I'd wished Phil luck. He knew what I meant as he returned home to his wife and no kids, a big smile on his face.

It seemed like Minni knew all the kids in the mall, saying hello or talking to everyone. Of course, she introduced me to everyone as well and pretty soon, I sort of knew many of the kids as well. She filled me in on who the 'soces' were and didn't bother to say hello to them since we would only be ignored anyway. She also pointed out the little group of four guys in black leather with their girls in tee-shirts and tight bike shorts. They looked tough and Minni didn't like them.

A couple of boys, pimples on their faces and glasses, tried to talk to us as we passed the computer store but Minni brushed past them. 'Nerds,' she explained. I didn't like all these fake separations between the kids and vowed that I'd talk to anyone.

Of course, our first stop was one of the several fast food places, getting nachos and Cokes and chattering with each other and some other kids who joined us. Then Minni led me off to shop.

'I gotta show you,' she said as she led me into Frederick's of Hollywood. The salesgirl, very sexily dressed and made up, just smiled as Minni showed me crotchless panties, bras with holes for the nipples to show through, filmy nightgowns, garters, patterned nylons, very short tight skirts only about 10-inches from waist to hem, see-through blouses, and all sorts of other stuff.

'You can try the skirts and blouses on if you want,' the salesgirl said. 'They don't want you to try on the underwear though.'

'Oh, that's okay,' Minni said. 'We're just looking. We can't afford anything and our parents would kill us if we did get anything.'

'I know what you mean,' she said. 'Before I left home, my mom wouldn't even let me wear lipstick. Now I'm wearing spike heels and short skirts and see-through blouses ever day for work. Some world, huh?'

Though she was nice, I thought that her skinny hips and almost flat chest were little advertisement for the merchandise. Too much heavy makeup made her look worse than if she hadn't worn any at all, I was sure.

'Do you get a lot of dates?' I asked.

'Yeah. Confidentially, this stuff is great. I get laid two or three times a week. You ought to try it. You got a great set of tits.'

We went on to Deb's, a young girl's clothing store, and tried on all sorts of clothes before telling the poor salesgirl that we couldn't afford anything right now.

We went into a shoe store and tried on almost every pair of shoes our size that had high heels before we told the smiling shoe salesman we couldn't afford any right now but we'd come back again. Even though he'd enjoyed trying to look up our skirts while he helped us with shoes, he was still a little bent out of shape by our not buying anything.

We stopped once and talked to some girls Minni knew. None of them knew me so I was sort of ignored. While I was looking around, I saw the guys in the leather jackets staring at me. I sort of ignored them but then I was standing there, just waiting for Minni, when one came up close to me, putting his hand on the back of my skirt. He leaned close to my ear.

'I'd love to put my pork between your legs,' he whispered into my ear. I just shook my head. I knew what he meant, of course, but I wasn't interested. 'If you let me fuck you, I'd pull your nipples until you came. I'd even chew on your asshole. I'll bet it's as sweet tasting as you look.'

'It is,' I said with a smile. 'But I'm not interested.' I think he expected me to be outraged and was surprised. After a moment of just looking at me, trying to figure me out, his hand went to my bottom and squeezed. I lifted his hand off me and said, 'No thanks.' He laughed and swaggered back to his friends. They all laughed when he told them what I'd said.

About three, Paul, Minni's date the night before, and three of his friends showed up. He put his arm around her shoulders possessively as she got strange, giggling and bouncing twice as much as she usually does. From then, they went everywhere locked at the hips, her finger wrapped in a belt loop at the back of his jeans.

Two of his friends, on the other hand, were almost obnoxious. They were trying much too hard to impress me and the other four or five girls. Getting nowhere with me, they finally put all their efforts into impressing the other girls. It seemed to work in varying degrees.

I noticed that one of his friends was not interested in the interplay between the guys and girls, just leaning on the rail over the lower floor of the mall. I found him much more interesting than the other two and gravitated toward him.

Like all the boys in the mall, he was wearing jeans and a tee-shirt. His had an almost phosphorescent wolf on a black background. He had a nasty zit on his cheek near his mouth but otherwise seemed very nice. He wasn't overly big, though a little taller than his friends. He looked strong but not overly muscular. His face was nice in a thoughtful sort of way and he had thick blond hair parted in the middle, just long enough without being shaggy.

'What are you looking at?' I said as I looked over the railing next to him. He turned to me with a still serious look on his face.

'Just people,' he said. 'They can be so weird.'

'Yeah, I know,' I agreed. He didn't turn to his friends but I knew he was talking about them when he spoke again.

'Like this group. The guys are really good guys when we're alone. But as soon as they see a couple of girls, they go crazy and act like assholes.'

'The girls, too.'

'Yeah, I suppose.'

'They're normally fairly intelligent but they sure seem dumb now, don't they?'

'Yeah,' he said, looking at them and then back at me. 'But you're different, aren't you?'

'I hope so.' We watched the passing parade below us for quite a while, neither of us saying anything.

'Do you like books?' he said.

'Yeah. A lot,' I answered.

'You want to look at the bookstore?'


He pushed himself away from the rail and turned behind me. I fell in beside him. He had his hands stuck in the back of his jeans as he walked. Peripherally, I noticed we were walking straight toward the people in leather coats and wasn't too surprised when the one who'd approached me turned and said, 'Remember what I could do for your asshole.'

The guy with me froze between steps and slowly turned. His hands still in the back of his pants, he turned to the boy.

'What did you say?' he asked.

'I said…' He interrupted him.

'I don't want to hear anything from you again,' he said.

'Yeah well, fuck you. I'll fuck your girlfriend there.'

I didn't even see his hands move but I saw the other boy step back holding his nose.

'Hey, man! I think you broke my nose.' When my new friend took a step toward him, his hands back in the back of his jeans, the other boy backed up to the rail.

'If you ever say anything again within my hearing or where she can hear you, I'll break something that'll take longer to heal than your nose. Got that?'

He turned and walked beside me then without comment. I was impressed.

'What's your name?' I asked.

'Will,' he said. 'Willard but don't tell anybody.' I grinned.

'Thanks, Will. I'm Sue.'

He looked into my eyes and grinned at my smile. 'Nice to meet you, Sue.'

'I'm impressed,' I added.

'What?' I looked back slightly. 'That? I just slapped him. He's lucky I wasn't mad.' I laughed.

Chapter 8

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