idea, Jack! You will be so terribly randy by the time our wedding night is upon us, that you will have no thought of any other woman save myself.”

I realized that she was perfectly within her rights as my fiancee and duly intended, so I acceded to her playful little game. But I warned her as we prepared to leave the restaurant that she would pay dearly when she was properly mine to have and to hold, to chastise and to cuddle, and that she had best look to herself lest she receive more chastisement than cuddling. And on this teasing note we parted, she back to her abode and I to mine with most delicious anticipations for the happiest of futures.

Chapter 16

Perhaps to prove to myself that I was not completely the slave of my passions but rather their master, I decided to go along with Alice’s naive but certainly understandable rule of continence before marriage, and so until the day when we stood up before the minister in the church of Old St. Mary’s and were made man and wife, I will admit to you, dear reader, that not once did I indulge my propensities for flogging and fucking. Sweet Alice should bear the brunt of my heroic self-denial, I promised myself. But when the honeymoon was over, once back in London we would live in my apartment, where the Snuggery would always be open to receive lovely visitors, nor would it be confined only for the welcome of my bride.

Meanwhile, Alice and I both paid a visit to Mrs. Blunt, the delectable golden-haired young widow who had become one of our spirited little group, as you will recall at the outset of my story. She was delighted at the notion of having her own maid, though she balked somewhat at the thought of its cost. Her husband, while he had left her a reasonable estate, had tied up money in various ventures which took time to accrue. But seeing that she was so pressed, I generously offered to pay Wilhelmina’s wages out of my own pocket until such time as the lovely Connie could stand the tariff without the slightest financial discomfort. Alice teased me at the time, saying that I was buying my way into Connie’s good graces, and the golden-haired young widow blushed and lowered her eyes at this. Instantly my prick started throbbing, but I told myself sternly that I was going to be a stoic and valorous warrior and not attempt to break a lance before going off to do real battle with my sweet consort Alice. Yet it was another mark added to her score, which would be settled in full in the warm climes of Italy.

Alice and Connie then embraced in an almost tearful au revoir, and nothing would do but that they both must go out to shop for clothes for Wilhelmina so that she might be the very model of a young maidservant. As Connie was hastening to put on her cape and bonnet and Alice was accompanying her, doubtless to whisper the latest gossip, I found myself alone with the slim Wilhelmina, and she blushed furiously as she noticed that my eyes were studying her.

“I trust you’ve forgiven me for punishing you, my dear girl,” I remarked.

“Oh, yes, sir, I–I’m very beholden to you for saving me from that dreadful place!” she exclaimed in a nervous, husky voice. “I think I would have killed myself rather than go back there, truly, sir!”

“Tut, tut, Wilhelmina, you must never think of such a thing again. Mrs. Blunt is a fine sweet girl and she will look after you. Of course,” I added rather roguishly, “if she does not find your services satisfactory, you must not expect to get off unpunished. My wife-to-be Alice always chastises her maid Fanny when the latter does something to displease her, and I’m sure that Alice’s sister Marion does the same thing with her own maid.”

“I–I understand, s-sir,” the charming girl murmured, “I–I shall try very hard to give satisfactory service.”

“Well, then, in that case, you’ve nothing to fear. And she will pay you good wages. I think you are worth at least two pounds a week and keep, and that is what I shall have Connie give you.”

To my great surprise and delight, the lovely girl flung her arms around my neck and gave me a great hug and then an embarrassed kiss on the cheek. I disengaged myself with some difficulty, for I had no wish to be seen by Alice and Connie in such a compromising situation, the more so as I had boasted of my heroic stamina to Alice in forsaking all others until our wedding night, when I should devote myself exclusively to her delicious charms. But I will confess, dear reader, that the pressure of Wilhelmina’s lithe, slim body, of those saucy round little titties of hers against my chest, and the feel of her loins against my crotch created a most disturbing condition which I knew I would have to eliminate before the ladies returned to the salon.

