for Winston Smith, but Inner Party loyalist O'Brien undoubtedly got a promotion for bringing such a dangerous radical as Smith to justice. Titles notable for their high literary value are marked with an asterisk.
To learn more about the stories in Brave New Worlds, visit the anthology's website at
Notable Dystopias:
Amis, Martin
Einstein's Monsters
Anderson, M. T.
Armstrong, Jon
Grey (et. seq.)
Asimov, Isaac
Pebble in the Sky
Atwood, Margaret
The Handmaid's Tale *
Oryx and Crake
the Year of the Flood
Auster, Paul
In the Country of Last things
Bacigalupi, Paolo
The Windup Girl *
Ship Breaker
Ballard, J. G.
Hello America
Barry, Max
Jennifer Government
Bates, Paul L.
Beaton, Alistair
A Planet for the President
Beckett, Bernard
Boll, Heinrich
My Melancholy Face
Boston, Bruce
The Guardener's Tale
Boyd, John
The Last Starship from Earth
Bradbury, Ray
Fahrenheit 451 *
Brain, Marshall
Brooke, Keith
Brunner, John
The Jagged Orbit
The Sheep Look Up *
The Shockwave Rider
Bulwer-Lytton, Edward
Vril: the Power of the Coming Race
Burgess, Anthony
A Clockwork Orange
The Wanting Seed
Burroughs, William S.
Blade Runner, a Movie (see also Nourse, Alan E.)
Butler, Octavia
Parable of the Sower *
Carbonneau, Louis
Barrier World
Cobb, William
A Spring of Souls
Cohen, Stuart Archer
The Army of the Republic
Collins, Suzanne
The Hunger Games (et. seq.)
Cowdrey, Albert E.
Crace, Jim
The Pesthouse
DeVita, James
The Silenced
DiChario, Nick
Valley of Day-Glo
Dick, Philip K.
Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said
The Man in the High Castle *
Disch, Thomas
The Genocides
Doctrow, Cory
Little Brother
Farmer, Philip Jose
Riders of the Purple Wage
Ferrigno, Robert
Prayers for the Assassin (et. seq.)
Fischer, Tibor
The Collector Collector
Fukui, Isamu
Gibson, William
Mona Lisa Overdrive
Neuromancer *
Gray, Alasdair
Lanark: A Life in Four Books *
Grimes, Tom
City of God