daintily took hold of the middle of my prick and guided it towards her soft red lips, which opened in gracious welcome.

I felt them close over my meatus and then a sucking sensation, warm and moist and indescribably thrilling, took possession of me, concentrating all my vitality in my loins, driving away all my conscience and recrimination and making me know only that I gladdened and exulted in my manhood if it could be thus venerated by my brown- haired, voluptuous young Venus!

I dug my nails into my palms and stiffened myself, closing my eyes and resolving not to emit one sound that would tell our prisoner what I was experiencing. But in the midst of my rapture, I suddenly heard Wilhelmina’s husky, sob-chocked voice implore, “Oh, dear Lord, won’t you give me the rest of my punishment and end it so that I may leave this dreadful place? I am dying of anguish here-oh, what can you be doing to torture me so? Birch me and be done with it, I beg of you!”

In a hoarse voice I responded: “I have never heard a naughty girl so earnestly beseech the rod, but never fear that you will have it, and in such abundance that you will repent your eagerness for it. Ohhh, do go on!” This last to Alice, in a low and trembling voice, for I was at the end of my self-control. The soft sweet slushings and the suckings and the nibblings of her dainty lips, the flickings of her ardent little pink tongue over my ardent, puckering cocktip and along the velvety pink and throbbing crannies of the meatus, had driven me to an ungovernable frenzy. I suddenly seized Alice by the hair with my left hand, and my entire body jerked in a violent explosion as I shot my seminal contents into her soft throat. She gasped and choked, but valiantly swallowed, hastily sucking from me till the stream had ebbed its last viscous gobbet. And then I exhaled a sigh such as must have done the followers of Mohammed in the gardens of Allah’s Paradise when the promised houris had accomplished their sweet blandishments and given those devout worshippers the divine reward which the Prophet had promised the faithful. At last with a sigh I composed myself, and Alice hastily took out a handkerchief from my trousers and mopped my cock, and then daintily stuffed it back into my fly and buttoned it up. Now that I had expelled my venom, I had a rather languid attitude and I felt not quite so ferociously punitive towards the sobbing and squirming young captive stretched by the wrist ropes before me. Nonetheless, she should have her birching, but I would adhere to the fifteen cuts as promised.

I gestured to Alice to bring me the rod while I took my place behind the young woman, but the remarkable pale whiteness of her thighs in contrast with the darkening red ovals of her well-spanked bottom overcame my good resolve, and my fingers wandered to those resilient contours and squeezed and palpated them lingeringly, while Wilhelmina uttered a series of shrieks and groans and incoherent supplications: “Ah-oh please no! Oh my God, birch me and be done with it, I beg of you! Who of you is touching me so? Oh, the shame of it, I want to die-oh, whip me, whip me then and let me go! Ahh-Ohh, it’s vile-oh please, I cannot bear such humiliation-oh at least, in the name of heaven, send him away-ohh-oh God!

Alice returned, holding out to me the dripping rod, which I flourished in the air until all the drops had been shaken out. The ominous swishing sounds which I made as I cut it through the air made Wilhelmina gasp the more.

Stepping back and laying the rod across her hindquarters, and composing my voice as to cool a level as I could under the circumstances, I announced: “Attention now, Wilhelmina, to the first of your fifteen cuts for lying and impersonation and sinfulness!”

“Oh, let her do it instead, sir-oh please-AIIII!”

I cut short her prayers by drawing back my right arm and lunging the rod across the tops of both naked hips. With a dreadful scream, Wilhelmina lunged forward, her back bending deliciously, her buttocks wriggling and tightening, until the pulley ropes returned her to the range of the swishy birch.

I dealt out her cuts mercilessly, like a magistrate, slowly, unmoved by her sobs and tears and cries until the sixth, which flailed the base of her saucy bottom.

At this she completely broke down and cried out: “Oh wait, oh no more, you are killing me! If you will only stop, I will tell you the truth! Only do have mercy on me, I truly can’t bear it any more! If only you knew how much I’ve been whipped where I came from-you wouldn’t do this to me, you wouldn’t! Oh, if you knew, you’d have pity- have pity now!”

