'You've got to remember to be quiet during the movie,' she warned. 'Other people are here to see it.'
'I'll try,' Logan said solemnly. 'But sometimes I just can't help talking.'
The boys giggled all the way to the concession counter.
She knew some men who put on a show for a woman's children—to get to the woman. And, she thought as they settled into seats with tubs of popcorn, she knew some who sincerely tried to charm the kids because they were an interesting novelty.
Still, he seemed to be easy with them, and you had to give a man in his thirties points for at least appearing to enjoy a movie with talking monkeys.
Halfway through, as she'd expected, Luke began to squirm in his seat. Two cups of pop, she calculated, one small bladder. He wouldn't want to go, wouldn't want to miss anything. So there'd be a short, whispered argument.
She leaned toward him, prepared for it. And Logan beat her to it. She didn't hear what he said in Luke's ear, but Luke giggled, and the two of them rose.
'Be right back,' he murmured to Stella and walked out with his hand over Luke's.
Okay, that was it, she decided as her eyes misted. The man was taking her little boy to pee.
She was a goner.
* * *
Two very happy boys piled into the back of Logan's car. As soon as they were strapped in, they were bouncing and chattering about their favorite parts of the movie.
'Hey, guys.' Logan slipped behind the wheel, then draped his arm over the seat to look in the back.
'You might want to brace yourselves, 'cause I'm gonna kiss your mama.'
'How come?' Luke wanted to know.
'Because, as you might have observed yourselves, she's pretty, and she tastes good.'
He leaned over, amusement in his eyes. When Stella would have offered him a cheek, he turned her
face with one hand and gave her a soft, quick kiss on the mouth.
'You're not pretty.' Luke snorted through his nose. 'How come she kissed you?'
'Son, that's because I'm one fine-looking hunk of man.' He winked into the rearview mirror, noted that Gavin was watching him with quiet speculation, then started the engine.
* * *
Luke was nodding off when they got to the house, his head bobbing as he struggled to stay awake.
'Let me cart him up.'
'I can get him.' Stella leaned in to unbuckle his seat belt. 'I'm used to it. And I don't know if you
should go upstairs again.'
'She'll have to get used to me.' He nudged Stella aside and hoisted Luke into his arms. 'Come on,
pizza king, let's go for a ride.'
'I'm not tired.'
''Course not.'
Yawning, he laid his head on Logan's shoulder. 'You smell different from Mom. And you got harder skin.'
'How about that?'
Roz wandered into the foyer as they came in. 'Well, it looks like everyone had a good time. Logan, why don't you come down for a drink once you settle those boys down. I'd like to talk to the both of you.'
'Sure. We'll be right down.'
'I can take them,' Stella began, but he was already carrying Luke up the stairs.
'I'll just get us some wine. 'Night, cutie,' Roz said to Gavin, and smiled at Stella's back as she followed Logan.
He was already untying Luke's Nikes. 'Logan, I'll do that. You go on down with Roz.'
He continued to remove the shoes, wondering if the nerves he heard in her voice had to do with the
ghost or with him. But it was the boy standing beside her, unusually silent, who had his attention.
'Go ahead and settle him in, then. Gavin and I want to have a little conversation. Don't we, kid?'
Gavin jerked a shoulder. 'Maybe. I guess.'
'He needs to get ready for bed.'
'Won't take long. Why don't you step into my office?' he said to Gavin, and when he gestured toward the bathroom, he saw the boy's lip twitch.
'Logan,' Stella began.
'Man talk. Excuse us.' And he closed the door in her face.
Figuring it would be easier on them both if they were more eye-to-eye, Logan sat on the edge of the tub. He wasn't sure, but he had to figure the boy was about as nervous as he was himself.
'Did me kissing your mama bother you?'
'I don't know. Maybe. I saw this other guy kiss her once, when I was little. She went out to dinner with him or something, and we had a babysitter, and I woke up and saw him do it. But I didn't like him so much because he smiled all the time.' He demonstrated, spreading his lips and showing his teeth.
'I don't like him either.'
'Do you kiss all the girls because they're pretty?' Gavin blurted out.
'Well, now, I've kissed my share of girls. But your mama's special.'
'How come?'
The boy wanted straight answers, Logan decided. So he'd do his best to give them. 'Because she makes my heart feel funny, in a good kind of way, I guess. Girls make us feel funny in lots of ways, but when they make your heart feel funny, they're special.'
Gavin looked toward the closed door and back again. 'My dad kissed her. I remember.'
'It's good you do.' He had an urge, one that surprised him, to stroke a hand over Gavin's hair. But he didn't think it was the right time, for either of them.
There was more than one ghost in this house, he knew.
'I expect he loved her a lot, and she loved him. She told me how she did.'
'He can't come back. I thought maybe he would, even though she said he couldn't. I thought when
the lady started coming, he could come, too. But he hasn't.'
Could there be anything harder for a child to face, he wondered, than losing a parent? Here he was,
a grown man, and he couldn't imagine the grief of losing one of his.
'Doesn't mean he isn't watching over you. I believe stuff like that. When people who love us have to go away, they still look out for us. Your dad's always going to look out for you.'
'Then he'd see you kiss Mom, because he'd watch over her, too.'
'I expect so.' Logan nodded. 'I like to think he doesn't mind, because he'd know I want her to be happy. Maybe when we get to know each other some better, you won't mind too much either.'
'Do you make Mom's heart feel funny?'
'I sure hope so, because I'd hate to feel like this all by myself. I don't know if I'm saying this right. I never had to say it before, or think about it. But if we decide to be happy together, all of us, your dad's still your dad, Gavin. Always. I want you to understand I know that, and respect that. Man-to-man.'
'Okay.' He smiled slowly when Logan offered a hand. When he shook it, the smile became a grin. 'Anyway, I like you better than the other guy.'
'Good to know.'
Luke was tucked in and sleeping when they came back in. Logan merely lifted his eyebrows at Stella's questioning look, then stepped back as she readied Gavin for bed.
Deliberately he took her hand as they stepped into the hall. 'Ask him if you want to know,' he said
before she could speak. 'It's his business.'
'I just don't want him upset'
'He seem upset to you when you tucked him in?'
'No.' She sighed. 'No.'
At the top of the stairs, the cold blew through them. Protectively, Logan's arm came around her waist, pulling her firmly to his side. It passed by, with a little lash, like a flicked whip.
Seconds later, they heard the soft singing.