[ISOLANI hands over the paper to OCTAVIO respectfully.

TERZKY. Nay, nay, first come, first served. There is no precedence


[OCTAVIO runs over the paper with apparent indifference.

TERZKY watches him at some distance.

GOETZ (to TERZKY). Noble count! with your permission-good-night.

TERKZY. Where's the hurry? Come, one other composing draught. (To the


GOETZ. Excuse me-aint able.

TERZKY. A thimble-full.

GOETZ. Excuse me.

TIEFENBACH (sits down). Pardon me, nobles! This standing does not agree

with me.

TERZKY. Consult your own convenience, general.

TIEFENBACH. Clear at head, sound in stomach-only my legs won't carry me

any longer.

ISOLANI (pointing at his corpulence). Poor legs! how should they! Such

an unmerciful load!

[OCTAVIO subscribes his name, and reaches over the paper to TERZKY,

who gives it to ISOLANI; and he goes to the table to sign his name.

TIEFENBACH. 'Twas that war in Pomerania that first brought it on. Out

in all weathers-ice and snow-no help for it. I shall never get the

better of it all the days of my life.

GOETZ. Why, in simple verity, your Swedes make no nice inquiries about

the season.

TERZKY (observing ISOLANI, whose hand trembles excessively so that he can

scarce direct his pen). Have you had that ugly complaint long, noble

brother? Despatch it.

ISOLANI. The sins of youth! I have already tried the chalybeate waters.

Well-I must bear it.

[TERZKY gives the paper to MARADAS; he steps to the table

to subscribe.

OCTAVIO (advancing to BUTLER). You are not over-fond of the orgies of

Bacchus, colonel! I have observed it. You would, I think, find yourself

more to your liking in the uproar of a battle than of a feast.

BUTLER. I must confess 'tis not in my way.

OCTAVIO (stepping nearer to him friendlily). Nor in mine neither, I can

assure you; and I am not a little glad, my much-honored Colonel Butler,

that we agree so well in our opinions. A half-dozen good friends at

most, at a small round table, a glass of genuine Tokay, open hearts, and

a rational conversation-that's my taste.

BUTLER. And mine, too, when it can be had.

[The paper comes to TIEFENBACH, who glances over it at the same time

with GOETZ and KOLATTO. MARADAS in the meantime returns to OCTAVIO.

All this takes places, the conversation with BUTLER proceeding


OCTAVIO (introducing MADARAS to BUTLER.) Don Balthasar Maradas! likewise

a man of our stamp, and long ago your admirer.

[BUTLER bows.

OCTAVIO (continuing). You are a stranger here-'twas but yesterday you

arrived-you are ignorant of the ways and means here. 'Tis a wretched

place. I know at your age one loves to be snug and quiet. What if you

move your lodgings? Come, be my visitor. (BUTLER makes a low bow.)

Nay, without compliment! For a friend like you I have still a corner


BUTLER (coldly). Your obliged humble servant, my lord


[The paper comes to BUTLER, who goes to the table to subscribe it.

The front of the stage is vacant, so that both the PICCOLOMINIS,

each on the side where he had been from the commencement of the

scene, remain alone.

OCTAVIO (after having some time watched his son in silence, advances

somewhat nearer to him). You were long absent from us, friend!

MAX. I-urgent business detained me.

OCTAVIO. And, I observe, you are still absent!

MAX. You know this crowd and bustle always makes me silent.

OCTAVIO (advancing still nearer). May I be permitted to ask what the

business was that detained you? Terzky knows it without asking.

MAX. What does Terzky know?

OCTAVIO. He was the only one who did not miss you.

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