About a week after Connie and her maid Wilhelmina had gone back to their own special domestic bliss, Marion herself rang our doorbell and appeared in her large hat and elegant frock and cape to call upon us formally as my sister-in-law and to inquire how her dear sister was enjoying the fruits of marriage.

Fanny made tea for all of us, and served it very demurely. I said nothing, except for an occasional polite comment, for I knew that both sisters had much to talk about.

Finally I decided to withdraw to find my pipe, and excused myself. Fanny remained, although she sent amorous glances in my direction. The naughty minx was experiencing, it would appear, a little too much discipline from her mistress, who would not of late let her come to my bed or to share our transports or our secret little love-games, and doubtless felt herself neglected, as against the happy days when I was a bachelor and could solace her without too much scolding from her adorable mistress.

Marion leaned back, glancing at me surreptitiously, as she addressed herself to her sister: “Well, my dear, I sincerely hope that you and Jack are happy. You know that I once stood in the way of such a match, but I can see now from your lovely face that he has been very good to you.”

“Of course he has, Marion! But don’t tell me that you’ve come here hoping that you were right after all,” Alice said somewhat sarcastically.

“Of course not, Alice. I can be a good loser too,” Marion said. I frowned at her, because that was exactly the wrong thing to say.

“Loser?” Alice echoed, then turned to me with a blank expression on her lovely face. “Why, whatever do you mean, Marion? What have you lost?”

“Nothing,” Marion hastily amended, “what I meant was that apparently I have gained a brother-in-law.”

“I don’t quite like your use of the word ‘gained,’ my dear sister,” Alice vexedly declared. “Unless you have completely changed your personality, I can’t understand your now being so sweet to Jack, when you always told me that you detested him.”

“Now, now, my dear,” I thought it best to interpose at this point, “I am sure that Marion has come here in a good forgiving spirit, and I for one am willing to extend to her the hand of friendship and to promise her that she need never fear as to the duration and felicity of our marriage.”

“That’s exactly it, Jack,” Marion eagerly proffered.

“I don’t understand all this,” Alice said suspiciously, “but I am beginning to think that each of you is a little too eager to convince me of something that I wasn’t even thinking about. Now then, Marion, exactly what is on your mind? You’ve always told me that Jack was the wrong man for me, and all of a sudden you are so sweet and loving that it positively sickening. I know that you my older sister”-here she pronounced the word “older” in a very disparaging way-“but all the same, give me credit for some intelligence to pick a man who is financially well off and certainly a wonderful and devoted lover.”

“I’m sure he is,” Marion blushed, which was again the wrong thing for her to do. “I suppose, Alice, I was unhappy because of my divorce, and it was sour grapes that led me to warn you against Jack. Perhaps I was envious. Will you not forgive me and start afresh?”

“I’m not so sure I want to,” Alice grandiosely declared. “You have always lorded it over me, Marion, and now all of a sudden you come here with the conciliatory tactics of a diplomat. I warrant, Marion, I am at a loss to understand you.”

“But seeing you here both so happy,” Marion pursued, “I realized how wrong I had been. Perhaps there will be happiness for me with someone else, and then I shall not be so envious.”

I glanced up at the ceiling, calling upon Providence to solve this dilemma, which was going from bad to worse. Marion had absolutely, to use a vulgar phrase, put her foot into it, and Alice was sharp enough to take her up at once, for my beautiful wife now tartly remarked, “I see! Then by that am I to understand that you were envious of Jack in the past? Now we have it coming out, as the truth always will!”

“You are misinterpreting me, Alice,” Marion complained.

“I am doing nothing of the sort, I am just trying to understand what you are trying to say to me. Wait-is it possible that you have discovered a secret passion for my husband of a sudden, and have come here to find out whether perhaps he may not be discontented with me so that you can put in an offer for yourself?” Alice declaimed.

“Oh, Alice, that’s unworthy of you!” Marion gasped, but she blushed even more violently than ever.

