Then we too will forsake thee, and obey

That letter--


Hear me, children!


Yes, or no,

There needs no other answer.


Yield attention.

You're men of sense, examine for yourselves;

Ye think, and do not follow with the herd:

And therefore have I always shown you honor

Above all others, suffered you to reason;

Have treated you as free men, and my orders

Were but the echoes of your prior suffrage.


Most fair and noble has thy conduct been

To us, my general! With thy confidence

Thou has honored us, and shown us grace and favor

Beyond all other regiments; and thou seest

We follow not the common herd. We will

Stand by thee faithfully. Speak but one word-

Thy word shall satisfy us that it is not

A treason which thou meditatest-that

Thou meanest not to lead the army over

To the enemy; nor e'er betray thy country.


Me, me are they betraying. The emperor

Hath sacrificed me to my enemies,

And I must fall, unless my gallant troops

Will rescue me. See! I confide in you.

And be your hearts my stronghold! At this breast

The aim is taken, at this hoary head.

This is your Spanish gratitude, this is our

Requital for that murderous fight at Luetzen!

For this we threw the naked breast against

The halbert, made for this the frozen earth

Our bed, and the hard stone our pillow! never stream

Too rapid for us, nor wood too impervious;

With cheerful spirit we pursued that Mansfeldt

Through all the turns and windings of his flight:

Yea, our whole life was but one restless march:

And homeless, as the stirring wind, we travelled

O'er the war-wasted earth. And now, even now,

That we have well-nigh finished the hard toil,

The unthankful, the curse-laden toil of weapons,

With faithful indefatigable arm

Have rolled the heavy war-load up the hill,

Behold! this boy of the emperor's bears away

The honors of the peace, an easy prize!

He'll weave, forsooth, into his flaxen locks

The olive branch, the hard-earned ornament

Of this gray head, grown gray beneath the helmet.


That shall he not, while we can hinder it!

No one, but thou, who has conducted it

With fame, shall end this war, this frightful war.

Thou leadest us out to the bloody field

Of death; thou and no other shalt conduct us home,

Rejoicing, to the lovely plains of peace-

Shalt share with us the fruits of the long toil.


What! Think you then at length in late old age

To enjoy the fruits of toil? Believe it not.

Never, no never, will you see the end

Of the contest! you and me, and all of us,

This war will swallow up! War, war, not peace,

Is Austria's wish; and therefore, because I

Endeavored after peace, therefore I fall.

For what cares Austria how long the war

Wears out the armies and lays waste the world!

She will but wax and grow amid the ruin

And still win new domains.

[The CUIRASSIERS express agitation by their gestures.

Ye're moved-I see

A noble rage flash from your eyes, ye warriors!

Oh, that my spirit might possess you now

Daring as once it led you to the battle

Ye would stand by me with your veteran arms,

Protect me in my rights; and this is noble!

But think not that you can accomplish it,

Your scanty number! to no purpose will you

Have sacrificed you for your general.


No! let us tread securely, seek for friends;

The Swedes have proffered us assistance, let us

Wear for a while the appearance of good-will,

And use them for your profit, till we both

Carry the fate of Europe in our hands,

And from our camp to the glad jubilant world

Lead peace forth with the garland on her head!

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