merriment. Thus he had a chance of a private view certainly not calculated to calm his excitement. His features proclaimed his delight. A sudden look of sensual longing spread over them as he saw my brown-stockinged legs. I let him enjoy the exhibition as long as he liked. My foot was all the time is contact with the cucumber. At last he could stand it no longer. He put down his hand. He himself pressed my little foot upon the sensitive spot.

'Ah! Mon dieu! You are the most beautiful young lady I make for! You do not know what you make me suffer. When I see-when I feel these lovely little boots, I am mad-I am mad! When I make them I have pleasure! When I see them on your beautiful feet, I go crack!'

I did not reply in words. I only raised my foot to his face as he knelt. He seized it again. He covered it with kisses. His white apron had slipped on one side. The violent erection of his limb was plainly visible in his loose blue cotton trousers. From the position he occupied, I am sure he could see above my garters. I made no scruple in encouraging his passion.

'Poor Monsieur Dalmaine! Are you so very bad?'

'Oh, you most beautiful! I must fook with you-or burst. Oh, dear! Oh, dear?'

'I should be sorry to make you suffer. Will it do you good, do you think?'

'I must fook you-I must fook! You are the angel of my dreams, I must-ilfaut que je m'assouvisse avant de mourir!'

His whole being quivered with excitement as he knelt, his hands convulsively clasping my ankles as I reclined in his fauteuil.

'Are we quite sure not to be disturbed? Poor Monsieur Dalmaine, you shall not be disappointed. Only be prudent. Pray do not hold my legs so high! How dreadfully indecent! Oh, really!'

'But first I must taste of your sweet parfum-of your essence divine. I must enjoy! Oh, yes! Oh, yes! My beautiful young lady! I have wanted you for a long time! Now! Now!'

In another instant he had separated my legs. Plunging forward, he inserted his head between. He forcibly opened a passage. Before I could oppose any resistance to his attack-even had I been so inclined-his face was upon my naked thighs. He pressed forward. In pretending to protect myself, I assisted his design. With a stifled cry of bestial delight, he covered my part with his lips. He drove in his long hot tongue. I felt him sucking my clitoris with all the fury of a satyr. The taste-the perfume-appeared to drive him to a perfect frenzy. Finding no further resistance, he clasped me round the loins. He continued his salacious gratification, steeping his mouth in the amorous secretion with which I liberally dosed him. I was almost beside myself with the pleasure he was giving me. I spent continually. Presently his right hand released me. I guessed his object. He raised himself from his recumbent position but without quitting his vantage ground. His face was red and inflamed with lust. Raging desire had taken possession of the man. I had led him on. It was not in my power to stay it now. I had not long to wait. He tore open the front of his trousers. I saw his limb fiercely erect-red-capped and ready to do its work. The lewd sight destroyed what little remained of prudence. He threw himself upon my willing body. I raised myself to favor his assault. We neither spoke, but with a great gasp of acute delight I felt the stiff insertion of the Frenchman's long member into my parts.

Monsieur Dalmaine went to work at once. He was so fiercely charged with unappeased desire that he made haste to quench his passion upon me. In the midst of his desperate thrusts, he took care to seize one of my feet in either hand. He thus had me at his mercy. I felt his desperate movements within my belly where his limb was pushed as far as its great length could carry it. It was perfectly strong and rigid. I enjoyed the act as much as he did. All too soon I knew he was about to discharge. He spent in a burst of semen which overflowed my parts. He sank groaning upon my bosom.

'Oh! Monsieur Dalmaine, is this what you call going 'crack'!'

Chapter 2

Our reduced establishment closed early. By eleven o'clock all the inmates had retired for the night. Mrs. Lockett was heard to shut and turn the key. I thoroughly believe John had purposely rusted that lock. Sometimes a drop of salt water is as useful as oil-but in a contrary sense. At midnight the mansion was wrapped in slumber-all save John and I. At a quarter past twelve I admitted the footman. I lay with him that night. He entered noiselessly. He had on felt slippers. I had thought of all. We were absolutely safe and alone. It was delicious to feel free to gratify all one's voluptuous inclinations and indulge without restraint all one's libidinous ideas and conceptions. One great advantage was that, under the circumstances, my stallion-for so I considered him-could mount me-neigh and whinny without fear and to his heart's content. My greedy nerves vibrated as I closed the door of my chamber after the impatient fellow. I motioned him to a seat. He submitted with the prompt obedience of a well-trained menial. We neither of us spoke. He watched me as I undressed. I intentionally afforded him a delicious prospect. I saw his hands clench-his lips quiver-his nostrils dilate as he took in all the points I wantonly exposed for his intoxication. I let fall my skirts. I stood in my chemise, my stockings, and my corset. His greedy eyes followed every movement. I knew I was working the man into a state of almost unendurable longing. It was delightful to me. I grew excited beyond measure. I watched the keen, fierce, lecherous spirit overpowering all reserve-all prudence. I threw myself upon the large soft couch.

'John, you may undress. I wish to see you naked.'

It had pleased me to act the school miss in my intercourse with this man. It seemed to come natural to me. It served as a silly excuse for my precocious wantonness. It assuaged my amour proper. It gave me unbounded confidence in my character of an innocent led astray by the blandishments of a good-looking, full-grown man. John's natural vanity did the rest. To him I was the condescending young lady of the house seduced by his modest behaviour, his rich livery. Above all by his manly proportions and his capacity for affording her sensuous delight.

I therefore looked on while John cast off his coat and divested himself of his striped waistcoat, depositing both within the room adjoining. Then came the turn of his scarlet breeches. I smiled at the semi-modest, stupid air with which he let them fall. My mouth watered and my lips parted at the sight of his erected limb, his hairy belly, as his shirt flew up.

'Come here, John. I want to feel your Robin.'

In another second, my stallion was beside me. My eager hand closed around his huge member. I shook it. I caressed it. I lowered my head. I sucked it. It was delicious to my overwrought nerves. I took his big testicles in my grasp. I played with them.

'How shall we do it, John?'

'You'll let me do the job for you this time-won't you, miss? Right into you, I mean, miss. I'll do it beautiful! You'll feel as if you were in heaven when Robin is pushing himself up and down your beautiful little belly. It's all very well against the door, standing up, but lying down with your sweet legs open, he goes at it so free. He seems to get up almost to your waist, miss.'

As if to give point to his argument, the rampant fellow opened my thighs. His face went between; his eager tongue inserted itself in my moist slit. I was in no humor to refuse him anything. I bore down on his thick, sensual lips. The scenes of the past day came back to me. They passed as in a panorama before my closed eyes. John luxuriated in his prurient employment. I seemed to be exhaling for his delight the concentrated essence of previous luxury. The thought added poignancy to the sensations he forced upon me. I shivered with ecstasy.

'Oh, John-dear John-you are making me come!'

The delighted footman reveled in the solution of bygone pleasures with which I now liberally bedewed him. I rose to my feet. I beheld his strong member, red-headed, stiff as a bar of metal, menacing an onslaught upon my delicate person. I saw him gloating over my naked slit.

'Hush, John! Whisper only. How shall we do it, dear John?'

He clasped me to him. He pressed his big hairy chest to my tender form. He carried me towards the bed. He sat me on it.

'Oh, miss, do let me do it so. Let me put it into you. See how stiff I am. It's bursting, nearly. It's so full of the white stuff you are so fond of.'

'So, John-on the side of the bed. Now push it into me-oh! Oh! How big you are, John! Oh! Oh! Go slowly-it hurts! Oh!'

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