We went to the biggest of the bookstores in the mall and spent the next two hours happily looking. Able to afford only one book, I looked very carefully before spending the last of my money. The book I really wanted was an encyclopedic zoology. Unfortunately, this massive book cost $80.

I settled for a comparatively lightweight fantasy novel that sounded like my own situation. When I rejoined Will, I noticed that, along with three or four other books, he had also picked out the novel.

'Maybe we ought to team up,' he said. 'Find something else and I'll loan you this book.'

I noticed that he also had a book on human sexuality, a pop psychology book, and another fantasy novel. I took the book back and chose, instead, the other book that I had been forced to choose between. I paid for my purchase and joined Will in the center walk of the mall for the walk back down to where I'd left Minni.

Will gave me the book in return for my address so he could get it back later. We agreed we would see each other again.

During the next few days, I spent my time sitting in the sun to continue improving my tan and reading the book. I couldn't help wonder if I was the only being in the world like myself, the story was so close to my own experiences.

In the story, the only difference was that the lead character was almost always a man – rather than an animal – and expended his energy in the pursuit of 'right.'

The main plot concerned the main character saving the world during World War II by arranging the execution of Field Marshall Rommel for treason so he couldn't lend his amazing talents to Hitler's cause. It sounded more than plausible to me though I had been a whale and deep in the oceans during World War II. As a male whale, I had helped on two occasions to prevent bloodshed by sinking Japanese submarines. No place on earth had been exempted from World War II's exhibition of evil and its countering good.

As in all good novels, the plot involved much more than the main theme. There was also a rousing romance, graphically culminated, and several smaller subplots that fleshed it out and made it seem more real.

It was late afternoon on one of those early summer days that I found myself watching Phil mowing the lawn. As he finished, sitting down sweaty in cutoffs and old sneakers, I noticed no one else was around.

'Where is everyone?' I said.

'All over,' he answered, rubbing the sweat off his chest with his tee-shirt. 'The boys are on the camping trip with the scouts, as you know. Minni and Molly went to one of Minni's cousins' wedding shower. I'm sorry they didn't ask but they didn't think you'd want to go.'

'They were right,' I said wrinkling my nose at the thought.

'Well, excuse me,' he said and got up from the chair to go into the house. 'I need a shower.'

'Yeah, me too,' I said. The sun was nearing the horizon now and it was getting a little chilly.

'We could save water and shower together,' he said kidding.

'Yeah, we could,' I said. I was kidding but his face changed. He stopped in his tracks and looked at me.

'Could we really?' he asked. I sort of shrugged. I'd thought about him several times in the month I'd been here. But I knew that we shouldn't.

'I guess I should take mine in here and you in there,' I said. He nodded and ducked into his bedroom. I did the same thing, pushing the door closed behind me. I didn't notice that it didn't latch and, when I turned my back to it to take off my bikini, it edged back open. I also didn't see him watching from his room as I did it.

I walked into the bathroom and adjusted the water temperature before getting into the tub and pulling the shower curtain across. As the warm water started to cascade over my body, I heard his voice from just on the other side of the curtain.

'Sue, I changed my mind. I think we should save water,' he said. I pushed the curtain back a little and looked out. He had his sneakers off but his cutoffs still on. As I watched, he unbuttoned, unzipped, and pushed them off. The cutoffs released his cock that, only partially hard, hung down his leg, long and thick. 'Tell me to go away, Sue, and I will,' he said.

'No,' I said. 'Wash my back.' He smiled though he seemed a little ashamed of himself. He stepped into the tub.

I handed him the washcloth and he found the soap. Soaping the cloth vigorously, he put his covered hand on my back and rubbed it roughly. He continued down my sides and then across my buttocks and down each leg as I stood there enjoying it.

Then his arms came around me from behind, the washcloth rubbing my chest before moving to my breasts. He moved the cloth down onto my stomach but his other hand stayed on my breasts, rubbing the soapy slipperiness across them. Still rubbing my breasts, the cloth covered fingers moved between my legs, making me spread them, and began rubbing up and down.

I could only stand a few minutes of that before I came for him. I could feel his hardness pressing up on the bottom of my buttocks.

I took the cloth and soap away from him and soaped his hairy chest and shoulders as he rested his hand on my hip, looking down at me as the soap washed off my breasts.

'Phil, why did you want to know if I was a virgin?' I asked. He grunted as my cloth covered hand went between his legs.

'I wanted to make sure you didn't bring a lot of bad things, ideas and learned habits, with you,' he said.

'But you wouldn't mind taking my virginity, would you?' I asked. He grunted and his cock hardened unbelievably in my hand.

'Would you want that?' he asked.

'Yes. I don't know anyone else I'd want to give it to.' He grunted as I moved my hand on him.

'Here?' he whispered.

'No. Come here,' I said putting the washcloth and soap down and rinsing both of us off in the water stream. I stepped out of the tub and reached back for his hand. Then I walked into Minni's room and pulled a pillow out from under the bedspread and put it in the middle of the bed. I turned to him and stood up on my tiptoes to kiss him. I felt him hard against my stomach as he held my arms.

'Take me, Phil. Make me a woman,' I sighed before he enfolded me in his arms and kissed me hard.

Strong, he lifted me as he had Marshall that night and laid me down on the bed, my bottom on the pillow. He looked down at me, a hitch in his breath, and climbed onto the bed. He was very long and big around.

'Don't do anything but put it inside me, Phil. I want it and I'm ready for you,' I said, knowing it was the truth. I was drooling lubrication just in anticipation. I was afraid if he slowed to kiss my nipples or anything else, I would come again and soak the pillowcase. I lowered my near leg to the bed and raised the other, bending it at the knee, beckoning him.

He almost fell onto me, his desire was so high. He held himself up on one arm and carefully aimed between my legs. As he found the spot, I lifted both feet to his hips. He pressed forward very slowly then moved a little back. I could feel my juices wetting him. He pressed forward and opened me. When he moved back again, it was a loss I hated.

He pressed forward again and I felt myself open to him again, my mouth opening with the thought of a scream but it was just on the edge of pain, not there yet. He pressed forward further and I felt myself engulfing him. He sighed heavily as if his cock were pressing his air out of him instead of me.

Each inch he pressed into me, my back arched another inch until I was bowed onto my shoulders and he was pressed against my maidenhead. He explored it with gentle probes.

'Are you sure, Sue?' he said. In answer, I wrapped my legs around his butt and pulled them tight. There was nearly nothing he could do to resist me. With a sharp pain that elicited my little scream, he broke through. He gurgled deep in his throat with the hot feeling of it and fell further into me.

I thought he would never stop moving into me, my mouth opening wider with each inch of him until he hit my cervix and I felt another small pain. He began moving back then but I pulled him forward until he again hit bottom. Back and again. Further into me each time. Stretching my capacity for him.

Then his pelvic bone pressed into my clitoris, his body relaxing against me, fully inside my sheath. I was suddenly afraid he was going to stop this way. That he wouldn't finish. My legs went wild in a kind of panic.

'Oh, fuck me, Phil. Please! Please, fuck me,' I moaned loudly. He backed out of me until I panicked again that I might lose him. He came all the way back into me until his front crushed my clit again and I let out a little scream I

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