Hairston, Andrea


Hall, Sarah

Daughters of the North

Harkaway, Nick

The Gone-Away World

Harris, Robert


Harrison, Harry

Make Room! Make Room! *

Herbert, Frank

Hellstrom's Hive

Hubbard, L. Ron

Final Blackout

Huxley, Aldous

Ape and Essence

Brave New World *

Ishiguro, Kazuo

Never Let Me Go

Johnston, Paul

The House of Dust

Keogh, Andrew


Keppel-Jones, Arthur M.

When Smuts Goes

Kerr, Philip

The Second Angel

King, Stephen (writing as Richard Bachman)

The Long Walk

The Running Man

Kuttner, Henry

The Iron Standard

Lamar, Jake

The Last Integrationist

Le Guin, Ursula K.

The Lathe of Heaven

Lem, Stansilaw

Memoirs Found in a Bathtub

Lerner, Lisa

Just Like Beauty

Levin, Ira

This Perfect Day

Lewis, Sinclair

It Can't Happen Here *

London, Jack

The Iron Heel *

Lowry, Lois

The Giver

Lundwall, Sam J.

2018 A. D. or the King Kong Blues

Mark, Jan

Useful Idiots

McCarthy, Cormac

The Road *

McCarthy, Wil


McIntosh, Will

Soft Apocalypse

McMullen, Sean

Eyes of the Calculor

Mellick III, Carlton

The Egg Man

War Slut

Mieville, China

Perdido Street Station

Mitchell, David

Cloud Atlas ('Sonmis Oratio')

Moore, Alan

V for Vendetta

Morgan, Richard

Market Forces

Thirteen (AKA Black Man)

Morrison, Toni


Nabokov, Vladimir

Invitation to a Beheading

Neiderman, Andrew

The Baby Squad

Nolan, William F. and George Clayton Johnson

Logan's Run

Norden, Eric

The Ultimate Solution

Nourse, Alan E.

The Blade Runner (See also Burroughs, William S.)

O'Brien, Michael D.

Eclipse of the Sun

Oppegaard, David

The Suicide Collectors

Orwell, George

Nineteen Eighty-Four *

Philbrick, Rodman

The Last Book in the Universe

Pohl, Frederick and C. M. Kornbluth

The Space Merchants

Pollack, Rachel

Unquenchable Fire

Powers, Tim

Dinner at Deviant's Palace

Rand, Ayn

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