along a path that Singe could barely see. Dandra, her voice shaking, vanished after him.

Singe turned in his saddle, waving the everbright lantern to be sure the hunters and the dolgrims had seen it. They had-they were charging across the battle-scarred common in a stream. Singe gave the fiery, bloody remains of Bull Hollow one last look, then turned back to bend low over his horse's neck.

Dawn's golden light found them riding across the bare slope of a hill. Dandra felt it wash over her back, warming her night-cooled skin. There were more hills around them, all blanketed in long grass and thorny-looking bushes. Further down the slope, thicker trees grew in abundance. If they'd ridden among them, they would have had cover from their pursuers. Dandra didn't need to ask why they weren't riding in the trees. She knew the answer.

Geth wanted to be sure they were seen.

Dandra clung to her horse in exhaustion. All of her reserves-physical and mental-were devoted to hanging on to the animal. Her arms ached and her legs burned. Her backside was so sore she was certain that she'd never walk upright again.

At least she would walk again. A vision of Bull Hollow flickered in front of her eyes. Burning houses, screaming people, silent bodies. Adolan, dead in Geth's arms. The same vision had haunted her all night. A community had been destroyed because of her brief presence.

She raised her head look at Geth's back. The shifter rode in front of her, guiding his horse with a light touch. He had held them to the same pace all night after their initial galloping flight from Bull Hollow-just fast enough to stay ahead of runners on foot, easy enough that the horses didn't tire too much. He sat stiffly upright, constantly alert. He hadn't looked at her or spoken a single word through all their long ride.

Singe was behind her. The wizard hadn't spoken either, but she could feel his gaze on her back. It made her want to wither up in shame.

Survival is nothing to be ashamed of, Tetkashtai said. It's why you're here at all. The long, dark hours of the night and the knowledge that they were once more fleeing the Bonetree hunters rather than standing against them had finally calmed the presence. She was rational again-if not entirely forgiving. Her yellow-green light pulsed righteously. If you'd listened to me and left when I told you to, none of this would have happened.

You don't know that, Dandra told her. The Bonetree clan are savages. They could have overrun Bull Hollow just looking for us.

You should have run when you had the chance. You could have made a clean escape.

Anger flared in Dandra's belly. If you had worked with me instead of sulking, maybe I could have made a difference! She thrust another memory at Tetkashtai: hunters and dolgrims she should have been able to stop with fiery blasts, flames raging out of control that she should have been able to control with a thought. Without Tetkashtai's cooperation, her powers had dwindled-

Your powers? Tetkashtai's voice filled with disdain. You forget yourself! Without me, you're little more than a warm body with a few tricks in your head. Without me, Dandra snapped, you're a rock!

Coming from you, that's almost amusing, Tetkashtai struck back with seething hatred. Give the crystal to Singe and we'll see what happens.

A chill settled over Dandra. Tetkashtai sensed her apprehension. Are you afraid of what might happen, Dandra? she asked. Are you afraid that I might find another-?

Dandra wrenched her mind away. She couldn't shut the presence out entirely, though, and Tetkashtai pulled at the edge of her consciousness. The presence was laughing at her, an edge of madness to her silent voice. Dandra sagged down in her saddle.

They passed around the hill and onto another, winding their way through wild valleys of astounding beauty. Where the folds of the hills dropped away to her right, Dandra could see dark mountains in the distance. The forests of the Eldeen Reaches were spread out to her left, a green sea that filled valleys and turned hilltops into islands. She found herself staring in spite of her exhaustion. In her flight from the Bonetree, she had been too busy watching the ground to enjoy the sweeping vistas of the wilderness.

The sun had climbed twice its own width above the horizon when Singe groaned, 'Enough, Geth! I need to stop, at least for a little while.'

Dandra watched the shifter turn slowly in his saddle, surveying the land around them. The metal of his great gauntlet scraped as he flexed his arm. Dandra looked around as well, but could see nothing over the entire distance behind them. If the Bonetree hunters were back there, they were more stealthy than she would have believed possible. Finally, Geth nodded. Muttering a curse, Singe reined in his horse and dismounted to lurch a short distance away. He fumbled with his pants, then let out a tremendous sigh of relief. Dandra flushed and glanced away.

Her gaze met Geth's. He was staring at her as he dismounted. She jerked without meaning to and her horse shifted in alarmed reaction. Dandra clutched at the reins. The horse just swung its head around to fix one dark eye on her.

'Get down.' Geth's voice was harsh, the sudden sound of it startling.

Dandra's eyes darted to him out of instinct. He wasn't looking at her this time though. Squatting by his horse's head, he stared out at the rugged horizon. There was a battered packet of what looked like dried meat in his hand. Thick fingers fished out a strip.

'Get down,' he said again. 'This rest is for your horse more than it is you.' He stuffed the meat into his mouth.

Dandra felt blood rush to her face at the rebuke. She leaned forward and braced her hands on the front of the saddle, then swung her left leg back awkwardly. Her knees and hips were stiff. Moving was painful. Gritting her teeth, she got her leg around and slithered backward out of the saddle.

The instant she put her weight down on her aching legs, though, they started to fold under her. Dandra gasped and grabbed at the saddle, but her horse whinnied in alarm and danced sideways. She would have fallen if Singe hadn't stepped up and caught her. She nodded silent thanks to him and steadied herself on her feet, feeling very much like a child.

'Have you never ridden before?' Singe asked.

'Not so hard or so long,' said Dandra. 'I'm more used to walking.'

'Or floating?'

His words were raw. She flushed again. 'Or floating,' she admitted.

She took a few tentative steps, rubbing her fingers into her muscles and stretching her legs. As she moved, she looked out at the landscape ahead. Hills, forest, and more hills-including one that bore a distinctive lopsided crest of white stone. Dandra glanced at Geth. The shifter was snapping at another piece of dried meat.

'I recognize that hill ahead,' she said. 'I passed it on the south side two days ago.'

'And you'll be passing it again on the north side before sunset,' Geth mumbled around the meat.

Dandra's breath caught in her throat. 'What?'

'You came this way, didn't you? You came from the Shadow Marches? Well, you're going back.'

What? screeched Tetkashtai. Back? We can't go back there! Dandra, tell him-

Dandra pushed the raving presence away and swallowed hard. A long moment of silence passed, the only sound the rustle of a cool breeze in the grass. Finally, Dandra took a slow breath. 'Geth,' she said softly, 'I'm so sorry. Adolan was-'

Geth spun around so fast that Dandra barely even saw him rise to his feet. 'Adolan was what?' the shifter roared, thrusting his face into hers. 'What was Adolan to you? What was Bull Hollow to you? A place to stop? A place to hide?'

He bared his teeth and Dandra could feel the moist heat of his breath. His wide amber eyes stared into hers. His very presence was intimidating, as if he was some wild animal that had come leaping out of the trees to confront her. A primal fear seized her heart. Geth was an animal in every way: his teeth, his eyes, his flat nose, his dense hair, the thick muscles that corded his neck, shoulders, and arms.

'Geth…' she pleaded.

He lifted his right hand slowly, raising the hooked blades that stood out from the back of his gauntlet in front of her face. 'By Tiger's blood, I wish we had left you to those displacer beasts.'

His hand snapped down and he turned away. Dandra stood stiff in shock. Singe was standing nearby. She shot a frightened glance at him. He shook his head. 'Don't ask me.' The Aundairian's mouth twisted. 'Geth wasn't the only one who lost someone at Bull Hollow.'

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