to me, so that only I could hear: “Shall I frig you, my darling, or would you rather have me suck you off?”

Oh, sweet Alice, soon-to-be wife of my bosom, what wife in our stultified era would have dared, or even known how, to ask such a delicious question of her mate?

“Why, if it pleases you, my darling, a little of both,” I whispered back.

All this while, needless to say, the naked young girl was left in the most atrocious suspense. She kept moving her hips from side to side as if to cast off the annoying heat which Alice’s little palm had engendered in her pale white bottom and left it the color of a ripe tomato. She must have wondered what the little hissings of breath and gaspings and slushings portended, and I will admit that her presence there, though blindfolded, was a tremendous stimulus to my now frenzied lust.

Alice now began to “milk” my cock by drawing on the meatus from the groove on to the lips and then back again, tautening the pink, sensitive head until I thought I should go mad with the Tantalus ecstasy that she launched within my ramrod. But she was already too well versed in understanding my whims and impulses, so that she at last desisted and knelt down, fondling my balls in one soft palm while with her right thumb and forefinger she

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