latch on to you and keep you away from me, and I’m not going to let that happen.”

I became the happiest of men. And as it turned out, what little I sacrificed by giving up my freedom as a bachelor in order to wed my beloved Alice, was more than compensated for me through the generosity and indulgence of my lovely wife herself. May you all who read this book be as fortunate as I, but the moral is that you must show respect and pay proper tribute to the goddess Venus, who rules from the heavens and who dispenses love to the worthy and the appreciative!

Post Scriptum

Some few months after having penned those last lines in what I had believed to be the final volume of my chronicle of carnal courtship, I came to the conclusion that, just as my labors of love were far from being concluded even though I was a staid benedict, so my literary labors remained not quite fully achieved. For within the short span of six months, I have seen coming to pass not only the realization of my dream of a seraglio, but also the incredible reconciliation of one spiteful sister with another and the two vying in their eager natures to placate each other whilst pleasing me, whom they placed in the regard of a lord and sovereign over them! Moreover, upon due reflection, I felt I must tell you how my sweet wife Alice avenged herself on the Misses Molly Bashe and Julia Denton, and how also the charming young maid Wilhelmina became not only the amorous confidante of dear Connie Blunt, but also at her mistress’s edict came to pay her debt to me in thankful gratitude for my having obtained for her so harmonious a situation.

Now Alice had, as I look back, all that secretly experienced rancor in her heart against her older sister Marion, for the good reason that since the parents of both delightful damsels had naturally favored Marion as the first-born and then passed to their own reward about a decade ago, Marion has assumed unto herself the status of a kind of superior tutress or governess, as it were. This was why, I have no doubt, she so strictly opposed Alice’s union with me, quite apart from the envious spleen she would naturally bear against Alice’s seeking to find a lover who would satisfy Alice whilst Marion’s own little domestic world was collapsing about her. And so when Alice found herself suddenly in possession of the secret that Marion had somewhat tactlessly let slip in my presence on that occasion to felicitate us, she felt a kind of exultant triumph, which she later explained to me in full detail. And I had recourse once again to marvel at my dear young wife’s remarkable inventiveness and the delightfully rewarding maturity of outlook which she had acquired since our first meetings and which I never would have suspected possible.

Not, I hasten to tell you, that I regard myself, the male of the species, as inherently wiser and more sagacious, but simply because in the epoch of which I have narrated these amorous festivities, the moralists have piously denounced how shocking it is to enjoy the union between man and maid at all, even under the holy sanctity of marriage, and thus imposed the doctrine-and a scabrous one it is, too! — which holds that a female who derives pleasure from fornication and who so expresses herself in that regard, or shows even in the marriage bed the least enthusiasm for this timeless sport, must needs be little better than a harlot, a vile strumpet, fit only for being lashed at the cart’s tail and pilloried for all the greedy lechers of the populace to stare upon and to lust after, much in the manner of Susannah and the elders. No, I would give credit where credit is owing, and I would applaud here in these lines my wonderfully apt and loving Alice who, from those first days when she tried to vaunt her feminine superiority over me, the mere male mortal, came to this intoxicatingly gratifying advancement of her amorous faculties. One might say that not only did the pupil take a leaf out of the professor’s own book, but verily wrote her own-or at least was inspired by another book to propose her own sweet chronicle of naughty pleasures!

Following the afternoon which I last related, when Alice gloatingly “punished” her sister Marion for having had to do with me whilst she was a way, my dear wife found occasion to remember the incident of the missive from Molly Bashe which she had found in the pocket of my dressing gown.

So, about a month after this discovery, which was followed by Marion’s astonishing revelation to her, Alice said to me one morning as we lay abed, sweetly kissing and clipping and dallying while luscious Fanny was dutifully preparing our connubial breakfast which she would serve to us in bed, “Jack, I promised that when I wed you I would be all things to you including wife, of course, but mostly favorite among the ladies.”

“Why, so you are, my darling,” I murmured as I caressed one swelling round full tittie and gently touched my lips to the rosy bud. “And I tell you frankly that I do not for a moment regret having abandoned my bachelorhood.”