“You are giving yourself away, Marion, every time you open your mouth!” my lovely wife discerningly remarked, and her voice was on edge, which boded no good for Marion. “There must have been something between you. Wait a bit, just as with that note from Molly Bashe, when I was gone from London, can it be-oh no, it’s unthinkable! Jack, I insist that you say the final word! Have you seen my sister during my absence-before I returned and you asked me so sweetly to be your wife?”

I looked over at Marion, and I was silent for a moment, which was also my undoing. My Alice had become, from the ingenuous and beautifully rebellious virgin of the Snuggery, a most informed and imaginative instigatress of passion for her own delight. “What are you trying to intimate, Alice?” I hedged.

“That you and Marion have had a little affair behind my back, you wicked rascal!” Alice exclaimed.

Well, dear reader, was I to lie at this point and create an eternal suspicion between the two sisters? Or was I to confess what was really not so much a sin as a good deed, for I had restored the pride of her womanhood to my wife’s sister and given her back her self-esteem!

And this was why I said, “She came to denounce me, and I was fortunate enough to offer her arguments that converted her to an acceptance of me, Alice. That is all you need to know.”

“To the Snuggery with her,” Alice hissed, and made a sign to Fanny. And both of them seized Marion by the wrists and dragged her from the table where we had all been having tea in such a civilized and decorous manner.

I followed. What else could I do, except to preside once again as impartial arbiter? Besides, I wished to see, now that the rivalry was unveiled, which of these two beauties should come off the better. But Fanny and Alice finally managed to overcome Marion’s frantic struggles and hoisted her wrists by the pulley ropes and then began to undress her. They drew her gown over her face to blindfold her and to muffle her outcries, they rucked up her chemise, they untied and removed her petticoats, and then they unstrapped her vest and let it fall to expose her beautiful olive-skinned titties. And when at last her drawers came down, and Alice took a feather to her cunt and Fanny a thin birch to those luscious bottomovals, Marion squirmingly and tearfully confessed what had occurred between the two of us.

Alice turned to me, her eyes sparkling. “Well, sir, what have you to say for yourself?” she demanded.

“Only, Alice, that I am your husband and that I am the brother-in-law of a very beautiful and delicious girl for whom I wish every happiness,” was my gallant answer.

“I see, sir,” Alice responded. “Well, Marion, I guess I cannot be too cruel on you because you are my sister, after all. And I really am surprised that you have finally seen the light of day and understood what a wonderful man Jack is. But I’ll tell you this, you’re not going to have him, unless I say so. Instead, you’re going to be smacked by Fanny and then sent back home as a punishment for not having told me all this sooner. Go to it, Fanny.”

And then, coming to me, my darling wife began to open the buttons of my breeches, to pull out my cock and to fondle it while Fanny smacked Marion’s naked bottom as if she wanted nothing better in the world to do, making Marion wriggle and squirm and lunge forward this way and that, heedless of the fact that she exposed her furry pussy to us all.

Alice then insisted that I make love to her then and there, standing before Marion to “teach her a good lesson that I’ve got what she’s really always wanted and didn’t dare admit.”

And thus, dear reader, I achieved the realization of a dream… the dream of a harem. For once Alice had become reconciled to the notion that Marion had actually gone so far as to change from hateful shrew to passionate lover, she determined that she would still hold the upper hand by, as she so delightfully put it, “Taking such good care of your dear cock, Jack, that there won’t be anything left for Marion.”

And so, summoning Wilhelmina and Connie to our transports, Alice saw to it that I lacked for no husbandly delight. Finally, after about a month, she allowed Marion to visit us, with the stipulation that her sister must undergo a smacking over her own lap, and then make love to Connie Blunt and to Fanny.

And then, while Marion was gasping under the sweet Lesbian caresses of our vivacious Fanny, Alice drew me down into her waiting arms, and murmured, “If you thought, sir, that because of your naughtiness behind my back I was going to divorce you, I’m afraid I shall disappoint you. Because if I let you go, that naughty sister of mine would

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