Bruno Zepf gave me a list. Some of the items had to

come from specialty stores. I hope he can pay all

these bills.”

“He can,” Bill said, his clean-cut Midwestern features finally free of pumpkin debris. “The man’s

movies make millions. The Gasman may hit a billion.”

“Good for him,” Judith said on a bitter note. “I just

wish he wasn’t staying at Hillside Manor.”

“It’s only two nights,” Renie soothed. “Look at it as

an adventure. A big-time Hollywood producer. Glamorous stars. A famous director. It’ll be like having

Oscar night in your living room.”

“That’s what I’m afraid of,” Judith said, making her

way to the door. “Glad you’re not dead. See you tomorrow night.”

“I’m coming to help at five,” Renie announced. “I’ll

change into my tree suit later.”

“Goody,” Judith said in a lifeless voice. “Maybe I’ll

turn into a pumpkin.”

“Hey!” Bill called after her. “I’m wearing the pumpkin!”

Judith glanced back at the orange glop that littered

the kitchen. “You mean, you were.”





Mary Daheim

An hour later Judith arrived at Hillside Manor with

fourteen grocery bags and an entry on the debit side of

her checking account for almost four hundred dollars.

“What are you feeding?” Phyliss asked as she put on

her shapeless black raincoat. “An army?”

Judith gazed at the paper-in-plastic bags and shook

her head. “The problem is, I don’t know how many

will come here after the premiere and the costume ball

at the Cascadia Hotel. Most of the movie people are

staying at the hotel. But Mr. Zepf had one of his staff

members send me a list of what he’d like served at the

midnight supper party. I don’t want to run short. He’s

also been shipping some things that I wouldn’t be able

to find here in town.”

Phyliss gave a toss of her gray sausage curls. “More

money than sense,” she declared. “What’s wrong with

meat and potatoes? As for all this shipping, at least two

more express trucks showed up today. There may have

been another one, but I was upstairs and my lumbago was

giving me fits, so I didn’t bother myself to come down.”

Judith eyed Phyliss. “Are you sure?”

“No, I’m not sure,” Phyliss answered crossly. “I’ve

no time for all this fancy-pants stuff. It’s gluttony, if

you ask me. That’s one of the Seven Deadly Sins. I

wonder how many of the others they’ll commit while

they’re here.”

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