“ ,” В§ 20

«If you have an earnest desire...”: Epictetus:Discourses

and Enchiridion , trans. Thomas Wentworth Higginson

(New York: Walter J. Black, 1944), p. 338.

«By the time I was thirty...”: Schopenhauer,Manuscript

Remains, vol. 4, p. 513 / “ ,” В§ 33

«One cold winter`s day...”: Schopenhauer,Parerga and

Paralipomena, vol. 2, p. 651 / В§ 396.

«Yet whoever has a great deal of internal warmth...”: Ibid.,

vol. 2, p. 652 / В§ 396.

«highest class of mankind»: Schopenhauer,Manuscript

Remains, vol. 4, p. 498 / “ ,” В§ 20

«My intellect belonged not to me...”: Ibid., vol. 4, p. 484 /

“ ,” В§ 3.

«Young Schopenhauer seems to have changed...”:

Safranski,Schopenhauer, p. 120.

«Your friend, our great Goethe...”: Ibid., p. 177.

«We discussed a good many things...”: Ibid., p. 190

«But the genius lights on his age...”: Schopenhauer,World

as Will, vol. 2, p. 390 / chap. 31, «On Genius.»

«If in daily intercourse we are asked...”:

Schopenhauer,Parerga and Paralipomena, vol. 2, p. 268 /

В§ 135

«It is better not to speak...”: Schopenhauer,Manuscript

Remains, vol. 4, p. 512 / “ ,” В§ 32

«miserable wretches, of limited intelligence...”: Ibid., vol.

4, p. 501 / “ ,” В§ 22.

«Almost every contact with men...”: Ibid., vol. 4, p. 508 /

“ ,” В§ 29.

«Do not tell a friend what your enemy...”:

Schopenhauer,Parerga and Paralipomena, vol. 1, p. 466 /

chap. 5, «Counsels and Maxims.»

«Regard all personal affairs as secrets...”: Ibid., vol. 1, p.

465 / chap. 5 «Counsels and Maxims.»

«Giving way neither to love nor to hate...”: Ibid., vol. 1, p.

466/ chap. 5, «Counsels and Maxims.»

«Distrust is the mother of safety...”

Schopenhauer,Manuscript Remains, vol. 4, p. 495 /

“ ,” В§ 17

«To forget at any time the bad traits...”:

Schopenhauer,Parerga and Paralipomena, vol. 1, p. 466/

chap. 5, «Counsels and Maxims.»

«The only way to attain superiority...”: Saunders,Complete

Essays, book 2, p. 72. See also Schopenhauer,Parerga and

Paralipomena, vol. 1, p. 451 / В§ 28.

«To disregard is to win regard»: Ibid., p. 72. See also

Schopenhauer,Parerga and Paralipomena, vol.1, p. 451 / В§


«If we really think highly...”: Ibid., p. 72. See also

Schopenhauer,Parerga and Paralipomena, vol.1, p. 451 / В§


«Better to let men be what they are...”:

Schopenhauer,Manuscript Remains, vol. 4, p. 508 /

“ ,” В§ 29, footnote.

«We must never show anger and hatred...”:

Schopenhauer,Parerga and Paralipomena, vol. 1, p. 466 /

chap. 5, «Counsels and Maxims.»

«By being polite and friendly...”: Ibid., p. 463

«There are few ways by which...”: Schopenhauer,Parerga

and Paralipomena, vol. 1, p. 459 / chap. 5, «Counsels and


«We should set a limit to our wishes...”: Ibid., vol. 1, p.

438 / chap. 5, «Counsels and Maxims.»

«No rose without a thorn...”: Saunders,Complete Essays,

book 5, p. 97. See also Schopenhauer,Parerga and

Paralipomena, vol. 2, p. 648 / В§ 385

Bodies are material objects...: See discussion in

Magee,Philosophy of Schopenhauer, pp. 440‫53

«Every place we look in life...”: Schopenhauer,World as

Will, vol. 1, p. 309 / В§ 56.

«Work, worry, toil and trouble...”: Schopenhauer,Parerga

and Paralipomena, vol. 2, p. 293 / В§ 152

«In the first place a man never is happy...”:

Saunders,Complete Essays, book 5, p. 21. See also

Schopenhauer,Parerga and Paralipomena, vol. 2, p. 284 /

В§ 144.

«We are like lambs playing in the field...”:

Schopenhauer,Parerga and Paralipomena, vol. 2, p. 292 /

В§ 150

«I have not written for the crowd...”:

Schopenhauer,Manuscript Remains, vol. 4, p. 207 /

«Pandectae II,” В§ 84

«A man finds himself...”: Saunders,Complete Essays, book

5, p. 19. See also Schopenhauer,Parerga and

Paralipomena, vol. 2, p. 283 / В§ 143.

«When, on a sea voyage...”: Epictetus,Discourses and

Enchiridion, p. 334.

«Life can be compared to a piece of embroidered

material...”: Schopenhauer,Parerga and Paralipomena,

vol. 1, p. 482 / chap. 6, «On the Different Periods of Life.»

«Even when there is no particular provocation...”:

Schopenhauer,Manuscript Remains, vol. 4, p. 507 /

“ ,” В§ 28

Schopenhauer`s daily schedule: Magee,Philosophy of

Schopenhauer, p. 24

Schopenhauer`s table talk: Safranski,Schopenhauer, p. 284.

The gold piece for the poor: Arthur HГјbscher,

ed.,Schopenhauer`s Anekdotenbuchlein (Frankfurt, 1981),

p. 58. Trans. Felix Reuter and Irvin Yalom.

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