Again intrigued by this novel turn of events, I lowered the birch and said sternly: “It was in the interests of the truth that I sentenced you to this birching, Wilhelmina. I will give you two minutes to tell me your story, and if I am not then convinced of its veracity, we will start over again from the beginning and you shall have a good and full fifteen hard and severely laid on. Begin!”

She uttered a sobbing cry and then, apparently trying to turn her face back to me over her shoulder, and despite the fact that the shirt over her face still blindfolded her, sobbed out: “Oh, sir, I did lie, it’s true, but I had a good reason. I–I’m an orphan, and I ran away from a private orphanage where the superintendent tried to make me-tried to make me be a wicked girl! He had me birched and caned so often by the matrons, and I couldn’t stand it any more, and the last night he had the matron tell me that if I didn’t come to his rooms after everyone had gone to sleep, I should be whipped on a block in front of the entire orphanage, and so I ran away. And I met this boy, this Davey, and that’s the truth, sir. And he told me this Mr. Willoughby needed waiters, and that why I got the job. It was Davey showed me where to get a waiter’s clothes, and I had just a few shillings with me, and the man was kind enough to let me rent them. Oh sir, will you not spare me now?”

I lowered the birch and looked at Alice. “What do you think of that, my dear?”

“I think she’s telling the truth.”

“I think you are right, my darling. I shall make inquiries, Wilhelmina, and you are going to tell me who the superintendent is and where the orphanage is as well. Have no fears-if you are telling the truth, I certainly shan’t return you to them. But I must find some means of removing from you the further temptations of theft, for your next victim may not be quite so humane as I am,” I told the sobbing young woman. The birch had certainly marked her rather well, for her saucy oval buttocks were scratched with angry welts superimposed over the flaming red which Alice’s little hand had left. She kept moving from foot to foot and I knew that she was in atrocious pain, so I finally showed leniency and allowed her to be untied and taken to the W.C., with Alice in charge.

I poured out a glass of sherry, and when the still sobbing young woman hobbled out, her arm around Alice’s shoulder but her breeches restored as if she were once more the young waiter from Willoughby’s, I could not help smiling at her rueful appearance. I let her drink the sherry and gave her a few biscuits, and then Alice and I questioned her more closely. We obtained the names of the superintendent and the orphanage over which he was in charge, and Alice told me that on the very next morning she would make investigations and let me know if what Wilhelmina had told was true.

In the meantime, I had a guest room where the young woman could sleep, and I told her that she could take a bath and go to bed and that we would talk about what was to be done with her on the morrow.

Once she had been safely ensconced in that room, wearing a pair of my pajamas, I returned with Alice to the Snuggery and locked the door. Then, before I could say a word, my brown-haired darling, my wife-to-be, swiftly began to undress, and when she was all naked began to undress me in turn. We fell upon the couch with glad cries, and in a trice I felt my prick drive to the depths inside Alice’s moist and churning cunt. She fairly consumed me with her passion, winding her ivory legs around my buttocks, her fingernails digging into my armpits, her teeth clashing against mine in the fury of our union. And when it was done and we lay spent with spending, and in our delightful languor on the couch, my sweet fiancee heard from my lips the earnest proposal of marriage that would make her not so much an honest woman but my wife, my accomplice, my mistress, my all-and my sweet sharer of joys to come… of which perhaps Wilhelmina might herself provide a future… for Alice confessed to me with many a blush and wink that she was enamored of the slim young beauty who looked so remarkably like a boy, and that she had an overwhelming desire to cuddle with her and to fondle her and see if she was a virgin.

In the afternoon Alice and I would both go to post our banns and obtain the license, and then we would determine, before the glorious date when we two should be one, what to do with Wilhelmina Ponsonby.

Chapter 15

Alice and I had decided that we would not taste all our marital pleasures in advance by sleeping together this night in my apartment, but rather reserve that for what the French so aptly term la lune de miel. So I slept on the

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