So to remunerate me for my troubles-

Yes, yes, remunerate me,-since a trouble

It must be, a mere office, not a favor

Which I leaped forward to receive, and which

I came with grateful heart to thank you for.

No! 'twas not so intended, that my business

Should be my highest best good fortune!

[TERZKY enters; and delivers letters to the DUKE, which he

breaks open hurriedly.


Remunerate your trouble! For his joy,

He makes you recompense. 'Tis not unfitting

For you, Count Piccolomini, to feel

So tenderly-my brother it beseems

To show himself forever great and princely.


Then I too must have scruples of his love:

For his munificent hands did ornament me

Ere yet the father's heart had spoken to me.


Yes; 'tis his nature ever to be giving

And making happy.

[He grasps the hand of the DUCHESS with still increasing warmth.

How my heart pours out

Its all of thanks to him! O! how I seem

To utter all things in the dear name-Friedland.

While I shall live, so long will I remain

The captive of this name: in it shall bloom

My every fortune, every lovely hope.

Inextricably as in some magic ring

In this name hath my destiny charm-bound me!

COUNTESS (who during this time has been anxiously watching the DUKE,

and remarks that he is lost in thought over the letters).

My brother wishes us to leave him. Come.

WALLENSTEIN (turns himself round quick, collects himself, and speaks

with cheerfulness to the DUCHESS).

Once more I bid thee welcome to the camp,

Thou art the hostess of this court. You, Max.,

Will now again administer your old office,

While we perform the sovereign's business here.

[MAX. PICCOLOMINI offers the DUCHESS his arm; the COUNTESS

accompanies the PRINCESS.

TERZKY (calling after him).

Max., we depend on seeing you at the meeting.



WALLENSTEIN (in deep thought, to himself).

She has seen all things as they are-it is so,

And squares completely with my other notices,

They have determined finally in Vienna,

Have given me my successor already;

It is the King of Hungary, Ferdinand,

The emperor's delicate son! he's now their savior,

He's the new star that's rising now! Of us

They think themselves already fairly rid,

And as we were deceased, the heir already

Is entering on possession-Therefore-despatch!

[As he turns round he observes TERZKY, and gives him a letter.

Count Altringer will have himself excused,

And Gallas too-I like not this!


And if

Thou loiterest longer, all will fall away,

One following the other.



Is master of the Tyrol passes. I must forthwith

Send some one to him, that he let not in

The Spaniards on me from the Milanese.

-Well, and the old Sesin, that ancient trader

In contraband negotiations, he

Has shown himself again of late. What brings he

From the Count Thur?


The count communicates

He has found out the Swedish chancellor

At Halberstadt, where the convention's held,

Who says, you've tired him out, and that he'll have

No further dealings with you.


And why so?

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