'Du schilderst deines Vaters Herz. Wie Du's

Beschreibst, so ist's in seinem Eingeweide,

In dieser schwarzen Heuchlers Brust gestaltet.

Oh, mich hat Hoellenkunst getaeuscht! Mir sandte

Der Abgrund den verflecktesten der Geister,

Den Luegenkundigsten herauf, und stellt' ihn

Als Freund an meiner Seite. Wer vermag

Der Hoelle Macht zu widersthn! Ich zog

Den Basilisken auf an meinem Busen,

Mit meinem Herzblut naehrt' ich ihn, er sog

Sich schwelgend voll an meiner Liebe Bruesten,

Ich hatte nimmer Arges gegen ihn,

Weit offen liess ich des Gedankens Thore,

Und warf die Schluessel weiser Vorsicht weg,

Am Sternenhimmel,' etc.


'Alas! for those who place their confidence on thee, against thee

lean their secure hut of their fortune, allured by thy hospitable

form. Suddenly, unexpectedly, in a moment still as night, there is

a fermentation in the treacherous gulf of fire; it discharges

itself with raging force, and away over all the plantations of men

drives the wild stream in frightful devastation.'

WALLENSTEIN.-'Thou art portraying thy father's heart; as thou

describest, even so is it shaped in its entrails, in this black

hypocrite's breast. Oh, the art of hell has deceived me! The abyss

sent up to me the most the most spotted of the spirits, the most

skilful in lies, and placed him as a friend by my side. Who may

withstand the power of hell? I took the basilisk to my bosom, with

my heart's blood I nourished him; he sucked himself glutfull at the

breasts of my love. I never harbored evil towards him; wide open

did I leave the door of my thoughts; I threw away the key of wise

foresight. In the starry heaven, etc.' We find a difficulty in

believing this to have been written by Schiller.

[6] This is a poor and inadequate translation of the affectionate

simplicity of the original-

Sie alle waren Fremdlinge, Du warst

Das Kind des Hauses.

Indeed the whole speech is in the best style of Massinger.

O si sic omnia!

[7] It appears that the account of his conversion being caused by

such a fall, and other stories of his juvenile character, are not

well authenticated.

[8] We doubt the propriety of putting so blasphemous a statement in the

mouth of any character.-T.

[9] [This soliloquy, which, according to the former arrangement,

constituted the whole of scene ix., and concluded the fourth act,

is omitted in all the printed German editions. It seems probable

that it existed in the original manuscript from which Mr. Coleridge


[10] The soliloquy of Thekla consists in the original of six-and-twenty

lines twenty of which are in rhymes of irregular recurrence. I

thought it prudent to abridge it. Indeed the whole scene between

Thekla and Lady Neubrunn might, perhaps, have been omitted without

injury to the play.-C.

[11] These four lines are expressed in the original with exquisite


Am Himmel ist geschaeftige Bewegung.

Des Thurmes Fahne jagt der Wind, schnell geht

Der Wolken Zug, die Mondessichel wankt

Und durch die Nacht zuckt ungewisse Helle.

The word 'moon-sickle' reminds me of a passage in Harris, as quoted

by Johnson, under the word 'falcated.' 'The enlightened part of the

moon appears in the form of a sickle or reaping-hook, which is while

she is moving from the conjunction to the opposition, or from the

new moon to the full: but from full to a new again the enlightened

part appears gibbous, and the dark falcated.'

The words 'wanken' and 'schweben' are not easily translated. The

English words, by which we attempt to render them, are either vulgar

or antic, or not of sufficiently general application. So 'der

Wolken Zug'-The Draft, the Procession of Clouds. The Masses of the

Clouds sweep onward in swift stream.

[12] A very inadequate translation of the original:-

Verschmerzen werd' ich diesen Schlag, das weiss ich,

Denn was verschmerzte nicht der Mensch!


I shall grieve down this blow, of that I'm conscious:

What does not man grieve down?

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