Laven: Citizen of Ratibor, turned Rebel Emery Dorn into the Imperialists
Lena Bothwick: Wife of Russell, mother of Tad, poor family from Dahlgren
Lenare Pickering: Daughter of Count Pickering and Belinda, sister of Mauvin, Fanen, and Denek
Leif: Butcher at the imperial palace
Leopold Hargrave, Duke: Duke of Rochelle, husband of Genevieve, patron of Riyria, nickname: Leo
Linder, Baron: Nobleman killed by Gilbert in a Wintertide joust
Lingard: Capital city of Relison, Kingdom of Trent
Linroy, Dillnard: Royal Financier of Melengar
Livet Glim: Port Controller at Tur Del Fur
Longwood: Forest in Melengar
Lothomad the Bald, King: Ruler of Lordium, Trent, expanded territory following the collapse of the Steward’s Reign, pushing south through Ghent into Melengar, where Brodric Essendon defeated Lothomad the Bald in the battle of Drondil Fields in 2545.
Louden, Sir: One of several knights defeated by Sir Hadrian in Wintertide joust
Lower Quarter: Impoverished section of the city of Melengar
Lozengy shield: Shield decorated with alternating colored diamonds
Luis Guy: See Guy, Luis
Lugger: Small fishing boat rigged with one or more lugsails
Luret: Imperial envoy to Hintindar, arrested Royce and Hadrian
Mae, Lady: Love interest of Albert Winslow
Magnus: Dwarf, killed King Amrath, sabotaged Arista’s Tower, discovered entry into Avempartha, rebuilding Winds Abbey, obsessed with Royce’s dagger
Malevolent: Sir Hadrian’s horse
Malness, Sir: Former knight to squire Renwick
Mandalin: man-dah-lynn Capital of Calis
Manzant: man-zahnt Infamous prison and salt mine, located in Manzar, Maranon, Royce Melborn is only prisoner to have been released from it
Maranon: mar-ah-non Kingdom in Avryn, ruled by Vincent and Regina, member of the New Empire, rich in farmland
Mares Cathedral: Center of the Nyphron Church in Melengar, formerly run by Bishop Saldur
Maribor: mar-eh-bore God of men
Marius, Merrick: Former member of Black Diamond, alias Cutter, master thief and assassin, former best friend of Royce, known for his strategic thinking, boyfriend of Jade, murder of Esrahaddon, planned destruction of Tur Del Fur, blackmailed Wyatt to betray Royce and Hadrian
Mauvin Pickering: maw-vin Eldest of Count Pickering’s sons, friends since childhood with Essendon royal family, bodyguard to King Alric
Mawyndule: a powerful wizard
McDern, Dillon: Blacksmith of Dahlgren
Medford: Capital of Melengar
Medford House: Brothel run by Gwen DeLancy and attached to The Rose and Thorn
Melengar: mel-in-gar Kingdom in Avryn ruled by the Essendon royal family, only Avryn kingdom independent of the New Empire
Melengarians: Residents of Melengar
Melissa: Head servant of Arista, nickname Missy
Mercy: Young girl under the care of Arcadius Latimer and Miranda Gaunt
Mercs: Mercenaries
Merlons: Solid section between two crenels in a crenellated battlement
Merrick Marius: see Marius, Merrick
Merton: Monsignor of Ghent, savior of Fallen Mire, speaks aloud to Novron
Messkid: Container used to transport meals aboard a ship, resembles bucket
Milborough: Melengarian Baron, died in battle
Milford: Sergeant in the Nationalist Army.
Millie: Formerly Hadrian’s horse, died in Dahlgren
Mince: Orphan living on the Streets of Aquesta, best friend to Kine
Mir: Person with both elven and human blood
Miralyith: Tribe of elves, mages
Miranda Gaunt: Sister of Degan Gaunt, helping Arcadias raise Mercy
Mizzenmast: Third mast from the bow in a vessel having three or more masts
Modina: See Empress Modina
Mon, Edith: See Edith Mon
Montemorcey: mont-eh-more-ah-sea Excellent wine imported through the Vandon Spice Company
Motte: a man-made hill
Mouse: Royce’s horse, named by Thrace, gray mare
Mr. Rings: Baby raccoon, pet of Mercy
Murderess: Lady Geneviere’s prize hunting bird
Muriel: Goddess of nature, daughter of Erebus, mother of Uberlin
Murthas, Sir: Knight of Alburn, son of Earl of Fentin, friend of Gilbert and Elgar
Myron Lanaklin: Sheltered Monk of Maribor, indelible memory, son of Victor, sister of Alenda
Mystic: Name of Arista’s horse when traveling to Ratibor
Nareion: are-e-on Last emperor of the Novronian Empire, father of Nevrik
Naron: Heir of Novron who died in Ratibor in 2992
Nationalists: Political party led by Degan Gaunt that desires rule by the will of people
Nats: Nickname of the Nationalists
Nest, the: Nickname of the Rat’s Nest
Nevrik: ehv-rick Son of Nareion, the heir who went into hiding, protected by Jerish Grelad, nickname Nary
New Empire: Second empire uniting most of the kingdoms of man, ruled by Empress Modina, administered by co-regents Ethelred and Saldur
Nidwalden River: Marks the eastern border of Avryn and the start of the Erivan realm
Nilyndd: Tribe of elves, crafters
Nimbus: Tutor to the empress, assistant to the imperial secretary, originally from Vernes
Nipper: Young servant assigned primarily to the kitchens of the imperial palace
Novron: Savior of mankind, demigod, son of the Maribor, defeated the elven army in the Great Elven Wars, founder of the Novronian Empire, Builder of Percepliquis, husband of Persephone
Novronian: ov-ron-e-on Pertaining to Novron
Nyphron Church: The worshipers of Novron and Maribor
Nyphrons: ef-rons Devout members of the church
Oberdaza: oh-ber-daz-ahTenkin or Ghazel witchdoctor
Old Empire: Original united kingdoms of man, destroyed one thousand years in the past after the murder of Emperor Nareion
Orrin Flatly: Ratibor city scribe, assistant of Arista
Osgar: Reeve of Hintindar
Ostrium: Tenkin communal hall where meals are served
Oudorro: Friendly Tenkin Village in Calis
Palace of the Four Winds: Home of Erandabon Gile in Dur Guron
Parker: Quartermaster and later commander of Nationalist Army, killed in Battle of Ratibor
Parthaloren Falls: path-ah-lore-e-on The great cataracts on the Nidwalden near Avempartha
Patriarch: Head of the Nyphron Church who lives in the Crown Tower of Ervanon
Pauldron: Piece of armor covering the shoulder