PRINCESS (leaving him with astonishment, and regarding him for

some time at a distance).

I am exhausted-all attempts are vain

To hold this youth. He still eludes my grasp.

[Remains silent a few moments.

But stay! Perchance 'tis man's unbounded pride,

That thus to add a zest to my delight.

Assumes a mask of timid diffidence.

'Tis so.

[She approaches the PRINCE again, and looks at him doubtingly.

Explain yourself, prince, I entreat you.

For here I stand before a magic casket,

Which all my keys are powerless to unlock.


As I before you stand.

PRINCESS (leaves him suddenly, walks a few steps up and down in silence,

apparently lost in deep thought. After a pause, gravely and solemnly).

Then thus at last-

I must resolve to speak, and Carlos, you

Shall be my judge. Yours is a noble nature,

You are a prince-a knight-a man of honor.

I throw myself upon your heart-protect me

Or if I'm lost beyond redemption's power,

Give me your tears in pity for my fate.

[The PRINCE draws nearer.

A daring favorite of the king demands

My hand-his name Ruy Gomez, Count of Silva,

The king consents-the bargain has been struck,

And I am sold already to his creature.

CARLOS (with evident emotion).

Sold! you sold! Another bargain, then,

Concluded by this royal southern trader!


No; but hear all-'tis not enough that I

Am sacrificed to cold state policy,

A snare is laid to entrap my innocence.

Here is a letter will unmask the saint!

[CARLOS takes the paper, and without reading it listens

with impatience to her recital.

Where Shall I find protection, prince? Till now

My virtue was defended by my pride,

At length--


At length you yielded! Yielded? No.

For God's sake say not so!


Yielded! to whom?

Poor piteous reasoning. Weak beyond contempt

Your haughty minds, who hold a woman's favor,

And love's pure joys, as wares to traffic for!

Love is the only treasure on the face

Of this wide earth that knows no purchaser

Besides itself-love has no price but love.

It is the costly gem, beyond all price,

Which I must freely give away, or-bury

For ever unenjoyed-like that proud merchant

Whom not the wealth of all the rich Rialto

Could tempt-a great rebuke to kings! to save

From the deep ocean waves his matchless pearl,

Too proud to barter it beneath its worth!

CARLOS (aside).

Now, by great heaven, this woman's beautiful.


Call it caprice or pride, I ne'er will make

Division of my joys. To him, alone,

I choose as mine, I give up all forever.

One only sacrifice I make; but that

Shall be eternal. One true heart alone

My love shall render happy: but that one

I'll elevate to God. The keen delight

Of mingling souls-the kiss-the swimming joys

Of that delicious hour when lovers meet,

The magic power of heavenly beauty-all

Are sister colors of a single ray-

Leaves of one single blossom. Shall I tear

One petal from this sweet, this lovely flower,

With reckless hand, and mar its beauteous chalice?

Shall I degrade the dignity of woman,

The masterpiece of the Almighty's hand,

To charm the evening of a reveller?


Incredible! that in Madrid should dwell

This matchless creature! and unknown to me

Until this day.


Long since had I forsaken

This court-the world-and in some blest retreat

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