standing in front of her own maid, while Fanny and Alice were swiftly disrobing the two young women.

This was not done without shrieks and cries and pleas from both of them, but I was obdurate in the matter. I wished only to preside as a kind of arbiter, and render impartial justice.

Alice herself was stripping Wilhelmina, while Fanny lovingly disrobed the young widow. Connie wore a corset, a chemise and vest, and when her drawers were removed she stood in stockings and garters and her shoes, a wealth of disorderly golden hair tumbling on her panting bosom, her face scarlet. Meanwhile, I drank in with my eyes her tall slender naked figure, uninterrupted from midthigh to her updrawn hands, and that enforced attitude displaying to perfection the voluptuous curves of her hips, her luscious haunches, her magnificently rounded bottom and shapely legs. But what a pearly, delicious skin she had, and the contrast of those full juicy buttocks as against the delicious little titties which stood naughtily out with their coral nipples protruding and stiff as they quivered and palpitated on her heaving bosom! And then the round smooth belly with its adorable niche like a jewel in the center, and over the soft cunt a thickly clustering mass of silky, curly, golden-brown hairs hiding the soft pink lips which I myself had explored and found to be tight and grudging in their yielding to my ramrod but, alas for Connie’s sweet sanctity, not virginal!

“Oh, aren’t they lovely, Miss Alice!” Fanny enthused, her eyes sparkling.

“Indeed they are, but Wilhelmina is mine,” said my young and beautiful wife. Then she looked at me and said sternly, “Jack, let us go make ourselves more comfortable so that we can deal with these wicked girls! Fanny, go find two feathers, you’ll find them in the chest back in the corner there, and get them ready. They are going to be tickled and smacked, and maybe many things more, until we learn the truth about them both!” So saying, Alice crooked her arm through mine, and led me off into our dressing room, where each of us with eager hands undressed the other until my darling wife was naked but for her hose and garters and her button shoes, over which she at once put a negligee of red satin that was most becoming. Indeed, I was almost tempted to forget the two occupants of the Snuggery and to take my wife to bed then and there for the rest of the day. But that would be to eschew the luscious temptations awaiting us both. I myself put on only a dressing gown and slippers, and then we went back as a happily married couple should to share the pleasures which awaited us.

Fanny had already procured the long downy feathers, one in each hand, and was awaiting us. When she saw how summarily we were dressed, she exclaimed, “Oh, won’t you let me undress too, Miss Alice?”

“You may do so at once, Fanny, but hurry back,” Alice retorted. “Hand me those feathers at once!”

“Oh dear, what are they going to do to us, Mrs. Blunt?” Wilhelmina Ponsonby sobbed.

“I’m afraid, Wilhelmina,” Connie replied with a languorous sigh, and a glance over her shoulder at me which indicated that she was not particularly angry with me for having reduced her to such a naked and helpless state, “that there is nothing we can do about it except obey them.”

“That is sound advice, Willy,” I chuckled. But now Alice had planted herself behind the lovely young maid and was busy rasping both feathers over the young girl’s bottom, pausing occasionally to reach under Wilhelmina’s milky posterior to caress her cunt.

“Darling, why don’t you find out if she is a nice girl or not?” Alice now demanded of me.

I did not need a second invitation, believe me! In a trice, I stood at their sides as they faced each other, and putting my left hand out toward Wilhelmina’s cunt, I prodded my forefinger through the thick fleece of her pubis and towards the dainty shell-pink lips of her cunny.

With a cry, she backed away, but Alice had shifted both feathers to her left hand and rewarded that maneuver with a furious open-handed smack that made Wilhelmina squeal and lunge forward to rub her pussy against Connie’s.

“Now you are going to tell me the truth for once and for all, Wilhelmina,” I ordered. “What actually happened in that orphanage?”

“Oh please, sir, I’m so ashamed, I don’t dare tell you!” Wilhelmina sobbed.

Then she shrieked, and wriggled and tried to jerk herself away, for my stealthy forefinger had crept between the lips of her pussy and was digging inward until I came up against-nothing. Wilhelmina Ponsonby was definitely not a virgin!”

Meanwhile, Alice, quite excited and irate, was applying quick and stinging and noisy smacks to the lovely pale milky cheeks of Wilhelmina’s bottom, driving the young girl forward against my finger, which continued to dig up to the hilt inside her tender tight but definitely unvirgined cunt.

