I kiss our future Emperor's great toe!
Th-the S-sp-sphinx is v-van-qui-quished-
Sh-she's f-fou-found her m-ma-match.
Sweet prince, our son-in-law thou'lt be to-morrow,
A joyful climax to our royal sorrow.
TUR. (
Oh, make me not his slave! 'Twill drive me mad,
My mind no time for due reflection had.
Too easily his triumph was obtained.
The hard-won victory he fairly gained.
With gratitude become this good youth's wife,
Obey the law, and end this weary strife.
Once more call the divan-renew the contest,
If I have time for thought, I'm sure of conquest.
Fair Princess Tigerheart, that's
Don't make his Majesty act like a fool.
D'you think the royal head of your kind Daddy
Is lined with lead, like a Japan tea-caddy;
What say you, colleague; and ye Doctors wise?
Let bloodshed cease. The chopped-off heads suffice.
To great Fo-hi's pagoda we'll repair
And finish off this hymeneal affair.
Have mercy-
Mercy hast thou shewn to none,
I've kept my oath; do thou as I have done.
Fulfil Fo-hi's decree.
Oh, spare me, Sire,
Or at your feet behold your child expire.
Thy marriage is ordained. Proud girl, obey,
Too long I've bowed to thy capricious sway.
Entreat no more. I swear by Fo-hi's sword.
Hold, father, do not speak the sacred word.
This overbearing tyrant I'll not wed;
I'd rather make the sullen grave my bed.
KAL. (
Abate your terror; nor so madly grieve;
I'll intercede myself for your reprieve.
Fair cruel one, who may your tears withstand?
By love's sweet power; not by enforced consent.
I love thee so intensely, that my life
Is worthless if I may not call thee wife.
Again a solemn test I'll undergo.
She's yours by right of law. Fate willed it so.
You shall not drag me to the bridal altar;
This hand shall slay me first (
Stay, hold your hand, and calm your poignant sorrow;
We'll meet again in high divan. To-morrow
The Chinese Sphinx this problem shall unravel:
'Who is that Prince who, after weary travel
Escaped from slavedom's thrall, and reached the goal
And blissful summit of his longing soul;