«I would be jealous, because my wife would cheat on


«Why are you so sure of that?»

«Because I would deserve it.»

«Why is that?»

«Because I would have married.»

He also had sharp words to say about physicians, once

remarking that doctors have two different handwritings: a barely

legible one for prescriptions and a clear and proper one for their


A writer who visited the fifty–eight–year–old Schopenhauer

at lunch in 1846 described him thus:

Well built...invariably well dressed but an outmoded

cut...medium height with short silvery hair...amused and

exceedingly intelligent blue–flecked eyes...displayed an

introverted and, when he spoke, almost baroque nature,

whereby he daily supplied considerable material to the cheap

satire of...the table company. Thus, this often comically

disgruntled, but in fact harmless and good–naturedly gruff,

table companion became the butt of the jokes of insignificant

men who would regularly—though admittedly not ill–meaningly—make fun of him.

After lunch Schopenhauer habitually took a long walk, often

carrying on an audible monologue or a conversation with his dog

which elicited jeers from children. He spent evenings reading alone

in his rooms, never receiving visitors. There is no evidence of

romantic relationships during his years in Frankfurt, and in 1831,

at the age of forty–three, he wrote in «About Me,” «The risk of

living without work on a small income can be undertaken only in


He never saw his mother after their break when he was

thirty–one, but twelve years later, in 1813, they began to exchange

a few business–related letters until her death in 1835. Once when

he was ill, his mother wrote a rare personal comment: «Two

months in your room without seeing a single person, that is not

good, my son, and saddens me. A man cannot and should not

isolate himself in that manner.»

Occasional letters passed back and forth between Arthur and

his sister, Adele, in which she again and again tried to move closer

to her brother, all the while offering reassurances that she would

never make demands on him. But he repeatedly backed away.

Adele, who never married, lived in great despair. When he told her

of moving from Berlin to escape cholera, she wrote back that she

would have welcomed getting the cholera which would have put an

end to her misery. But Arthur pulled away even farther, absolutely

refusing to be drawn into her life and her depression. After Arthur

left home, they saw each other only once, in 1840, in a brief and

unsatisfactory meeting, and Adele died nine years later.

Money was a continual source of concern throughout

Schopenhauer`s life. His mother left her small estate to Adele, and

Adele died with virtually no remaining estate. He tried, in vain, to

get a job as a translator, and until the very last years of his life his

books neither sold nor were reviewed by the press.

In short, Arthur lived without any of the comforts or rewards

that his culture held so necessary to equilibrium, even to survival.

How did he do it? What price did he pay? These, as we shall see,

were the secrets he confided to «About Me.»



The monuments,

the ideas left

behind by

beings like me

are my greatest

pleasure in

life. Without

books I would

long ago have

been in



Julius entered the group room the following week to an odd scene.

The members, sprawled in their seats, were intently studying

Philip`s parable. Stuart had placed his copy on a clipboard and

underlined as he read. Having forgotten his copy, Tony was

reading over Pam`s shoulder.

Rebecca, with a hint of exasperation in her voice, began the

meeting: «I`ve read this with due diligence.» She held up Philip`s

handout, then folded it and put it in her purse. «I`ve given it

enough time, Philip, in fact, too much time, and now I`d like you

to disclose the relevance of this text to me or the group or Julius.»

«I think it would be a richer exercise if the class discussed it

first,” responded Philip.

«Class? That`s what this feels like—a class assignment. Is

this the way you do counseling, Philip? she asked, snapping her

purse shut. «Like a teacher in a classroom? This is not why I`m

here; I came for treatment, not for adult education.»

Philip took no note of Rebecca`s huffiness. «At best there

exists only a vague boundary between education and therapy. The

Greeks—Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, the Stoics and Epicureans—all

believed that education and reason were the tools needed to combat

human suffering. Most philosophical counselors consider

education to be the foundation of therapy. Almost all ascribe to

Leibniz`s mottoCaritas sapientis meaning вЂ?wisdom and care.`”

Philip turned toward Tony. «Leibniz was a German philosopher of

the seventeenth century.»

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