(Exeunt severally.)

(Enter guards and musicians; then eight doctors pedantically

dressed; PANTALOON and TARTAGLIA in characteristic costumes;

then the KHAN ALTOUM, in extravagantly rich attire, he ascends his

throne, PANT. and TART. station themselves near it. At his entrance,

all prostrate themselves, their foreheads to the ground, and remain

thus until he is seated.At a sign from PANTALOON, the march



Good folk, behold your monarch much perplexed,

I must confess I'm seriously vexed.

My daughter's obstinacy quite unnerves me,

Such unforeseen and jadish tricks she serves me.

One charming prince was killed this morn, at six;

Another's just arrived,-I'm in a fix,

And worritted to death by constant butch'ry,

Of lovers caught by my fair daughter's witch'ry;

But yet I cannot break my oath. Fo-hi

Has heard my vow; his wrath I dar'n't defy.

Prime Minister, can't you some project form

And be your monarch's rudder thro' this storm?


Celestial Majesty-


What do you say?

PANT. (aside.)

The loudest bawling's all time thrown away!

He's deaf as any post-a perfect dummy-

It's no use preaching wisdom to a mummy.

I wish I were in Venice back again!

I had to fly her happy shores, on pain

Of being hanged, or losing liberty,

Because the bigwigs thought my tongue too free.

I hoped, as minister, I was secure

To fatten in an easy sinecure;

Instead of which, I've not one moment's leisure;

No carnival, nor any Christian pleasure.

But constant squabbles, tears, and imprecations,

Divans, beheadings, sphinxes,-I've lost patience!

I'll quit this land of pigtails, gongs, and teas;

Return to Italy, and live at ease.


I see you're talking; speak a little louder.

PANT. (aside.)

He wouldn't hear the bursting of gunpowder.


Tartaglia, have you seen this poor young fellow?

TART. (stammering, until he speaks Italian very glibly)-

Y-y-your h-hi-high-ness, y-y-es, a-and f-f-found h-hi-him-molto bello.


What do you say?


S-so p-p-please y-your M-majesty,

(aside) Non posso più! che sordo! sapresty!


Then bring this suitor to divan at once. (Exit guards.)

We'll urge him the hard trial to renounce.


I'll try my best;


What do you say?

PANT. (aside.)

But fear

He'll be as deaf as you, and will not hear.

(Enter KALAF, with guards. He kneels before the Khan, with

his hands to his forehead. ALTOUM regards him with pity.)


Arise, rash man.

(Aside.) Ah, what a gallant youth,

Behead him? 'Twould be quite a shame, in sooth.

(aloud) Say, who art thou? From what far distant land

Dost come to seek in marriage that fair hand

Which only royal blood may justly claim?


Great Khan, permit me to conceal my name;

My lineage justifies my bold desire.


I'm sure he's nobly born and nurtured, sire.

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