the house by a shout from Renie.

“Hey! Come in. I’ve got this junk all over my


Judith returned to the porch. Renie stood in the

doorway, her hands and lower arms spattered with

what looked like the insides of a pumpkin. Bill came

down the hall from the kitchen. His head was covered


Mary Daheim

with the same orange clumps and he’d left a trail of

yellow seeds in his wake.

“What on earth . . . ?” Judith began, her jaw dropping. “I thought you had a catastrophe!”

“We did,” Renie replied, moving back to the

kitchen, where she ran her hands and arms under the

tap. “Bill got a pumpkin stuck on his head.”

Judith looked at Bill. Bill shrugged, then took a

towel from the kitchen counter and began to wipe himself off. Judith then looked at what was left of the

pumpkin. It lay on the floor in several pieces. Only the

top with its jaunty green stem remained intact.

Putting a hand to her breast in relief, Judith leaned

against the refrigerator. “Good grief. You scared the

hell out of me.”

“Sorry,” Renie said, rinsing her hands. “I hit your

number on the speed dial instead of 911.”

“Then,” Bill put in, his voice muffled by the towel,

“she punched the button for her hairdresser. By that

time I’d gotten the pumpkin off my head.”

“I don’t suppose,” Judith said slowly, “I ought to

ask why you were wearing a pumpkin on your head,


Removing the towel, he shrugged again. “It was for

your Halloween party tomorrow. I planned to go as

Ichabod Crane.”

Judith shook her head in wonder, then frowned. “It’s

not my party, it’s Bruno Zepf’s. I’m merely catering

the damned thing.”

“I’m helping,” Renie said, looking a trifle hurt.

“That’s why we’re coming, isn’t it? We thought it

would be more fun if we wore costumes like everybody else.”



“What,” Judith asked Renie, “were you going as?

Ichabod’s horse?”

“A tree,” Renie said with a lift of her short chin.

“You know—the scary kind with a twisted trunk and

clawlike branches.”

“Don’t,” Judith advised. “You’ll hurt yourself.”

She glanced at Bill. “One of you already has. I’m

going home now. In fact, I might as well stop at Falstaff’s Grocery on the way to stock up for the party.

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