“Thank you, my dear,” I said as I drew her arms away, “but you must show your gratitude to Mrs. Blunt, for after all it is she who is engaging you.. Now be a good girl, and when I come back I shall certainly visit you.”

“I–I do hope you will, sir. And thank you again, ever so much! I–I hope you will have a very happy honeymoon, sir.”

I suppose had I been of a more licentious and conscienceless outlook, I should have conceived the notion of engaging Wilhelmina as my own personal maid, since I did not have a servant to tend my wants, arrange my clothes, draw my bath and provide all those other little amenities which make life so much more tolerable when one has means. But I had perhaps already thought of that very quickly and dismissed the notion, because I have found that the gift of love when made spontaneously is very often more delicious than that which is compelled or drawn out of fear or force. Yes, you will say that I am not entirely consistent, for had I not employed the birch and the envelope cutter to break down haughty and virginal Miss Julia Denton’s resistance until she was, willy-nilly, obliged to proffer me the pleasure of her hymen. Well, this I will admit, but I will also in extenuation observe that Miss Denton herself secretly longed to have her resistance overcome by voluptuous means, of which I had already been informed by the naughty daughter of Lady Betty Bashe. Now if I were Wilhelmina’s master, nothing would be easier than to order her to undress and place her naked body at my carnal disposal on pain of a severe birching or bottom-smacking. But in her present state of excited girlish emotions, grateful for having found at last a refuge and a situation as Connie Blunt’s maid, she would wish to express her gratitude to me, I felt certain, in palpably lascivious ways, for she was at that age when a young damsel begins to experience the sweet itch of nature between her lovely legs. And I would far rather profit from such a bounteous voluntary surrender than overcome her qualms about her maidenhead by thrashing her until pain alone made her submit to this as the lesser of two evils.

This may seem somewhat complex to you, dear reader, but if your circumstances permit you to indulge your erotic fancies as happily my own life has been so blessed, you will at once perceive the difference between brute force and gently persuasive voluptuous chastisement, whose purpose is solely to stimulate both Executioner and Victim and to act as a kind of benevolent stimulus to their eventual sexual union. I may here point out that I have never yet and never shall draw blood from a tender naked female bottom-unless, to be sure, the offender has committed some heinous wrong which merits cold brutality. No, I am a voluptuary, with all the perceptions which lead me to prolongation and anticipation and the slow and gradually exquisite development of the ritual of benign chastisement leading toward that ultimate crescendo of life which is fucking.

Now that you perhaps better understand my outlook, let me continue my narrative. Happily, I was able to put a slight distance between myself and Wilhelmina Ponsonby by the time Alice and Connie emerged, chattering away like magpies. Connie looked over at her new maid and tried to make a very stern face out of her lovely visage as she instructed, “Now, Willy,”-she had already adopted this nickname for her new servant-“you’ll stay here and, if anyone should ring the bell, you will open the door on chain and inquire if there is a message. I should be back within two or three hours. If you like, you may take a bath.”

“Oh, thank you, Mrs. Blunt!” Wilhelmina exclaimed, her eyes sparkling while at the same time the rosy mantle of a delicious blush suffused her pale white cheeks. Again she glanced at me, and I pretended not to notice as I took Alice’s arm. But I began to discern, with that foreknowledge which the true voluptuary always possesses and which is a kind of seventh sense, that Wilhelmina was thinking about this bath and was somewhat enchantingly embarrassed by the images it evoked, namely, that of denuding her lovely lithe body in all its virginal charms and being aware also that I had heard her new mistress’s recommendation to so strip herself, which would in turn suggest to me those charms which I had seen for the first time in the Snuggery.

I could see that when I returned from my honeymoon, there might well be a new acolyte ready to sacrifice upon the altars of Venus and Priapus. And on such a happy note I prepared to depart upon my honeymoon, knowing that when I returned, the honeymoon might well be perpetuated by amorous badinage and conspiratorial carnal adventurings!

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