Percepliquis: per-sep-lah-kwiss Ancient city and capital of the Novronian Empire, named for the wife of Novron, destroyed and lost during the collapse of the Old Empire
Percy Braga: See Braga, Percy
Perin: Grocer from Ratibor
Persephone: Wife of Novron, Percepliquis named after her
Pickering: Noble family of Melengar and rulers of Galilin, Count Pickering is known to be the best swordsman in Avryn and believed to use a magic sword
Pickilerinon: Seadric, who shortened the family name to Pickering
Pith: Small value coin of the Old Empire
Planchette: Footrest for a woman’s sidesaddle
Plesieantic Incantation: plass-e-an-tic A method used in the Art to draw power from nature
Poe: cook’s assistant aboard the Emerald Storm, Merrick’s assistant
Polish: Head of the Black Diamond thieves’ guild in Ratibor
Praleon Guard: pray-lee-onBodyguards to the king in Ratibor
Price: Fist Officer of the Black Diamond thieves’ guild
Princess: Name of Arista’s horse on ride to Percepliquis
Quartz: Member of the Ratibor thieves’ guild
Queen’s Gambit: Series of moves used to open a chess game
Quintain: Used in training for the joust, when hit it will spin and can knock rider off his saddle
Ratibor: Capital of the kingdom of Rhenydd, home of Royce Melborn
Rat’s Nest, the: Hideout of Black Diamond Guild in Ratibor
Red: Old Elkhound, large dog frequently found in kitchen of imperial palace
Reeve: Official who supervises serfs and oversees the lands for a lord
Regal Fox Inn, the: Least expensive tavern in affluent Hill District in Colnora
Regent: Someone who administers a kingdom during the absence or incapacity of the ruler
Regina, Queen: Wife of Vincent, Queen of Maranon
Rendon, Baron: Nobleman of Melengar
Renkin Pool: Citizen of Ratibor with fighting experience
Renian: hen-e-ahn Childhood friend of Myron the monk, died at a young age
Renquist: Commander of the Nationalist army, promoted to the position by Hadrian
Rentinual, Tobis: History Professor at Sheridan University, built catapult to fight Gilarabrywn
Renwick: Imperial page, assigned to act as Sir Hadrian’s squire
Rhelacan: ell-ah-khan Great sword given to Novron by Maribor, forged by Drome, enchanted by Ferrol, used to defeat and subdue the elves
Rhenydd: en-yaed Kingdom of Avryn, ruled by King Urith, poor kingdom of Avryn, now part of the New Empire
Ryn: half-elf who helped save Alric from Baron Trumbul
Rilan Valley: Fertile land that separates Glouston and Chadwick
Rionillion: i-on-ill-lon The name of the city that first stood on the site of Aquesta but was destroyed during the civil wars that occurred after the fall of the Novronian Empire
Riyria: ye-ear-ah Elvish for two, a team or a bond, name used to collectively refer to Royce Melborn and Hadrian Blackwater
Rondel: Common type of stiff-bladed dagger with a round handgrip
Rose and Thorn, the: Tavern in Medford run by Gwen DeLancy, used as a base by Riyria
Roswort, King: Ruler of Dunmore, husband of Freda
Royalists: Political party that favors rule by independent monarchs
Royce Melborn: Thief, one-half of Riyria, half-elf
Rudolf, Prince: Son of King Armand, Prince of Alburn, brother to Beatrice and Hector
Rufus, Lord: Ruthless northern warlord, intended emperor for the New Empire, killed by a Gilarabrywn in Dahlgren
Rufus’s Bane: Name given to the Gilarabrywn slain by Thrace/Modina
Russell Bothwick: Farmer in Dahlgren, married to Lena, father of Tad
Rupert, King: Unmarried king of Rhenydd
Saldur, Maurice: Former bishop of Medford, former friend and advisor to the Essendon family, co-regent of the New Empire, nickname: Sauly
Salifan: sal-eh-fan Fragrant wild plant used in incense
Salty Mackerel, the: Tavern in the shipping district of Aquesta
Sauly: Nickname of Maurice Saldur, used by those closest to him
Sarap: Meeting place or talking place in the Tenkin language
Senon Upland: Highland plateau overlooking Chadwick
Sentinel: Inquisitor generals of the Nyphron Church, charged with rooting out heresy and finding the lost Heir of Novron
Seret: sir-ett The Knights of Nyphron. The military arm of the church, first formed by Lord Darius Seret, commanded by Sentinels
Set: Ratibor member of the Black Diamond thieves’ guild
Seward: Captain of the Emerald Storm, died at sea
Sharon Sea: Southern body of water west of the Ghazel Sea
Sheridan University: Prestigious institution of learning, located in Ghent, Arista studied there
Shirlum-kath: Small, parasitic worm found in Calis, can infect untreated wounds
Ship’s Master: Highest non officer, in charge of running the daily working of the ship
Siward: Bailiff of Hintindar
Skillygalee: Skil`li-ga-lee Oatmeal porridge served to sailors for breakfast
Spadone: Long two-handed sword with a tapering blade and an extended flange ahead of the hilt allowing for an extended variety of fighting maneuvers. Due to the length of the handgrip and the flange, which provides its own barbed hilt, the sword provides a number of additional hand placements, permitting the sword to be used similarly to a quarterstaff, as well as a powerful cleaving weapon. The spadone is the traditional weapon of a skilled knight.
Stanley, Earl Francis: Nobleman of Harborn, killed in a Wintertide joust with Sir Jervis
Staul: Tenkin Warrior aboard the Emerald Storm, hired to find the Horn of Gylindora, killed by Royce in jungles of Calis
Summersrule: Popular midsummer holiday, celebrated with picnics, dances, feasts, and jousting tournaments
Tabard: Tunic worn over armor usually emblazoned with a coat of arms
Tad Bothwick: Son of Lena and Russell, poor farming family of Dahlgren
Talbert, Bishop: Head of Nyphron Church in Ratibor
Tarin Vale: Home town of Amilia
Tartane: Small ship used for fishing and coastal trading. Single mast, large sail
Tek’chin: One of the fighting discipline of the Teshlor Knights, preserved by the Knights of the Fauld, handed down to the Pickerings.
Temple: Ship’s master of the Emerald Storm, second in command
Tenent: The most common form of semi-standard international currency. Coins of gold, silver, and copper stamped with the likeness of the king of the realm where it was minted.
Tenkin: Community of humans living in the manner of Ghazel and suspected of having Ghazel blood
Terlando Bay: Harbor of Tur Del Fur
Teshlor: Legendary knights of the Novronian Empire, greatest warriors to have ever lived
Teshlor Hall: Building in Percepliquis were Teshlors trained and lived
Thranic, Dovin: See Dovin Thranic
Theorem Eldership: Secret society formed to protect the heir
TheronWood: Father of Thrace, farmer of Dahlgren, killed by Gilarabrywn