Can paint this hell.


My lord, I feel for you.


To lose, and at the very goal, the prize

Another comes to rob me of the fruits

Of my so anxious wooing. I must lose

To her young blooming husband all those rights

Of which I was so long in full possession;

And I must from the stage descend, where I

So long have played the most distinguished part.

'Tis not her hand alone this envious stranger

Threatens, he'd rob me of her favor too;

She is a woman, and he formed to please.


He is the son of Catherine. He has learnt

In a good school the arts of flattery.


Thus fall my hopes; I strove to seize a plank

To bear me in this shipwreck of my fortunes,

And my eye turned itself towards the hope

Of former days once more; then Mary's image

Within me was renewed, and youth and beauty

Once more asserted all their former rights.

No more 'twas cold ambition; 'twas my heart

Which now compared, and with regret I felt

The value of the jewel I had lost.

With horror I beheld her in the depths.

Of misery, cast down by my transgression;

Then waked the hope in me that I might still

Deliver and possess her; I contrived

To send her, through a faithful hand, the news

Of my conversion to her interests;

And in this letter which you brought me, she

Assures me that she pardons me, and offers

Herself as guerdon if I rescue her.


But you attempted nothing for her rescue.

You let her be condemned without a word:

You gave, yourself, your verdict for her death;

A miracle must happen, and the light

Of truth must move me, me, her keeper's nephew,

And heaven must in the Vatican at Rome

Prepare for her an unexpected succour,

Else had she never found the way to you.


Oh, sir, it has tormented me enough!

About this time it was that they removed her

From Talbot's castle, and delivered her

Up to your uncle's stricter custody.

Each way to her was shut. I was obliged

Before the world to persecute her still;

But do not think that I would patiently

Have seen her led to death. No, Sir; I hoped,

And still I hope, to ward off all extremes,

Till I can find some certain means to save her.


These are already found: my Lord of Leicester;

Your generous confidence in me deserves

A like return. I will deliver her.

That is my object here; my dispositions

Are made already, and your powerful aid

Assures us of success in our attempt.


What say you? You alarm me! How? You would--


I'll open forcibly her prison-gates;

I have confederates, and all is ready.


You have confederates, accomplices?

Alas! In what rash enterprise would you

Engage me? And these friends, know they my secret?


Fear not; our plan was laid without your help,

Without your help it would have been accomplished,

Had she not signified her resolution

To owe her liberty to you alone.


And can you, then, with certainty assure me

That in your plot my name has not been mentioned?


You may depend upon it. How, my lord,

So scrupulous when help is offered you?

You wish to rescue Mary, and possess her;

You find confederates; sudden, unexpected,

The readiest means fall, as it were from Heaven,

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