doubt believes in her right to masturbate if she chooses. Some harem philosophies deny that, in order to ensure that she does not spoil herself for her master. In that case, she must be circumcised, as it is called, secured in this posture for that purpose. An older and experienced harem woman will use a keen little blade to prune away Lesley's clitoris and trim her vaginal lips well back. They will leave her nothing to play with. After that, her pleasure will be concentrated on the use of the man's penis in her vagina or, if preferred, her behind. The chosen area will be prepared by constant stimulus and excitation from the women who have charge of her.'

As he spoke, he rubbed Lesley's clitoris lightly in a teasing circular movement with his fingertips. We could hear the young wife breathing harder, the whisper of stockinged knees and thighs pressing and squirming together. With the index finger of his other hand, Dr. Jacobus simultaneously parted her vaginal lips in a long, repeated caress. Lesley's mouth opened a little, her eyes closed, fluttered open, and then closed again.

'More probably,' said Dr. Jacobus, 'she will be encouraged to play with herself, even before her master and his guests, as well as to indulge in amours with other harem girls.'

She turned her fair urchin crop aside, as if needing to rest her head on her shoulder. Her tongue passed repeatedly and automatically over her parted lips.

'You do like it, don't you, Lesley?' He smiled gently, then addressed himself to the rest of us. 'Now, gentlemen, what better way to gauge her passion than to see how her love juice collects on the silk of her tights? She cannot help herself. It is immaterial whether the hand is that of her lover or of a man she despises and loathes.'

He spoke truly. The honey-toned sheen of the tights now shone with the slippery wetness of her vaginal lubrication which gathered on the mesh between her legs. Dr. Jacobus cupped his hand over her vagina, squeezing and milking gently. Lesley gave an imploring little cry. Was she frantic not to be brought to orgasm in front of us? Or was she begging him to help her scale the heights of bliss? Alas, Dr. Jacobus drew his hand away. He locked a thin chain round her waist and clipped it to a metal ring at the table's centre, restricting her to the tabletop. 'Turn on your side, Lesley,' he said gently, 'and draw your knees up. I'm going to peel your tights down to mid-thigh.'

When this was done, he turned to us. 'Even a man whom she dislikes can conquer Lesley if he is prepared to masturbate her to a point where she is beyond self-control. Even an educated and self-possessed young woman will yearn for a body to respond to. There will come a point where she will want sex with any man who is available, or even with another woman. Watch carefully while I continue to masturbate Lesley between the rear opening of her legs.'

On to the dais came a quite tall and graceful Caribbean beauty. I saw it was Shawn, in a yellow singlet and beige shorts. Such a proud, high-boned facial beauty. Her dark hair was once more prettily drawn back in a bun. Her bare coffee-skinned legs were long and agile. As she stripped off her pants, the tawny cheeks of her bottom were elegantly rounded, her pubic mound bearing a trim bush of dark hair.

As Dr. Jacobus continued to masturbate Lesley by rubbing his finger in her vaginal slit, Shawn stooped and tauntingly put her eighteen-year-old lips to those of the lust-tormented wife. Lesley kissed yearningly, giving a little whimper of frustration when Shawn drew away. The tawny-skinned girl gave a secret smile from her almond eyes and gathered saliva on her tongue. Lesley, her hips moving in time with Dr. Jacobus' stroking, opened her mouth pleadingly to take the coloured girl's well-watered tongue on her own. Shawn stooped right over the young Englishwoman and, pulling up her singlet, offered her warm-toned young breasts. Lesley took the nipple crowns one after the other in her mouth, eyes closed in rapture, and tongue-washed them languorously. Dr. Jacobus' fingers, entering through the rear opening of her thighs, now fondled her clitoris pitilessly.

Of course Shawn was a warm-blooded girl who was herself getting very excited by now. She lay on the table, facing Lesley but with her head towards Lesley's feet. Shawn's tawny thighs now opened in front of Lesley's face. With hardly a moment of hesitation, the urchin-cropped wife began to kiss the tops of the long, graceful Caribbean legs. Shawn looked down, tight-lidded almond eyes full of mockery, the dark hair with its top-knot and tortoise-shell comb giving her a commanding elegance.