“But,” she went on quite innocently, “you must understand that now that I am your wife and entitled to a share of your name I am equally entitled to a share of your pleasures, sir. Otherwise it would be too much as if I were simply your favorite slavegirl and not your legal consort.”

I marveled at the sweet casuistry by which her mind was broadening, and so I remarked, “I will grant you that right, though in advance let me say that I am somewhat mystified as to its meaning.”

“Then it’s simply this, Jack darling,” replied my beautiful bride. “I too should have the right to plan our little entertainments and not leave all the initiative to you, sir. I am still not sure that I have forgiven you for making up to Marion, though I will admit,” here she giggled and put her hand upon my cock and gave it a fond squeeze, “I would never in all my life have dreamed that my autocratic sister would have so unbent as to permit you the slightest indignity with her person. Why, Jack, when we were very young girls, she was constantly putting on airs and telling me that I must do this and I must do that or else our parents would be greatly vexed with me. Oh, how I really hated her then, and must have all these years without knowing it, until you opened my eyes to what was really the cause of my disturbance.”

“And what was that, pray tell?” Now my forefinger began to tickle the pink rims of her sweet cunny, and Alice wriggled and squirmed closer toward me, her little palm cupping my cock whilst her soft fingers moved up and down along the shaft as it were the keyboard of a pianoforte.

“It was that I wanted a man like you,” she blushingly confessed, “a man who would be my lord and master and take me away from Marion’s domination, but at the same time generous enough-as you are, Jack-to grant me the exercise of sweet little prerogatives which make me forget the upper hand which Marion always took over me.”

“I fear,” I laughingly retorted as my forefinger now entered the sweet portals and found the dainty nodule which was the very threshold of all her deepest emotions, “that I have been a kind of perverse Pygmalion who has brought to life not so much a Galatea but a Circe, an enchantress who has deceived even me by the ruse of her own cunning innocence. Why, then, dear Alice, say what you mean and do what you say, and I shall abet you in all things.”

And thus I granted unto my delectable spouse the same privileges as I would myself assume, save that, to be sure, I would not allow my fair Alice to entwine her luscious body with that of any other man. And this I told her, to which she laughingly made answer, “So long as you continue with me as you have always done, my very darling Jack, you need have no fear of that. But you will not hold it amiss of me if I tell you of a passion that I have for those of my own sex, like dear Connie and my own sweet Fanny and even naughty Marion.”

“What? I gasped, “You harbor Sapphic affection for your own sister?

“And why not, you rogue? She’s very lovely, and you know that yourself. See how your cock grows hard and angrily red at the mere thought of her?” she teased while she squeezed my cock until my juices surged up like the sap in a springtime-budding tree.

“But now that that is decided between us,” she went on gaily, “I must as your wife stand fast against any danger to our union, which Molly Bashe now appears to present. This little love note which she sent you indicates that she craves a return to the Snuggery, but this time as your adoring and subjugated slave-girl. Well, in a Turkish harem, Jack, the first wife has the power to punish even a lovely favorite, does she not?”

“To be sure she does!” I said laughingly.

“Very well!” Alice wriggled away from me, folded her arms across her swelling titties, and tried to look very serious and stern like a magistrate.” Then she shall have her reckoning, but this time with me, sir. Oh, have no fear that I will forbid you any further amusements with that naughty vixen, but only after I have had my own.”

And so, incredible though it may seem, at the bidding of my imaginative and passionate Alice, I sent off a note to Miss Molly Bashe to be delivered by none other than Fanny herself, asking the delicious brunette to visit me along with her companion Julia Denton, and mendaciously indicating that my wife would be absent in the country for a week and thus we might in our own sweet privacy renew the pleasures we had experienced that afternoon when Molly had shown herself to be a willing loveslave.

Fanny brought back a note hastily penned, and commented to us that Molly’s mother, the voluptuously opulent Lady Betty Bashe, had gone to Hastings to take the baths in the company of a mature gentleman friend, so

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