need both hands free to hurdle and it’s a quicker, more noticeable motion.


Approach it with confidence. Pretend you’re putting in a token with your right hand and pull the bar toward you one third of the way with your left hand. Go through the space left between the bars and the barrier. Not for heavyweights!


They won’t pull towards you, and so, you must go either under or over them.

NOTE: There is no way to tell a New-Aluminum-Bar-Turnstile-Which-Turns-Both-Ways-For-Exit-and- Entrance from a New-Aluminum-Bar-Turnstile-Which-Can-Be-Used-Only-For-Entrance unless there is a sign. You have to try it first.

Therefore, it is important to remember which kind is in use at your local station so your technique will be smooth. Once you’re through, remember in your mind you’ve paid. Ignore everybody who tries to stop you or tell you different. If someone shouts just keep on truckin’ on toward your track. Don’t stop or run.

Insist you are right if you ever get caught. We have been doing it for years, got caught twice and let go both tunes when other passengers insisted we paid.

Everybody hates the subways, even the tellers. 


Clothing Repairs

All Wallach stores feature a service that includes sewing on buttons, free shoe horns, and shoe laces, mending pants pockets and linings, punching extra holes in belts, and a number of other free services.


By far the best place to get free furniture in New York is on the street. Once a week in every district, the Sanitation Department makes bulk pick-ups. The night before, residents put out all kinds of stuff on the street. For the best selection try the West Village on Monday nights, and the East Seventies on Tuesday nights.

On Wednesday night there are fantastic pick-ups on 35th St. in-back of Macy’s.

Move quickly though, the guards get pissed off easily; the truckers couldn’t care less. This street method can furnish your whole pad. Beds, desks, bureaus, lamps, bookcases, chairs, and tables. It’s all a matter of transportation. If you don’t have access to a car or truck, it’s worth it to rent a station wagon and make pick- ups.


If you would like to meet a real ghost, write Hans Holtzer, c/o New York Committee for Investigation for Paranormal Research, 140 Riverside Drive, New York, NY. He’ll put you in touch for free.

Free Lessons

Lessons in a variety of skills such as plumbing, electricity, jewelry-making, construction and woodworking are provided by the Mechanics Institute, 20 W. 44th St. Call or write them well in advance for a schedule. You must sign up early for lessons as they try to maintain small courses. MU 7-4279.


are free. Are you a poem or are you a prose?

Liberated Churches

• Saint Mark’s in the Bowery, Second Ave. and 10th ST. (674- 6377

• Washington Square Methodist Church, 133 W. Fourth St.,

• Greenwich Village (777-2528); Judson Memorial Church, Washington Square South (725-9211).


At about 9:30 AM, free flowers in the Flower District on Sixth Ave. between 22nd St. and 23rd St. Once in a while, you can find a potted tree that’s been thrown out because it’s slightly damaged.

The Staten Island Ferry-Not free, but a nickel each way for a five mile ocean voyage around the southern tip of Manhattan is worth it. Take IRT (Broadway line) to South Ferry, local only. Ferry leaves every half-hour day and night.


In the area along Central Park West in the Seventies and Eighties are located many doctor’s offices. Daily they throw out piles of drug samples. If you know what you’re looking for, search this area.


You can always use the library. The main branch is on Fifth Ave. and 42nd St.

The Public Library prints a leaflet entitled “It’s Your Library” which lists all the 168 branches and special services the library provides. You can pick it up at your nearest branch. They also publish a calendar of events every two weeks which is available free. If you have any questions call 791-6161.

You can get free posters, literature and books from the various missions to the United Nations located on the East Side near the UN Building. The Cuban Mission, 67th St., will give you free copies of Granma, the Cuban newspaper, Man and Socialism in Cuba, by Che Guevara and other literature.


A free subway map is available at any token booth. Good if you’re new in the city and don’t know your way around.


ASPCA, 441 E. 92nd St. and York Ave., TR 6-7700. Dogs, cats, some birds and other pets. Tell them you’re from out of town if you want a dog and you will not have to pay the $5.00 license fee. Have them inspect and inoculate the pet; which they do free of charge. A place to look for free pets is in the Village Voice under their column Free Pets.

Radio Free New York

WBAI FM, 99.5 on your dial. 30 E. 39th St. (OX 7-8506).

Free Schools

• Alternative University, 69 W. 14th St. (989-0666). A good radical school offering courses in karate, Mao, medical skills and other courses. They will send you a catalogue listing current courses.

• Bottega Artists Workshop, 1115 Quentin Road, Brooklyn, 336-3212 has art taught by professionals for a free.


• Contact—220 E. Seventh St. Open 3 to 10 PM. Raps, contacts, mailing addresses, counseling, sometimes food.

• Traveler’s Aid—204 E. 39th St. MU 4-5029

• Village Project—88 Second Ave. Open 2 to 6 PM. Same as Contact.



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