'Do it with your tongue between Shawn's legs,' said Dr. Jacobus quietly. Then he turned to us. 'An intriguing tableau, gentlemen! Lesley swears she has never made love with a young woman before, not even her girlfriends at school or college! Yet nature has taught her by instinct what to do. Even her marriage and babies have not spoilt that.'

We stared wide-eyed at the scene on the demonstration table. Lesley was still restricted to the length of her waist chain. The high crown of her short crop bowed forward. Shawn bent one knee and raised her leg a little. Lesley licked and kissed the brown-skinned girl's clitoris, then lapped at Shawn's vaginal cleft as if the elixir of life ran from between her cunt-lips. The firm, pale moons of Lesley's bottom seemed to arch out at the same time towards Dr. Jacobus, as she lay on her side. From the rear opening of her thighs, he continued to masturbate her with remorseless skill.

Shawn's eyes were closed in a dream of bliss, her cheek resting on Lesley's bare hip, arms hugging the Englishwoman's haunches, and lips caressing.

'Turn over, Shawn,' said Dr. Jacobus presently, 'show your behind to Lesley. Reach back and pull the cheeks apart a little.'

The high, taut, coffee-skinned cheeks of Shawn's bottom were delectable enough. Yet Lesley twisted her face away, lips pressed and mewing with refusal.

'Would you rather a certain little girl did it instead?' asked Dr. Jacobus. 'Instructions can be given at once for that.'

Lesley, whose reluctance was perhaps half-hearted, looked at him in dismay, then turned her face to Shawn's rump. Cheek-kissing was ordered first, then lipping the dark cleavage, and finally the flickering intrusion of Lesley's tongue into Shawn's tight anus-bud. Yet by this time both girls had liberally dewed the inner surfaces of their thighs with the lubrication of excitement. As Dr. Jacobus had pointed out, it was absurd for Lesley in such a state to pretend that she could not attend to Shawn's posterior before returning to the other girl's vagina once more.

At length, Shawn was led away into the shadows by one of the Pasha's soldiers. It was just possible to see how he stood her against a balustrade, and made her raise her legs and grip his waist, while his penis entered her vigorously from below.

'The culmination of our efforts,' said Dr. Jacobus, 'in the first hour of the lecture, must be the principal use of Lesley's vagina. That will now be demonstrated to you.'

The captain of the guard appeared, his breeches unbuttoned, a fine, stout erection standing out. Without her waist chain being unfastened, Lesley turned onto her back, bending her knees and opening her thighs wide.

'I fear it is greed rather than obedience which makes her so eager now,' said Dr. Jacobus. 'Yet who would have thought that Lesley, so arrogant and dismissive in her dealings with others when she was at liberty, would be so eagerly promiscuous in bed?'

The captain smiled and knelt on the table between her legs. He found her well prepared by the lecturer's fondling.

'From such frequent use in the marriage bed and in the beds of her lovers, as well as from child-bearing, Lesley's vagina is a trifle slacker than Arab taste generally prefers. Yet that is amply compensated here by the fairness of her skin and the firm agility of her figure.'

He spoke truly. Setting his teeth, the captain drove his shaft into Lesley's cunt with a passion which made her catch her breath. Yet she lifted her hips to him and cried out softly with desire. Taking her bead between his hands, he kissed her lips. His palm smoothed repeatedly over her proud, young belly. Then his hands went under the singlet and firmed up Lesley's breasts. Lesley drew her knees right up and her white feet seemed to flutter like two pretty birds in her ecstasy. Her eyes closed lightly and, perhaps, she tried to pretend it was her husband or a lover who was doing it of her. Dr. Jacobus continued his lesson.

'How ill-advised was that society which permitted Lesley to refuse her body to men who admired her but whom she regarded with disdain! Such caprice is not tolerated here in a slave girl. Yet are we not kinder than the world where she was allowed to be so cool and aloof, bestowing her favours grudgingly on husband and lovers alike?'

Lesley arched her back and began to give little cries of 'Ah! Ahhh! Ahhhhh!' Her toes clenched tight with joy.

'In the place she is going to,' said Dr. Jacobus, 'Lesley will be compelled to submit to the penis of whichever master chooses her. No matter if he is hateful or repugnant to her. Despite her self-possessed and emancipated attitudes, she will enjoy his prick just as much. You see her now? You hear her sigh and whimper with love? You observe her firm, white thighs squeezing adoringly on the penis of her man? Yet she could not detest anyone more!

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