Well, it has lasted long enough. Here-give it.

[He takes and looks at the chain.

'Twas the first present of the emperor.

He hung it round me in the war of Friule,

He being then archduke; and I have worn it

Till now from habit-

From superstition, if you will. Belike,

It was to be a talisman to me;

And while I wore it on my neck in faith,

It was to chain to me all my life-long

The volatile fortune, whose first pledge it was.

Well, be it so! Henceforward a new fortune

Must spring up for me; for the potency

Of this charm is dissolved.

[GROOM OF THE CHAMBER retires with the vestments. WALLENSTEIN

rises, takes a stride across the room, and stands at last before

GORDON in a posture of meditation.

How the old time returns upon me! I

Behold myself once more at Burgau, where

We two were pages of the court together.

We oftentimes disputed: thy intention

Was ever good; but thou were wont to play

The moralist and preacher, and wouldst rail at me-

That I strove after things too high for me,

Giving my faith to bold, unlawful dreams,

And still extol to me the golden mean.

Thy wisdom hath been proved a thriftless friend

To thy own self. See, it has made thee early

A superannuated man, and (but

That my munificent stars will intervene)

Would let thee in some miserable corner

Go out like an untended lamp.


My prince

With light heart the poor fisher moors his boat,

And watches from the shore the lofty ship

Stranded amid the storm.


Art thou already

In harbor, then, old man? Well! I am not.

The unconquered spirit drives me o'er life's billows;

My planks still firm, my canvas swelling proudly.

Hope is my goddess still, and youth my inmate;

And while we stand thus front to front almost,

I might presume to say, that the swift years

Have passed by powerless o'er my unblanched hair.

[He moves with long strides across the saloon, and remains

on the opposite side over against GORDON.

Who now persists in calling fortune false?

To me she has proved faithful; with fond love

Took me from out the common ranks of men,

And like a mother goddess, with strong arm

Carried me swiftly up the steps of life.

Nothing is common in my destiny,

Nor in the furrows of my hand. Who dares

Interpret then my life for me as 'twere

One of the undistinguishable many?

True, in this present moment I appear

Fallen low indeed; but I shall rise again.

The high flood will soon follow on this ebb;

The fountain of my fortune, which now stops,

Repressed and bound by some malicious star,

Will soon in joy play forth from all its pipes.


And yet remember I the good old proverb,

'Let the night come before we praise the day.'

I would be slow from long-continued fortune

To gather hope: for hope is the companion

Given to the unfortunate by pitying heaven.

Fear hovers round the head of prosperous men,

For still unsteady are the scales of fate.

WALLENSTEIN (smiling).

I hear the very Gordon that of old

Was wont to preach, now once more preaching;

I know well, that all sublunary things

Are still the vassals of vicissitude.

The unpropitious gods demand their tribute.

This long ago the ancient pagans knew

And therefore of their own accord they offered

To themselves injuries, so to atone

The jealousy of their divinities

And human sacrifices bled to Typhon.

[After a pause, serious, and in a more subdued manner.

I too have sacrificed to him-for me

There fell the dearest friend, and through my fault

He fell! No joy from favorable fortune

Can overweigh the anguish of this stroke.

The envy of my destiny is glutted:

Life pays for life. On his pure head the lightning

Was drawn off which would else have shattered me.

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