«It is noteworthy and remarkable to see...”:

Schopenhauer,World as Will, vol. 1, p. 85 / В§ 16.

«Only the male intellect...”: Schopenhauer,Parerga and

Paralipomena, vol. 2, p. 619 / В§ 369

«Your eternal quibbles, your laments...”:

Safranski,Schopenhauer, pp. 92, 94.

«I know women. They regard marriage only...”: Arthur

Schopenhauer: Gespräche. Hrsg. v. Arthur Hübscher,

Stuttgart–Bad Cannstatt 1971, p.152. Trans. by Felix Reuter

and Irvin Yalom.

«Mark now on what footing...”: Safranski, p. 94

«Fourfold root? No doubt this...”: Ibid., p. 169

«The door which you slammed so noisily...”: Paul Deusen,

ed.,Journal of the Schopenhauer Society, 1912‫1944, trans.

Felix Reuter, Frankfurt: n.p. 1973, p. 128.

«Most men allow themselves to be seduced...”:

Schopenhauer,Manuscript Remains, vol. 4, p. 504 /

“ ,” В§ 25. Trans. modified by Felix Reuter

and Irvin Yalom.

«Great sufferings render lesser ones...”:

Schopenhauer,World as Will, vol. 1, p. 316 / В§ 57. Trans.

modified by Walter Sokel and Irvin Yalom.

«Nothing can alarm or move him any more...”: Ibid., vol.

1, p. 390/ В§ 68.

«One must have chaos...”: Friedrich Nietzsche,Thus Spoke

Zarathustra, trans. R. J. Hollingdale (New York: Penguin,

1961), p. 46

«The flower replied:...”: Schopenhauer,Parerga and

Paralipomena, vol. 2, p. 649 / chap. 314 В§ 388.»

«The cheerfulness and buoyancy of our youth...”: Ibid.,

vol. 1, p. 483 / chap. 6, «On the Different Periods of Life.»

«half mad through excesses...”: Arthur HГјbscher,Arthur

Schopenhauer: Ein Lebensbild. Dritte Auflage,

durchgesehen von Angelika HГјbscher, mit einer Abbildung

und zwei Handschriftproben. (Mannheim: F. A. Brockhaus,

1988), S. 12

«little though I care for stiff etiquette...”:

Safranski,Schopenhauer, p. 40

«I only wish you had learned...”: Ibid., p. 40

«Next to the picture were...”: Ibid., p. 42

«I find that a panorama from a high mountain...”: Ibid., p.


«Philosophy is a high mountain road...”:

Schopenhauer,Manuscript Remains, vol. 1, p. 14 / В§ 20

«We entered a room of carousing servants...”:

Safranski,Schopenhauer, p. 51.

«The strident singing of the multitude...” and subsequent

quotations in this paragraph: Ibid., p. 43

«I am sorry that your stay...”: Ibid., p. 45

«Every time I went out among men...”:

Schopenhauer,Manuscript Remains, vol. 4, p. 512 /

“ ,” В§ 32

«Be sure your objective judgments...”:

Safranski,Schopenhauer, p. 167

«He is a happy man...”: Saunders,Complete Essays, book

2, p. 63. See also Schopenhauer,Parerga and

Paralipomena, vol. 1, p. 445 / chap. 5, «Counsels and


«Sex does not hesitate to intrude...”: Schopenhauer,World

as Will, vol. 2, p. 533 / chap. 44, «The Metaphysics of

Sexual Love.»

«Obit anus, abit onus...”: Bryan Magee,The Philosophy of

Schopenhauer (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1983; revised

1997), p. 13, footnote.

«Industrious whore»: Safranski,Schopenhauer, p. 66

«I was very fond of them...”: Ibid., p. 67

«But I didn`t want them, you see...”: Arthur Schopenhauer:

Gespräche. Herausgegeben von Arthur Hübscher. Neue,

stark erweiterte Ausg. Stuttgart–Bad Cannstatt, 1971, p. 58.

Trans. by Felix Reuter.

«May you not totally lose the ability...”:

Safranski,Schopenhauer, p. 245

«For a woman, limitation to one man...”: Ibid., p. 271

«Man at one time has too much...”: Ibid., p. 271

«All great poets were unhappily married...”:

Schopenhauer,Manuscript Remains, vol. 4, p. 505 /

“ ,” В§ 25

To marry at a late age...: Schopenhauer,Manuscript

Remains, vol. 4, p. 504 / В§ 24.

«Next to the love of life...”: Schopenhauer,World as Will,

vol. 2, p. 513 / chap. 42, «Life of the Species.»

«If we consider all this...”: Ibid., vol. 2, p. 534 / chap. 44,

«The Metaphysics of Sexual Love.»

«The true end of the whole love story...”: Ibid., vol. 2, p.

535 / chap. 44, «The Metaphysics of Sexual Love.»

«Therefore what here guides man...”: Ibid., vol. 2, p. 539 /

chap. 44, «The Metaphysics of Sexual Love.»

«The man is taken possession of by the spirit...”: Ibid., vol.

2, pp. 554, 555 / chap. 44, «The Metaphysics of Sexual


«For he is under the influence...”: Ibid., vol. 2, p. 556 /

chap. 44, «The Metaphysics of Sexual Love.»

«What is not endowed with reason...”: Ibid., vol. 2, p. 557 /

chap. 44, «The Metaphysics of Sexual Love.»

«If I maintain silence about my secret...”:

Schopenhauer,Parerga and Paralipomena, vol. 1, p. 466 /

chap. 5, «Counsels and Maxims.»

«If we do not want to be a plaything...”:

Schopenhauer,Manuscript Remains, vol. 4, p. 499 /

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