• Carmine Street Pool—Clarkson St. and Seventh Ave. WA 4-4246

• Colonial Pool—Bradhurst Ave. and W. 145th St. WA 6-8109

• East 23rd Street Pool—Asser Levy Place MU 5-1026

• Hamilton Fish Pool—E. Houston and Sheriff Streets GR 7-3911

• Highbridge Pool—Amsterdam Ave. and W. 173rd St. WA 3-2360

• John Jay Pool—77th St., east of York Ave. at Cherokee Place. RE 7-2458

• Lasker Memorial Pool—Central Park, 110th St. and Lenox Ave. 348-6297

• Thomas Jefferson Pool—111th St. and First Ave. LE 4-0198

• West 59th Street Pool—between West End and Amsterdam Avenues. CI 5-8519


• Baruch Pool—Rivington St. and Baruch Place GR 3-6950

• East 54th Street Pool—342 E. 54th St. and Second Ave. PL 8-3147

• Rutgers Place Pool—5 Rutgers Place GR 3-6567

• West 28th Street Pool—407 W. 28th St. CH 4-1896

• West 134th Street Pool—35 W. 134th St. AU 3-4612


• Betsy Head Pool—Hopkinson and Dumont Avenues DI 2-2977

• McCarren Pool—Driggs Ave. and Lorimer St. EV 8-2367

• Red Hook Pool—Bay and Henry Streets TR 5-3855

• Sunset Pool—Seventh Ave. and 43rd St. GE 5-2627


• Brownsville Recreation Center—Linden Blvd. and Christopher Ave. HY 8-1121

• Metropolitan Avenue Pool—Bedford Ave., no phone; call SO 8-2300

• St. John’s Recreation Center—Prospect Place and Schenectady Avenues HY 3-3948


• Crotona Pool—E. 173rd St. and Fulton Ave. LU 3-3910


• St. Mary’s Recreation Center Pool—St. Ann’s Ave. and E. 145th St. CY 2-7254


• Astoria Pool—19th St. and 23rd Drive, Astoria AS 8-5261

• Flushing Meadow Amphitheatre—Long Island Expressway and Grand Central Parkway, Swimming pool and diving pool. 699-4228.


• Faber Pool—Faber St. and Richmond Terrace GI 2-1524

• Lyons Pool—Victory Blvd. and Murray Hulbert Ave. GI 7-6650

The pools are generally crowded but on a warm summer day you don’t care. The pools are open on weekdays from 10 AM to 12:30 PM. There is a free period for children 14 years of age and under. No adults are admitted to the pool areas during this free period. After 1 PM on weekdays and all day on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays there is a 15 cents charge for children under 14 years and a 35 cents charge for children over 14 years.

Free Cricket Matches

At both Van Cortland Park in the Bronx and Walker Park on Staten Island every Sunday afternoon there are free cricket matches. Get schedule from British Travel Association, 43 W. 61st St. At Walker Park, free tea and crumpets are served during intermission. I say!

Free Park Events

All kinds of activities in the Parks are free. Call 755-4100 for a recorded announcement of the week’s events. The freak center is the rowing pond around 70th St. and Bethesda Fountain around 72nd St. in Central Park, although it floats. Busts are non-existent. A complete list of all recreational facilities can be obtained by calling the New York City Department of Parks.


• American Academy of Arts and Letters, American Numismatic Society, and the American Geographical Society are all located at Broadway and 155th St.

• Asia House Gallery—112 E. 64th St. Art objects from the Far East.

• Brooklyn Museum—Eastern Parkway and Washington Ave. Egyptian stuff best in the world outside Egypt. Take IRT (Broadway line) express train to Brooklyn Museum station. (Don’t miss the Gardens in back.)

• The Cloisters—Weekdays 10 AM to 5 PM, Sundays 1 PM to 6 PM. Take IND Eighth Avenue express (A train) at 190th Str. station and walk a few blocks. The number 4 Fifth Avenue bus also goes all the way up and it’s a pleasant ride. One of the best trip places in medieval setting.

• Frick Museum—1 E. 70th St. Great when you’re stoned. Closed Mondays.

• The Hispanic Society of America—Broadway between 15th and 16th Streets. The best Spanish art collection in the city.

• Marine Museum of the Seaman’s Church—25 South St. All kinds of model ships and sea stuff. Also the Seaport Museum on 16 Fulton St.

• Metropolitan Museum—5th Ave. and 82nd St.

• Museum of the American Indian—Broadway at 155th St. Largest Indian museum in the world. Open Tuesday to Sunday 1 to 5 PM. Take IRT (Broadway line) local to 157th St. station.

• Museum of the City of New York—103rd St. and 5th Ave. LE 4-1672

• Museum of Modern Art—11 W. 53rd St. CI 5-3200. Monday is free.

• Museum of Natural History—Central Park West and 79th St. Great dinosaurs and other stuff. Weekdays 10 -5 PM, Sunday 1-5 PM.

• Museum of the Performing Arts—Lincoln Center, Amsterdam Ave. and 65th St. 799-2200

• New York Historical Society—77th St. and Central Park West. TR 3-3400

• Chase Manhattan Museum of Money—1256 6th Ave. All banks, especially Chase Manhattan ones are museums when you get right down to it.

Liberate them!


• Summer Musical Festival in Central Park. About the closest you can come to good free rock music. There are concerts every Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday in the months of July and August. It only costs $1.00 or $2.00, and everybody in the music world plays at least once. The concerts are held at the Wollman Ice Skating Ring. Occasionally there are free rock concerts in Central Park.

• The Greenwich House of Music located at 46 Barrow St. in the West Village puts on free concerts and recitals every Friday at 8:30 PM. For a complete schedule send a stamped, self-addressed envelope.

• The Frick Museum, 1 E. 70th St., BU 8-0700, has concerts every Sunday afternoon. The best of the classical offerings. You must hassle a little.

Send a self-addressed stamped envelope that will arrive on Monday before the date you wish to go. One letter, one ticket. The Donnell Library, 20 W. 53rd St. also presents free classical music. The schedule is found in “Calendar of Events” at any library.

• The Juilliard School presents a variety of free stuff: orchestral, opera, dance, chamber music, string quartets and soloists. Performances take place most Friday evenings at 8:30 PM, from November through May.

• The Museum of the City of New York, 5th Ave. between 103rd St. and 104th St. every Sunday at 2:30 PM, October through April. Phone first: LE 4-1672. Classical.

• New York Historical Society, from December through April, has glee clubs, string groups, and classical singers performing on Sundays at 2:30 PM., 170 Central Park West (near 77th St.), Phone TR 3-3400 for schedule.

• Brooklyn Museum has classical concerts by assorted soloists and groups and are presented free every Sunday from October through June at 2 PM, Eastern Parkway and Washington Ave. NE 8-5000.

Television Shows

You can sometimes pick up tickets to television shows at the New York Convention and Visitors Bureau, 90

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