I am routed, if a woman but attack me:
I cannot traffic in the trade of words
With that unreasoning sex.
I had already
Given the Bohemians a king.
WALLENSTEIN (sarcastically).
They have one,
In consequence, no doubt.
COUNTESS (to the others).
Ha! what new scruple?
The duke will not.
He will not what he must!
It lies with you now. Try. For I am silenced
When folks begin to talk to me of conscience
And of fidelity.
How? then, when all
Lay in the far-off distance, when the road
Stretched out before thine eyes interminably,
Then hadst thou courage and resolve; and now,
Now that the dream is being realized,
The purpose ripe, the issue ascertained,
Dost thou begin to play the dastard now?
Planned merely, 'tis a common felony;
Accomplished, an immortal undertaking:
And with success comes pardon hand in hand,
For all event is God's arbitrament.
SERVANT (enters).
The Colonel Piccolomini.
COUNTESS (hastily).
-Must wait.
I cannot see him now. Another time.
But for two minutes he entreats an audience
Of the most urgent nature is his business.
Who knows what he may bring us! I will hear him.
COUNTESS (laughs).
Urgent for him, no doubt? but thou may'st wait.
What is it?
Thou shalt be informed hereafter.
First let the Swede and thee be compromised.
If there were yet a choice! if yet some milder
Way of escape were possible-I still
Will choose it, and avoid the last extreme.
Desirest thou nothing further? Such a way
Lies still before thee. Send this Wrangel off.
Forget thou thy old hopes, cast far away
All thy past life; determine to commence
A new one. Virtue hath her heroes too,
As well as fame and fortune. To Vienna
Hence-to the emperor-kneel before the throne;
Take a full coffer with thee-say aloud,
Thou didst but wish to prove thy fealty;
Thy whole intention but to dupe the Swede.
For that too 'tis too late. They know too much;
He would but bear his own head to the block.
I fear not that. They have not evidence
To attaint him legally, and they avoid
The avowal of an arbitrary power.
They'll let the duke resign without disturbance.
I see how all will end. The King of Hungary
Makes his appearance, and 'twill of itself
Be understood, and then the duke retires.
There will not want a formal declaration.
The young king will administer the oath
To the whole army; and so all returns
To the old position. On some morrow morning