“Oww! Oh dear, oh please, Miss Alice, don’t smack me so hard! I’ll tell you-oh please, sir, take your finger out of there, I want to die of shame-oh, Mrs. Blunt, what must you think of me!” our lovely Willy cried.

But I kept my finger deep inside of her, as I warned her, “If you don’t start to talk at once, I shall have my wife take a birch to your bare posterior, my girl.”

And so she made no further protest over where my finger was, but she looked back frantically over her shoulder to see whether Alice was in reality procuring a birch for her stinging and smarting bottom. Then she sobbed, her face downcast and her head bowed, “I did come from the orphanage, it’s true… but that dreadful man who ran the place… until finally I couldn’t stand it anymore, because the matron was taking me into a cell all the time and giving me the strap or the birch. And so I–I let him h-h-have me… that’s the truth, sir, oh forgive me!”

So that would explain lovely Wilhelmina’s disguise into the more untouchable costume of a male and also her aversion to whipping, to say nothing of her distress when my forefinger had traversed her sheath and found no obstruction to halt its inroads!

“Come now, Alice dear,” I chuckled, “you can see that Wilhelmina is not the naughty undisciplined girl you have always believed her to be. She was a victim of a cruel and lecherous man in an institution to which she was bound by legal decree. If she stole that money, it was only so that she might feed herself and perhaps find some way of reaching London, far from that brute’s clutches. Be tolerant, Alice, and forgive!”

“I will, on condition that Connie tells you who took her cherry,” was Alice’s delightful answer.

“Well, Connie, I’m afraid you’re for it!” I chuckled. “Will you tell me, or must I birch it out of you?”

With this, going to the corner and taking one of the rods out of the brine bucket, I returned to the two naked young beauties who stood there, so close that the tips of their titties were practically brushing together, and who were shivering and squirming in a most naughtily and lubricious manner. Laying the rod across Connie’s lovely milky hips, I demanded sternly, “The truth, Mrs. Blunt! was it your husband who fucked you or did you take a lover on the side?”

With this I gave her a playful swish across the middle of her bottomcheeks, and Connie lunged forward against Wilhelmina, grinding her pussy to her maid’s, while she sobbed, “Oh, Jack, please don’t whip me, I’ll tell you, of course I’ll tell you! It was my husband’s secretary… on our wedding night, my poor husband couldn’t have- well, he couldn’t do it at all, and he tried to hard and he nearly had a heart attack then. And he tried several more nights, and wasn’t any use. And I was getting so terribly nervous and embarrassed, that when I went back to bed I stood out in the hall for a minute, and there came his secretary, a very nice young man with black hair and the most courteous manners in the world. And I pretended that my door was locked and I couldn’t get the key out, and he came to help me, and then he took me to bed and-and that’s how it happened, Jack, and that’s the truth!”

“Why you naughty girl,” Alice giggled, “cheating on your own husband practically the first week of your marriage! Jack, I think that deserves a good bottom-smacking, don’t you?

“I tell you what,” I now proposed. “We shall let both these charming young women make love to each other, while we chastise them to heat their blood. Not cruelly, but in a way that will excite them. You take Wilhelmina, and I shall content myself very readily with Connie.”

And thus is was done. As Alice stood behind Wilhelmina Ponsonby and applied her open palm to the lovely young girl’s squirming bottom and as I, my prick growing harder by the moment, smacked Connie Blunt’s delicious and jouncy bottom till she sobbed and groaned and begged me not to hurt her any longer, each of us felt a yearning for the other, while poor Fanny, who had little to do except watch, was stealthily frigging herself, half-turned away from us and standing in a corner.

Presently it was seen that under my smacks, Connie Blunt began to grind her pussy wildly against her young maid’s, so I called to Alice to redouble her smacks and make the pretty maid share in the fun.

And this Wilhelmina and Connie Blunt came to a new and more tender understanding of each other, and I had no doubt that henceforth the two of them would be inseparable, as indeed they turned out to be…

Now finally I must tell you how it came about that Marion and my wife discovered that each of them had had a share of my affections and that I had not fully lost my taste for Alice’s older sister’s charms.

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