best of its type in the country.

The Black Panther Party office is located at 2350 W. Madison (243-8276).


• Agitprop—no office; phone 929-0133

• Chicago Print Co-op.—6710 N. Clark

• J. S. Jordan Memorial Printing Co-op.—6710 N. Clark

• Omega Posters—711 S. Dearborn

• Red Star Press—180 N. Wacher


The People’s School, 4409 N. Sheridan (561-6737), offers free courses in many areas of survival and radical politics. The White Panther Party, 787-1962, offers courses in street fighting, history of American radicalism, and dialectic sexism.



The Concerned Citizens Survival Front, 2512 N. Lincoln Ave. has clothes. Try the dry cleaners on Armitage east of Halsted along the south side of the street. They give away unclaimed stuff. Also Brazil Cleaners at 3943 Indiana. The Eugene Blue Jean Store at 7017 Paulina has jeans, old army shirts and other items for less than a dollar.


The Lake Shore Drive area on collection days has furniture. Call the bureau of Streets and Sanitation for a collection schedule.

Free Store

At 727 S. Laflin, you’ll find a genuine free store that gives away everything you can imagine. It has a tendency to be a floating free store though.


Pick up some underground papers at any of the offices listed and hawk them on the streets. You can pull in $6-$10 an hour if you work at it.



There are several crash pads and communes that will put you up for a few nights. Call the Free Clinic at 938-9141. Floor space is available at the Sans Souce Temple on S. Ardmore. Women’s Emergency Lodge at 912 W. 9th St. (627-5571) will put up women without a place to stay or make referrals.

Resistance (386-9645) and Green Power (HQ 9-5184) will be helpful if you have to crash. Sleeping on the beaches is out, but the roofs are cool. The Midnite Mission at 396 S. Los Angeles (624-9258) has room and board for some boarders. The parks and streets are certain bust material. The L.A. pigs are matched in brutality only by their fellow hoggers in Chicago and South Africa.

Every L.A. cop is nine feet of solid chrome. Bite his toes and down he goes.


Green Power Feeds Millions is a unique organization serving the nets of people.

They provide food for festivals, cancers, demonstrations, be-ins, sit-ins and similar events for free. In addition they supply a number of communes and serve food every Sunday in Griffith Park, the central get-together spot in Los Angeles.

Call them at HO 9-5184 or 938-9141 for information and also to offer your help.

Free vegetarian lunch can be found at the W. Hollywood Presbyterian Church at Sunset and Martel (874- 1816). For supper, try the Midnite Mission, 396 S. Los Angeles Street; God Squas, 1412 N. Crescent Heights Blvd. (near Sunset), and His Place, Sunset and La Cienega.

The Half-Price Bakery at Third and Hill St. gives away free bakery goods late at night and you can always bum a meal in any Clifton’s Cafeteria with a good story.

The Watts Trojan House is a free store that provides not only food, both clothing and a variety of other items and service. They are located at 1822 E. 103rd St.

The County Welfare Department at 2707 S. Grand (near Adams Street) has a liberal food stamp program (746-0522).


• The Free Clinic at 115 N. Fairfax Ave. (938-9141) is very popular and provides a number of services at various hours such as: o Job Co-ops—Monday thru Friday, 10:00-4:00 PM.

o Medical—Monday thru Friday, 5:30-l0:00 PM. Saturday 12:30-5:00 PM.

o Dental—Monday thru Thursday, 7-10 PM.

o Counseling-Psychiatric, Monday thru Friday, 6-10 PM.

o Legal Monday thru Friday, 7-10 PM

o Draft-Monday thru Thursday, 7:30-10:00 PM.

o Pregnancy and Abortion—Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, 7:30. Saturday 1:30 PM

o Birth Control-Monday thru Friday, 6-7 PM. Saturday 2-3 PM.

• The Foothill Clinic, 547 E. Union in Pasadena (795-8088) offers similar services free of charge. Call them for a schedule of hours. Venereal Diseases are treated in the evenings at a clinic maintained by the Committee to Eradicate Syphillis. They are found at 5205 Melrose Ave., Hollywood (870-2524).

• In Venice use the free Youth Clinic at 905 Venice Blvd. (near Lincoln). The services are varied and they are only open evenings. Call 399-7743 and they’ll help you.

• For specialized problems try:

o Drugs—Narcotics Anonymous (463-3123)

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